[](https://travis-ci.com/worthmine/Text-vCard-Precisely) [](https://metacpan.org/release/Text-vCard-Precisely) [](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/worthmine/Text-vCard-Precisely/branch/master) # NAME Text::vCard::Precisely - Read, Write and Edit the vCards 3.0 and/or 4.0 precisely # SYNOPSIS my $vc = Text::vCard::Precisely->new(); # or now you can write like below if you want to use 4.0: #my $vc = Text::vCard::Precisely->new( version => '4.0' ); $vc->n([ 'Gump', 'Forrest', , 'Mr', '' ]); $vc->fn( 'Forrest Gump' ); use GD; use MIME::Base64; my $img = GD->new( ... some param ... )->plot->png; my $base64 = MIME::Base64::encode($img); $vc->photo([ { content => 'https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/2944869?v=3&s=400', media_type => 'image/jpeg' }, { content => $img, media_type => 'image/png' }, # Now you can set a binary image directly { content => $base64, media_type => 'image/png' }, # Also accept the text encoded in Base64 ]); $vc->org('Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.'); # Now you can set/get org! $vc->tel({ content => '+1-111-555-1212', types => ['work'], pref => 1 }); $vc->email({ content => 'forrestgump@example.com', types => ['work'] }); $vc->adr( { types => ['work'], pobox => '109', extended => 'Shrimp Bld.', street => 'Waters Edge', city => 'Baytown', region => 'LA', post_code => '30314, country => 'United States of America', }); $vc->url({ content => 'https://twitter.com/worthmine', types => ['twitter'] }); # for URL param print $vc->as_string(); # DESCRIPTION A vCard is a digital business card. vCard and [Text::vFile::asData](https://github.com/richardc/perl-text-vfile-asdata) provides an API for parsing vCards This module is forked from [Text::vCard](https://github.com/ranguard/text-vcard) because some reason below: - Text::vCard **doesn't provide** full methods based on [RFC2426](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426) - Mac OS X and iOS can't parse vCard4.0 with UTF-8 precisely. they cause some Mojibake - Android 4.4.x can't parse vCard4.0 To handle an address book with several vCard entries in it, start with [Text::vFile::asData](https://github.com/richardc/perl-text-vfile-asdata) and then come back to this module. Note that the vCard RFC requires version() and full\_name(). This module does not check or warn yet if these conditions have not been met # Constructors ## load\_hashref($HashRef) Accepts an HashRef that looks like below: my $hashref = { N => [ 'Gump', 'Forrest', '', 'Mr.', '' ], FN => 'Forrest Gump', SORT_STRING => 'Forrest Gump', ORG => 'Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.', TITLE => 'Shrimp Man', PHOTO => { media_type => 'image/gif', content => 'http://www.example.com/dir_photos/my_photo.gif' }, TEL => [ { types => ['WORK','VOICE'], content => '(111) 555-1212' }, { types => ['HOME','VOICE'], content => '(404) 555-1212' }, ], ADR =>[{ types => ['work'], pref => 1, extended => 100, street => 'Waters Edge', city => 'Baytown', region => 'LA', post_code => '30314', country => 'United States of America' },{ types => ['home'], extended => 42, street => 'Plantation St.', city => 'Baytown', region => 'LA', post_code => '30314', country => 'United States of America' }], URL => 'http://www.example.com/dir_photos/my_photo.gif', EMAIL => 'forrestgump@example.com', REV => '2008-04-24T19:52:43Z', }; ## load\_file($file\_name) Accepts a file name ## load\_string($vCard) Accepts a vCard string # METHODS ## as\_string() Returns the vCard as a string. You have to use Encode::encode\_utf8() if your vCard is written in utf8 ## as\_file($filename) Write data in vCard format to $filename. Dies if not successful # SIMPLE GETTERS/SETTERS These methods accept and return strings ## version() returns Version number of the vcard. Defaults to **'3.0'** and this method is **READONLY** ## rev() To specify revision information about the current vCard ## sort\_string() To specify the family name, given name or organization text to be used for national-language-specific sorting of the FN, N and ORG. **This method is DEPRECATED in vCard4.0** Use SORT-AS param instead of it. # COMPLEX GETTERS/SETTERS They are based on Moose with coercion. So these methods accept not only ArrayRef\[HashRef\] but also ArrayRef\[Str\], single HashRef or single Str. Read source if you were confused ## n() To specify the components of the name of the object the vCard represents ## tel() Accepts/returns an ArrayRef that looks like: [ { type => ['work'], content => '651-290-1234', preferred => 1 }, { type => ['home'], content => '651-290-1111' }, ] After version 0.18, **content will not be validated as phone numbers** All _Str_ type is accepted. So you have to validate phone numbers with your way. ## adr(), address() Accepts/returns