LWP::UserAgent::ProxyAny version 1.00 ======================== Extended LWP::UserAgent, which supports both HTTP_PROXY and IE proxy setting. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This script requires these other modules and libraries: LWP Optional modules: Win32::TieRegistry SYNOPSIS use LWP::UserAgent::ProxyAny; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent::ProxyAny->new; $ua->env_proxy; # visit url with HTTP_PROXY or Win32 IE proxy settings my $response = $ua->get('http://sourceforge.net/projects/bookbot'); if ($response->is_success) { print $response->content; # or whatever } else { die $response->status_line; } # Or set proxy by specified name $ua->set_proxy_by_name("No"); # No Proxy $ua->set_proxy_by_name("Default"); # $ua->env_proxy $ua->set_proxy_by_name(""); # set proxy as DESCRIPTION This class is an extended LWP UserAgent, which can support both traditional HTTP_PROXY settings and proxy settings of Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer. $ua->env_proxy Read proxy settings from HTTP_PROXY or CGI_HTTP_PROXY or win32 IE proxy settings. $ua->set_proxy_by_name($name) Set proxy settings from $name. $name = "No"; # No Proxy $name = "Default"; # $ua->env_proxy $name = "Others..."; # set proxy as http://Others... my $ie_proxy_server = $this->get_ie_proxy( $ie_proxy_no ) Return current IE proxy settings and set $ie_proxy_no as proxy override settings. BUGS, REQUESTS, COMMENTS Please report any requests, suggestions or bugs via http://sourceforge.net/projects/bookbot http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=LWP-UserAgent-ProxyAny SEE ALSO LWP::UserAgent COPYRIGHT Copyright 2003-2004 Qing-Jie Zhou <qjzhou@hotmail.com> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.