an ArrayRef that looks like: [ { types => ['work'], street => 'Main St', pref => 1 }, { types => ['home'], pobox => 1234, extended => 'asdf', street => 'Army St', city => 'Desert Base', region => '', post_code => '', country => 'USA', pref => 2, }, ] ## email() Accepts/returns an ArrayRef that looks like: [ { type => ['work'], content => 'bbanner@ssh.secret.army.mil' }, { type => ['home'], content => 'bbanner@timewarner.com', pref => 1 }, ] or accept the string as email like below 'bbanner@timewarner.com' ## url() Accepts/returns an ArrayRef that looks like: [ { content => 'https://twitter.com/worthmine', types => ['twitter'] }, { content => 'https://github.com/worthmine' }, ] or accept the string as URL like below 'https://github.com/worthmine' ## photo(), logo() Accepts/returns an ArrayRef of URLs or Images: Even if they are raw image binary or text encoded in Base64, it does not matter **Attention!** Mac OS X and iOS **ignore** the description beeing URL use Base64 encoding or raw image binary if you have to show the image you want ## note() To specify supplemental information or a comment that is associated with the vCard ## org(), title(), role(), categories() To specify additional information for your jobs ## fn(), full\_name(), fullname() A person's entire name as they would like to see it displayed ## nickname() To specify the text corresponding to the nickname of the object the vCard represents ## lang() To specify the language(s) that may be used for contacting the entity associated with the vCard. It's the **new method from 4.0** ## impp(), xml() I don't think they are so popular types, but here are the methods! They are the **new method from 4.0** ## geo() To specify information related to the global positioning of the object the vCard represents ## key() To specify a public key or authentication certificate associated with the object that the vCard represents ## label() ToDo: because **It's DEPRECATED from 4.0** To specify the formatted text corresponding to delivery address of the object the vCard represents ## uid() To specify a value that represents a globally unique identifier corresponding to the individual or resource associated with the vCard ## fburl(), caladruri(), caluri() I don't think they are so popular types, but here are the methods! They are the **new method from 4.0** ## kind() To specify the kind of object the vCard represents It's the **new method from 4.0** ## member(), clientpidmap() I don't think they are so popular types, but here are the methods! It's the **new method from 4.0** ## tz(), timezone() Both are same method with Alias To specify information related to the time zone of the object the vCard represents utc-offset format is NOT RECOMMENDED in vCard 4.0 TZ can be a URL, but there is no document in [RFC2426](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426) or [RFC6350](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6350) So it just supports some text values ## bday(), birthday() Both are same method with Alias To specify the birth date of the object the vCard represents ## anniversary() The date of marriage, or equivalent, of the object the vCard represents It's the **new method from 4.0** ## gender() To specify the components of the sex and gender identity of the object the vCard represents It's the **new method from 4.0** ## prodid() To specify the identifier for the product that created the vCard object ## source() To identify the source of directory information contained in the content type ## sound() To specify a digital sound content information that annotates some aspect of the vCard This property is often used to specify the proper pronunciation of the name property value of the vCard ## socialprofile() There is no documents about X-SOCIALPROFILE in RFC but it works in iOS and Mac OS X! I don't know well about in Android or Windows. Somebody please feedback me ## label() **It's DEPRECATED from 4.0** You can use this method Just ONLY in vCard3.0 ## aroud UTF-8 If you want to send precisely the vCard with UTF-8 characters to the **ALMOST** of smartphones, Use 3.0 It seems to be TOO EARLY to use 4.0 ## for under perl-5.12.5 This module uses `\P{ascii}` in regexp so You have to use 5.12.5 and later And this module uses Data::Validate::URI and it has bug on 5.8.x. so I can't support them # SEE ALSO - [RFC 2426](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426) - [RFC 2425](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2425) - [RFC 6350](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6350) - [Text::vFile::asData](https://github.com/richardc/perl-text-vfile-asdata) # AUTHOR [Yuki Yoshida(worthmine)](https://github.com/worthmine) # LICENSE This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl.