% \iffalse meta-comment % % aunclmfc.dtx % % Author: Peter Wilson (Herries Press) herries dot press at earthlink dot net % Copyright 1999--2005 Peter R. Wilson % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the Latex Project Public License, either % version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any % later version. % The latest version of the license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of % LaTeX version 2003/06/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". % % This work consists of the files listed in the README file. % % If you do not have the docmfp package (available from CTAN in % tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported), comment out the % \usepackage{docmfp} line below and uncomment the line following it. % %<*driver> \documentclass[twoside]{ltxdoc} \usepackage{docmfp} %%%%%% \providecommand{\DescribeVariable}[1]{} \newenvironment{routine}[1]{}{} \usepackage{url} \usepackage[draft=false, plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels, bookmarksnumbered, hyperindex=false ]{hyperref} \providecommand{\phantomsection}{} \OnlyDescription %% comment this out for the full glory \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \setcounter{StandardModuleDepth}{1} \makeatletter \@mparswitchfalse \makeatother \renewcommand{\MakeUppercase}[1]{#1} \pagestyle{headings} \newenvironment{addtomargins}[1]{% \begin{list}{}{% \topsep 0pt% \addtolength{\leftmargin}{#1}% \addtolength{\rightmargin}{#1}% \listparindent \parindent \itemindent \parindent \parsep \parskip}% \item[]}{\end{list}} \begin{document} \raggedbottom \DocInput{aunclmfc.dtx} \end{document} % % % \fi % % \CheckSum{132} % % \DoNotIndex{\',\.,\@M,\@@input,\@addtoreset,\@arabic,\@badmath} % \DoNotIndex{\@centercr,\@cite} % \DoNotIndex{\@dotsep,\@empty,\@float,\@gobble,\@gobbletwo,\@ignoretrue} % \DoNotIndex{\@input,\@ixpt,\@m} % \DoNotIndex{\@minus,\@mkboth,\@ne,\@nil,\@nomath,\@plus,\@set@topoint} % \DoNotIndex{\@tempboxa,\@tempcnta,\@tempdima,\@tempdimb} % \DoNotIndex{\@tempswafalse,\@tempswatrue,\@viipt,\@viiipt,\@vipt} % 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\DoNotIndex{\viipt,\vipt,\vskip,\vspace} % \DoNotIndex{\wd,\xiipt,\year,\z@} % % \changes{v1.0}{2005/11/27}{First public release} % \changes{v1.0}{2005/11/27}{Major rewrite from auncial.dtx} % % \def\fileversion{v1.0} \def\filedate{2005/11/27} % \newcommand*{\Lpack}[1]{\textsf {#1}} ^^A typeset a package % \newcommand*{\Lopt}[1]{\textsf {#1}} ^^A typeset an option % \newcommand*{\file}[1]{\texttt {#1}} ^^A typeset a file % \newcommand*{\Lcount}[1]{\textsl {\small#1}} ^^A typeset a counter % \newcommand*{\pstyle}[1]{\textsl {#1}} ^^A typeset a pagestyle % \newcommand*{\Lenv}[1]{\texttt {#1}} ^^A typeset an environment % \newcommand*{\AD}{\textsc{ad}} % \newcommand*{\thisfont}{Artificial Uncial} % % \title{\Lpack{Artificial Uncial}: MetaFont code for the characters\thanks{This % file has version number \fileversion, last revised % \filedate.}} % % \author{% % Peter Wilson\footnote{\texttt{herries dot press at earthlink dot net}}\\ % Herries Press } % \date{\filedate} % \maketitle % \begin{abstract} % The \Lpack{auncial} bundle provides a PostScript Type1 set of % \thisfont{} bookhands % as used % for manuscripts in the 6th to the 10th century. This is one in a series % of manuscript fonts. This document contains the MetaFont code for the % characters. % \end{abstract} % \tableofcontents % \listoftables % % % % \section{Introduction} % % The \Lpack{auncial} bundle provides a PostScript Type1 version of a % Metafont~\cite{METAFONT} rendition % of the \thisfont{} manuscript book-hand that was in use between about the % sixth and tenth centuries~\AD. It is part of a project to provide fonts % covering the major manuscript hands between the first century~\AD{} and % the invention of printing. % % The font is supplied in only the special bookhands B1 encoding. % % This manual is typeset according to the conventions of the % \LaTeX{} \textsc{docstrip} utility which enables the automatic % extraction of the \LaTeX{} macro source files~\cite{GOOSSENS94}. % The \Lpack{docmfp} package is used for documenting the Metafont portions % of the distribution~\cite{DOCMFP}. % % % % \section{The Metafont code} \label{sec:mf} % % % As previously noted, this work is part of a larger project to provide % fonts covering the main manuscript book-hands. As such, one of the % aims is to produce a coordinated set of fonts, especially as multiple % hands might be used in a single document. % % Noting that the hands tend to be somewhat larger than the typical 10pt % size (where the x-height is approximately 1.5mm) used for modern books, % I have also designed the fonts % at a larger than normal size, then applied some non-linear factors when reducing % them down to a 10pt size. % Further, I have used the height of the Carolingian minuscule as a % normalising factor when deciding on the absolute height of any particular % script. The x-height of the Carolingian font is made equal to the % x-height of the Computer Modern Roman (CMR) font. % % Modern fonts are effectively drawn. That is, the outline of the letter is % drawn carefully and the center is filled with ink. This is shown to good % effect in the Metafont code for the Computer Modern fonts~\cite{CM}. % In contrast, the manuscript letters were inked by single pen strokes in % a calligraphic manner. I have tried to repeat this calligraphic style % in the Metafont code. % % As much as possible I have tried to use parameter values from the % Computer Modern Roman (CMR) fonts in order to reduce possible % infelicities if the CM and manuscript fonts are used together. However, % few of the CMR parameters are applicable to the calligraphic style. % % % \StopEventually{ % \bibliographystyle{alpha} % \renewcommand{\refname}{Bibliography} % \begin{thebibliography}{GMS94} % \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\refname} % % \bibitem[And69]{ANDERSON69} % Donald M.~Anderson. % \newblock \emph{The Art of Written Forms: The Theory and Practice of Calligraphy}. % \newblock Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969. % % \bibitem[Bol95]{BOLOGNA95} % Giulia Bologna. % \newblock \emph{Illuminated Manuscripts: The Book before Gutenberg}. % \newblock Crescent Books, 1995. % % \bibitem[Day95]{DAY95} % Lewis F.~Day. % \newblock \emph{Alphabets Old \& New}. % \newblock (3rd edition originally published by B.~T.~Batsford, 1910) % \newblock Senate, 1995. % % \bibitem[Dro80]{DROGIN80} % Marc Drogin. % \newblock \emph{Medieval Calligraphy: Its History and Technique}. % \newblock Allenheld, Osmun \& Co., 1980. % % \bibitem[Dru95]{DRUCKER95} % Johanna Drucker. % \newblock \emph{The Alphabetic Labyrinth}. % \newblock Thames \& Hudson, 1995. % % \bibitem[Fir93]{FIRMAGE93} % Richard A.~Firmage. % \newblock \emph{The Alphabet Abecedarium}. % \newblock David R~Goodine, 1993. % % \bibitem[Fli98]{LETTRINE} % Daniel Flipo. % \newblock \emph{The LETTRINE package}. % \newblock (Available from CTAN in \texttt{macros/latex/contrib/supported}). % \newblock 1998. % % \bibitem[Har95]{HARRIS95} % David Harris. % \newblock \emph{The Art of Calligraphy}. % \newblock DK Publishing, 1995. % % \bibitem[Jen95]{BETON} % Frank Jensen. % \newblock \emph{The BETON package}. % \newblock (Available from CTAN in \texttt{macros/latex/contrib/supported}). % \newblock 1995. % % \bibitem[Joh71]{JOHNSTON75} % Edward Johnston (ed. Heather Child). % \newblock \emph{Formal Penship and Other Papers}. % \newblock Penthalic, 1971. % % \bibitem[Knu87]{CM} % Donald E.~Knuth. % \newblock \emph{Computer Modern Typefaces}. % \newblock Addison-Wesley, 1987. % % \bibitem[Knu92]{METAFONT} % Donald E.~Knuth. % \newblock \emph{The METAFONTbook}. % \newblock Addison-Wesley, 1992. % % \bibitem[GMS94]{GOOSSENS94} % Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach, and Alexander Samarin. % \newblock \emph{The LaTeX Companion}. % \newblock Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1994. % % \bibitem[Tho75]{THOMAS75} % Alan G.~Thomas. % \newblock \emph{Great Books and Book Collectors}. % \newblock Weidenfield and Nichoson, 1975. % % \bibitem[Wil99]{DOCMFP} % Peter R.~Wilson. % \newblock \emph{The DOCMFP Package}. % \newblock (Available from CTAN in \texttt{macros/latex/contrib/supported}). % \newblock 1999. % % \bibitem[Wil99b]{ROMANNUM} % Peter R.~Wilson. % \newblock \emph{The ROMANNUM Package}. % \newblock (Available from CTAN in \texttt{macros/latex/contrib/supported}). % \newblock 1999. % % \end{thebibliography} % \PrintIndex % } % % % \section{The code for characters 0 through 31} % % The following code is for characters in slots below the ASCII set which % starts in slot 32. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*low> %%%% AUNCLLOW.MF Program file for Artificial Uncial below-ASCII characters. % \end{macrocode} % % I'm leaving slots (o000/h00/d0), (o012,h0A,d10), and (o015/h0D/d13) empty. % % \begin{routine}{acute} % The acute accent. (o001/h01/d1) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "acute"; beginchar(oct "001", 2u#+hstretch*(2cos_accent_angle*accent_ysize#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; rt x1=w-pcshiftx; top y1=h; draw_acute(1); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "acute accent" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{circumflex} % The circumflex accent. (o002/h02/d2) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "circumflex"; beginchar(oct "002", 2u#+hstretch*(2cos_accent_angle*accent_ysize#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=1/2w; top y1catm=h; draw_circumflex(1); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "circumflex accent" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{tilde} % The tilde accent. (o003/h03/d3) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "tilde"; beginchar(oct "003", 2u#+hstretch*(4cos_accent_angle*accent_ysize#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=1/2w; y1=h-1/2accent_ysize; draw_tildea(1); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "tilde accent" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{dieresis} % The dieresis (double dot) accent. (o004/h04/d4) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "dieresis"; beginchar(oct "004", 2u#+hstretch*(4cos_accent_angle*accent_ysize#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=1/2w; y1ddab=h-accent_ysize; draw_dieresis(1); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "double dot accent" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{hungarumlaut} % The long umlaut accent. (o005/h05/d5) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "hungarumlaut"; beginchar(oct "005", 2u#+hstretch*(4cos_accent_angle*accent_ysize#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=1/2w; y1=h; draw_lumlaut(1); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "long umlaut" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ring} % The ring accent. (o006/h06/d6) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ring"; beginchar(oct "006", 2u#+hstretch*(2cos_accent_angle*accent_ysize#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=1/2w; top y1=h; draw_ring(1); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "ring accent" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{caron} % The caron/hachek accent. (o007/h07/d7) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "caron"; beginchar(oct "007", 2u#+hstretch*(2cos_accent_angle*accent_ysize#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=1/2w; top y1hatl=h; draw_hachek(1); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "hachek accent" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{breve} % The breve accent. (o010/h08/d8) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "breve"; beginchar(oct "010", 2u#+hstretch*(2cos_accent_angle*accent_ysize#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=1/2w; top y1batl=h; draw_breve(1); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "breve accent" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{macron} % The macron accent. (o011/h08/d9) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "macron"; beginchar(oct "011", 2u#+hstretch*(4cos_accent_angle*accent_ysize#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=1/2w; y1=h-1/2accent_ysize; draw_macron(1); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "macron accent" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{cedilla} % The cedilla. (o013/h0B/d11) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "cedilla"; beginchar(oct "013", 2u#+hstretch*(1/2accent_ysize#), 0, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=1/2w; y1=0; draw_cedilla(1); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "cedilla" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % % \begin{routine}{ogonek} % The ogonek. (o014/h0C/d12) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ogonek"; beginchar(oct "014", 2u#+hstretch*(1/2accent_ysize#), 0, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=1/2w; y1=0; draw_ogonek(1); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "ogonek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{guilsinglleft} % The left guillemot. (o016/h0E/d14) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "guilsinglleft"; beginchar(oct "016", 2u#+hstretch*(accent_ysize#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=w-pcshiftx; y1lgqm=1/2h; draw_leftguill(1, 3/4h, (w-2pcshiftx)); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "left guillemot" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{guilsinglright} % The right guillemot. (o017/h0F/d15) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "guilsinglright"; beginchar(oct "017", 2u#+hstretch*(accent_ysize#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=pcshiftx; y1rgqm=1/2h; draw_rightguill(1, 3/4h, (w-2pcshiftx)); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "right guillemot" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{quotedblleft} % The ```' ligature. (o020/h10/d16) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "quotedblleft"; beginchar(oct "020",2u#+hstretch*(comma_width#+3dot_size#),4/3x_height#,0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=u; x1=pcshiftx+(0.5hstretch*dot_size); y1=y2=h; x2=x1+(2hstretch*dot_size); draw_plq(1,dot_size,comma_width); % left draw_plq(2,dot_size,comma_width); % right penlabels(1,2); endchar; % end of "``" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{quotedblright} % The `''' ligature. (o021/h11/d17) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "quotedblright"; beginchar(oct "021",2u#+hstretch*(comma_width#+3dot_size#),4/3x_height#,0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=u; x1=w-pcshiftx-(0.5hstretch*dot_size); y1=y2=h; x2=x1-(2hstretch*dot_size); draw_pcomma(1,dot_size,comma_width); % right draw_pcomma(2,dot_size,comma_width); % left penlabels(1,2); endchar; % end of "''" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{quotedblbase} % The double quote at the baseline. (o022/h12/d18) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "quotedblbase"; beginchar(oct "022",2u#+hstretch*(comma_width#+3dot_size#),x_height#,0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=u; x1=w-pcshiftx-(0.5hstretch*dot_size); y1=y2=h/2; x2=x1-(2hstretch*dot_size); draw_pcomma(1,dot_size,comma_width); % right draw_pcomma(2,dot_size,comma_width); % left penlabels(1,2); endchar; % end of "''" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{guillemotleft} % The double left guillemot. (o023/h13/d19) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "guillemotleft"; beginchar(oct "023", 2u#+hstretch*(2accent_ysize#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=w-pcshiftx; y1lgqm=1/2h; x2lgqm=pcshiftx; y2lgqm=y1lgqm; draw_leftguill(1, 3/4h, (1/2w-pcshiftx)); draw_leftguill(2, 3/4h, (1/2w-pcshiftx)); penlabels(1,2); endchar; % end "double left guillemot" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{guillemotright} % The double right guillemot. (o024/h14/d20) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "guillemotright"; beginchar(oct "024", 2u#+hstretch*(2accent_ysize#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=pcshiftx; y1rgqm=1/2h; x2rgqm=w-pcshiftx; y2rgqm=y1rgqm; draw_rightguill(1, 3/4h, (1/2w-pcshiftx)); draw_rightguill(2, 3/4h, (1/2w-pcshiftx)); penlabels(1,2); endchar; % end "double right guillemot" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{endash} % The en dash (o025/h15/d21) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "endash"; beginchar(oct "025",u#+hstretch*(x_height#),x_height#,0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=u/2; pickup quill; numeric alpha; alpha:=w/8; lft x1 = pcshiftx; rt x2=w-pcshiftx; y1=y2=h/2; x11=lft x1+alpha/2; y11=top y1-0.5thin; x12=rt x2; y12=bot y1+0.5thin; draw z1--z2; % bar draw_triangle(11,alpha); draw_rutriangle(12,alpha); penlabels(1,2); endchar; % end of "en dash" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{emdash} % The em dash is twice the width of the en dash. (o026/h16/d22) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "emdash"; beginchar(oct "026",u#+hstretch*(2x_height#),x_height#,0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=u/2; pickup quill; numeric alpha; alpha:=w/8; lft x1 = pcshiftx; rt x2=w-pcshiftx; y1=y2=h/2; x11=lft x1+alpha/2; y11=top y1-0.5thin; x12=rt x2; y12=bot y1+0.5thin; draw z1--z2; % bar draw_triangle(11,alpha); draw_rutriangle(12,alpha); penlabels(1,2); endchar; % end of "em dash" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{nought} % Zero sized character. (o027/h17/d23) (move to 000 before killing it) % \begin{macrocode} %%%cmchar "AUncial zero sized character (nought)"; %%%beginchar(oct "000", 0,0,0); %%%endchar; % end "nought" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{grave} % The grave accent (moved from o000 to o027). (o027/h17/d23) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "grave"; beginchar(oct "027", 2u#+hstretch*(2cos_accent_angle*accent_ysize#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; lft x1=pcshiftx; top y1=h; draw_grave(1); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "grave accent" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{small_zero} % The small zero for adding to the percent sign. (o030/h18/d24) % (move to 000 before killing it) % \begin{macrocode} %%%cmchar "AUncial small zero sign"; %%%beginchar(oct "000", 2u#+hstretch*(1/2x_height#)-1/2thick#, 1/2asc_height#, 0); %%%adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; %%%x11=pcshiftx; y11=0; rt x12=w-pcshiftx; y12=h; %%%draw_small_zero(11,12); %%%ductus:=false; %%%penlabels(1,2,11,12,21,22); %%%endchar; % end "small zero" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{dotaccent} % The dot accent (moved from o012 to o030). (o030/h18/d24) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "dotaccent"; beginchar(oct "030", 2u#+hstretch*(2cos_accent_angle*accent_ysize#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=1/2w; y1dab=h-accent_ysize; draw_dota(1); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "dot accent" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{dotlessi} % The dotless i (which is the same as the regular i). (o031/h19/d25) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "dotlessi"; beginchar(oct "031", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#+jut#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=0; draw_i(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "dotless i" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{dotlessj} % The dotless j (which is the same as the regular j). (o032/h1A/d26) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "dotlessj"; beginchar(oct "032", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#+jut#), x_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=-1/2d; draw_j(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "dotless j" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ff} % ff pair (o033/h1B/d27) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ff"; beginchar(oct "033", 3u#+hstretch*(16/8x_height#), x_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; x888=w-pcshiftx; x666=1/2w-1/2pcshiftx; x444=x555; x888-x777 = x666-x555; y555=y777=0; y666=y888=h; y444=y333=-d/2; draw_f(555,666,444); draw_f(777,888,333); penlabels(555,666,444,777,888,333); endchar; % end "fi" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{fi} % fi pair (o034/h1C/d28) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "fi"; beginchar(oct "034", 3u#+hstretch*(x_height#+thick#+jut#), x_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; x888=x777=w-pcshiftx-thick; x666=x777-jut-pcshiftx; x444=x555; y555=y777=0; y666=y888=h; y444=y333=-d/2; draw_f(555,666,444); draw_i(777,888); penlabels(555,666,444,777,888,333); endchar; % end "fi" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{fl} % fl pair (o035/h1D/d29) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "fl"; beginchar(oct "035", 3u#+hstretch*(16/8x_height#), x_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; x888=w-pcshiftx; x666=1/2w-1/2pcshiftx; x444=x555; x888-x777 = x666-x555; y555=y777=0; y666=y888=h; y444=y333=-d/2; draw_f(555,666,444); draw_l(777,888); penlabels(555,666,444,777,888,333); endchar; % end "fl" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ffi} % ffi triple (o036/h1E/d30) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ffi"; beginchar(oct "036", 4u#+hstretch*(16/8x_height#+thick#+jut#), x_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; x888=x777=w-pcshiftx-thick; x669=x777-pcshiftx-jut; x559-x666=pcshiftx+jut; x666-x555 = x669-x559; y555=y559=y777=0; y666=y669=y888=h; y444=y333=-d/2; draw_f(555,666,444); draw_f(559,669,333); draw_i(777,888); penlabels(555,666,444,777,888,333,559,569); endchar; % end "ffi" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ffl} % ffl triple (o037/h1F/d31) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ffl"; beginchar(oct "037", 4u#+hstretch*(24/8x_height#), x_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; x888=w-pcshiftx; x669=x777-pcshiftx-jut; x559-x666=x777-x669; x666-x555 = x669-x559 = x888-x777; y555=y559=y777=0; y666=y669=y888=h; y444=y333=-d/2; draw_f(555,666,444); draw_f(559,669,333); draw_l(777,888); penlabels(555,666,444,777,888,333,559,569); endchar; % end "ffl" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % The end of this file. % % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % % \section{The ASCII characters} % % Here we implement the ASCII character set. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*ascii> %%%% AUNCLSCI.MF Program file for Artificial Uncial ASCII character set % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Space through slash} % % \begin{routine}{visible_space} % A denoted space. % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "space"; beginchar(oct "040", 2u#+9u#, x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; lft x1=pcshiftx; rt x4=w-pcshiftx; y1=y4=2/3h; x2=x1; x3=x4; bot y2= bot y3 =0; %%draw z1--z2--z3--z4; penlabels(1,2,3,4); endchar; % end "visible space" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{exclam} % Exclamation mark. (o041/h21/d33) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "exclam"; beginchar(oct "041", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; lft x1=pcshiftx; top y1=h; x2=x3=x1; y3=1/2thick; y2=1/3h; draw z1--z2; draw_pdot(3, thick); penlabels(1,2,3,4); endchar; % end "exclamation" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{quotedbl} % The ASCII \verb?"? character. (o042/h22/d34) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "quotedbl"; beginchar(oct "042",2u#+hstretch*(comma_width#+3dot_size#),4/3x_height#,0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=u; x1=w-pcshiftx-(0.5hstretch*dot_size); y1=y2=h; x2=x1-(2hstretch*dot_size); draw_pcomma(1,dot_size,comma_width); % right draw_pcomma(2,dot_size,comma_width); % left penlabels(1,2); endchar; % end of " % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{numbersign} % Hash mark (octothorpe). (o043/h23/d35) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "numbersign"; beginchar(oct "043", 2u#+hstretch*(6thick#), asc_height#, 1/2desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; lft x1=pcshiftx; rt x2=w-pcshiftx; top y5=h; bot y6 = -d; x3=x1; x4=x2; y7=y5; y8=y6; x6=4/16w; x8=8/16w; x5=8/16w; x7=12/16w; y3=y4=1/2[h,-d]-thick; y1=y2=1/2[h,-d]+thick; pickup quill; draw z1--z2; draw z3--z4; pickup accentpen; draw z5--z6; draw z7--z8; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); endchar; % end "hash" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{dollar} % The dollar sign. (o044/h24/d37) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "dollar"; beginchar(oct "044", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_s(555,666); x222=x223=1/2w; y222=h+1/2desc_depth; y223=-1/2desc_depth; pickup accentpen; draw z222--z223; penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "dollar" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{percent} % The percent sign. (o045/h25/d37) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "percent"; beginchar(oct "045", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; % left 0 lft x11=pcshiftx; y11=1/2h; x12=1/2w-1/2thick; y12=h; draw_small_zero(11,12); % right 0 x21=1/2w+1/2thick; y21=0; rt x22=w-pcshiftx; y22=1/2h; draw_small_zero(21,22); x1=1/2[x11,x12]; y1=0; x2=1/2[x21,x22]; y2=h; draw z1--z2; penlabels(1,2,11,12,21,22); endchar; % end "percent" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ampersand} % The ampersand (which is really an `et' ligature). (o046/h26/d38) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ampersand"; beginchar("&", 2u#+hstretch*(7/4x_height#), x_height#, 0.5desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=u; pickup quill; numeric alpha; alpha:=4/7w-u; % for the e part lft x1=pcshiftx; rt x3= alpha; y1=y3=h/2; x2=x4=alpha/2; top y2=h; bot y4=0; x5=x6=x3; y5=0.1h; top y6=0.95h; y6'=top y6; y6''=bot y6; x6''=lft x6; pickup stylus; rt x16=alpha; top y16=y6'; x17=x6; y17=y16-jut; lft x18=x6''; bot y18=y6''; pickup quill; % the bar x7=x1; y7=y1; x8=w-pcshiftx; y8=y7; % the t part lft x31=alpha+2thin; y31=y8; x32=x31; bot y32=-d; x33=rt x8-0.5thin; y33=top y31-0.5thin; if ductus: pickup stylus; fi draw z5{-pdir}..{left}z4..z1..z2..z6; % the bowl draw_tstem(31,32,srad); % t stem draw z7--z8; % the (top) bar draw_rtriangle(33,jut); % t bar serif pickup stylus; filldraw z17..z18--z16--cycle; % e serif penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,16,17,18,31,32,33); endchar; % end of "&" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{quoteright} % The closing quote character. (o047/h27/d39) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "quoteright"; beginchar(oct "047",2u#+hstretch*(comma_width#+dot_size#),x_height#,0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=u; x1=w-pcshiftx-(0.5hstretch*dot_size); y1=h; draw_pcomma(1,dot_size,comma_width); penlabels(1); endchar; % end of "'" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{parenleft} % The left parenthesis. (o050/h28/d40) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "parenleft"; beginchar(oct "050", 3/2u#+hstretch*(6/8x_height#), body_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=x3=w-1/2pcshiftx; lft x2=pcshiftx; y1=h; y3=-d; y2=1/2[y1,y3]; draw z1..z2..z3; penlabels(1,2,3); endchar; % end "left parenthesis" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{parenright} % The right parenthesis. (o051/h29/d41) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "parenright"; beginchar(oct "051", 3/2u#+hstretch*(6/8x_height#), body_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=x3=1/2pcshiftx; rt x2=w-pcshiftx; y1=h; y3=-d; y2=1/2[y1,y3]; draw z1..z2..z3; penlabels(1,2,3); endchar; % end "right parenthesis" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{asterisk} % The asterisk (o052/h2A/d42) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "asterisk"; beginchar(oct "052", 2u#+hstretch*(7/8x_height#), body_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=x2=1/2w; top y1=h; y1-y2=w-2pcshiftx; z0=1/2[z1,z2]; z3=z1 rotatedaround (z0,60); z5=z1 rotatedaround (z0,120); z4=z3 rotatedaround (z0,180); z6=z5 rotatedaround(z0,180); draw z1--z2; draw z3--z4; draw z5--z6; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; % end "asterisk" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{plus} % The plus sign (o053/h2B/d43) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "plus"; beginchar(oct "053", 2u#+hstretch*(4thick#), fig_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=x2=1/2w; y3=y4=1/2h; lft x3=pcshiftx; rt x4=w-pcshiftx; z0=1/2[z3,z4]; y1-y0 = x3-x0 = y0-y2; draw z1--z2; draw z3--z4; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; % end "plus" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{comma} % The `,' character. (o054/h2C/d44) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "comma"; beginchar(",",2u#+hstretch*(comma_width#+dot_size#),x_height#,0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=u; x1=w-pcshiftx-(0.5hstretch*dot_size); y1=h/2; draw_pcomma(1,dot_size,comma_width); penlabels(1); endchar; % end of "," % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{hyphen} % The `-' character. (o055/h2D/d45) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "hyphen"; beginchar(oct "055",u#+hstretch*(0.8x_height#),x_height#,0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=u/2; pickup quill; numeric alpha; alpha:=w/8; lft x1 = pcshiftx; rt x2=w-pcshiftx; y1=y2=h/2; x11=lft x1+alpha/2; y11=top y1-0.5thin; x12=rt x2; y12=bot y1+0.5thin; draw z1--z2; % bar draw_triangle(11,alpha); draw_rutriangle(12,alpha); penlabels(1,2); endchar; % end of "hyphen" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{period} % The `.' character. (o056/h2E/d46) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "period"; beginchar(".",2u#+hstretch*(dot_size#),x_height#,0); pcshiftx:=u; x1=w/2; y1=h/2; draw_pdot(1,dot_size); penlabels(1); endchar; % end of "." % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{slash} % The slash (virgule). (o057/h2F/d47) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "slash"; beginchar(oct "057", 2u#+hstretch*(7/8x_height#), body_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=pcshiftx; x2=w-pcshiftx; y1=-d; y2=h; draw z1--z2; penlabels(1,2,3); endchar; % end "virgule" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \subsection{The digits} % % These are arabic digits in the style of the book-hand. They are a % modern invention. % % \begin{routine}{zero} % The digit `0'. (o060/h30/d48) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "zero"; beginchar("0", 2u#+fig_width#, fig_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; y100 = h/2; x100 = pcshiftx+y100; % square center lft x1=pcshiftx; rt x3=w-pcshiftx; y1=y3=h/2; x2=x4=w/2; top y2=h+o; bot y4=-o; draw z1..z2..z3..z4..cycle; penlabels(1,2,3,4,100); endchar; % end "0" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{one} % The digit `1'. (o061/h31/d49) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "one"; beginchar("1", 2u#+fig_width#, fig_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x1=x2=w/2+1/2jut; y1=h; bot y2=0; draw_tlserif(1,2,srad); draw_tail(2,jut); penlabels(1,2,100); endchar; % end "1" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{two} % The digit `2'. (o062/h32/d50) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "two"; beginchar("2", 2u#+fig_width#, fig_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; % stem lft x1=pcshiftx; y1=3/4h; x2=1/2w; top y2= h+o; rt x3=w-pcshiftx; y3=3/4h; % foot lft x5=pcshiftx; bot y5=0; x6=w-pcshiftx; y6=y5; draw_fork(5,6,jut); % foot draw z1{up}..z2{right}..z3{down}..{down}z5; % curve penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,100); endchar; % end "2" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{three} % The digit `3'. (o063/h33/d51) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "three"; beginchar("3", 2u#+fig_width#, fig_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; % x values lft x3=pcshiftx; x10=x3; rt x5=w-pcshiftx; x8=x5-3thin; x4=0.5[x3,x5]; x9=0.5[x10,x8]; lft x6=pcshiftx; x7=x6; % y values y3=1/4h; y10=3/4h; y6=0.5[y3,y10]; y7=y6; bot y4=-thin; top y9=h+thin; y5=0.5[y4,y6]; y8=0.5[y7,y9]; draw z3{down}..z4{right}..z5{up}...{left}z6; % bottom bowl draw z7{right}...z8{up}..z9{left}..{down}z10; % top bowl penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,100); endchar; % end "3" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{four} % The digit `4'. (o064/h34/d52) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "four"; beginchar("4", 2u#+fig_width#, fig_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; % the stem x1=x2=w-pcshiftx-jut; y1=h; bot y2=0; % the crossbar lft x3=pcshiftx; y3=0.33h; rt x4=w-pcshiftx; y4=y3; draw_tstem(1,2,srad); % main stem draw_wave(3,4,thin); % crossbar draw z3wl--z1; % diagonal penlabels(1,2,3,4,100); endchar; % end "4" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % % \begin{routine}{five} % The digit `5'. (o065/h35/d53) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "five"; beginchar("5", 2u#+fig_width#, fig_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; % for the top rt x1=w-pcshiftx; top y1=h; lft x2=pcshiftx; y2=y1; % the S curve x3=x2; y3=0.5h+thin; x4=0.5[x1,x3]; y4=0.5[y3,y5]; rt x5=w-pcshiftx; y5=0.3h; x6=w/2; bot y6=0; lft x7=pcshiftx; bot y7=2thin; x8=w-pcshiftx; y8=h-0.5thin; draw z2--z1; % top bar draw_rtriangle(8,3/4jut); draw z3{pdir}..z5{down}..z6{left}..z7; % curve draw z2--z3; % vertical penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,100); endchar; % end "5" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{six} % The digit `6'. (o066/h36/d54) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "six"; beginchar("6", 2u#+fig_width#, fig_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; rt x1=w-pcshiftx; top y1=h; x2=1/2w; top y2= h; lft x3=pcshiftx; y3=1/2h; x4=x2; bot y4=0; rt x5=w-pcshiftx; y5=1/4h; lft x6=rt x3; bot y6=y3; x8=w-pcshiftx; y8=h-0.5thin; draw z1{left}..z3{down}..z4{right}..z5{up}..{-pdir}z6; draw_rtriangle(8,3/4jut); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,8,100); endchar; % end "6" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{seven} % The digit `7'. (o067/h37/d55) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "seven"; beginchar("7", 2u#+fig_width#, fig_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; % top bar lft x1=pcshiftx; rt x2=w-pcshiftx; top y1=top y2=h; x8=pcshiftx+3/8jut; y8=h-0.5thin; % bowed leg x4=w/2; bot y4=0; x3=0.5[x2,x4]-3thin; y3=0.5[y2,y4]; draw z1--z2; % top bar draw_triangle(8,3/4jut); draw z2..z3..z4; % leg penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,100); endchar; % end "7" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{eight} % The digit `8'. (o070/h38/d56) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "eight"; beginchar("8", 2u#+fig_width#, fig_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; numeric alpha; alpha:=1; lft x1=alpha*pcshiftx+o; rt x3=w-alpha*pcshiftx-o; y1=y3=3/4h; x2=x4=w/2; top y2=h+o; bot y4=-o; x5=x2; y5=h/2+2o; lft x11=pcshiftx; rt x13=w-pcshiftx; y11=y13=1/4h; draw z1..z2..z3..z5..z11..z4..z13..z5..cycle; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,11,13,100); endchar; % end "8" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{nine} % The digit `9'. (o071/h39/d57) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "nine"; beginchar("9", 2u#+fig_width#, fig_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; lft x1=pcshiftx; bot y1=2thin; x2=1/2w; bot y2= 0; rt x3=w-pcshiftx; y3=1/2h; x4=x2; top y4=h; lft x5=pcshiftx; y5=3/4h; rt x6=lft x3; top y6=y3; draw z1..z2{right}..z3{up}..z4{left}..z5{down}..{pdir}z6; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,100); endchar; % end "9" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \subsection{Colon through commercial at} % % % \begin{routine}{colon} % The `:' character. (o072/h3A/d58) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "colon"; beginchar(":",2u#+hstretch*(dot_size#),x_height#,0); pcshiftx:=u; x1=x2=w/2; y1=2/3h; y2=1/3h; draw_pdot(1,dot_size); draw_pdot(2,dot_size); penlabels(1,2); endchar; % end ":" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{semicolon} % The `;' character. (o073/h3B/d59) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "semicolon"; beginchar(";",2u#+hstretch*(comma_width#+dot_size#),x_height#,0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=u; x1=x2=w-pcshiftx-(0.5hstretch*dot_size); y1=2/3h; y2=1/3h; draw_pdot(1,dot_size); draw_pcomma(2,dot_size,comma_width); penlabels(1,2); endchar; % end of ";" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{less} % The less than sign (o074/h3C/d60) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "less"; beginchar(oct "074", 2u#+hstretch*(4thick#), fig_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; rt x1= rt x3=w-pcshiftx; lft x2 = pcshiftx; y2=1/2h; y1-y2=y2-y3; y1=y2+3/2thick; draw z1--z2--z3; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; % end "less than" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{equal} % The equals sign (o075/h3D/d61) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "equal"; beginchar(oct "075", 2u#+hstretch*(4thick#), fig_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; lft x1 = lft x3=pcshiftx; rt x2 = rt x4=w-pcshiftx; y1=y2=1/2h+1/2thick; y3=y4=1/2h-1/2thick; draw z1--z2; draw z3--z4; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; % end "equals" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{greater} % The greater than sign (o076/h3E/d62) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "greater"; beginchar(oct "076", 2u#+hstretch*(4thick#), fig_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; lft x1= lft x3=pcshiftx; rt x2 = w-pcshiftx; y2=1/2h; y1-y2=y2-y3; y1=y2+3/2thick; draw z1--z2--z3; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; % end "greater than" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{question} % The `?' character. (o077/h3F/d63) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "question"; beginchar(oct "077", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#),asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=u; pickup quill; lft x1=pcshiftx; rt x3=w-pcshiftx; x2=x4=1/2w; top y2=h; y4=1/2h; top y1=h-thin; y3=1/2[y4,y2]; x5=x4; y5=1/4h; path p[]; p1=z1..z2{right}..z3{down}..{left}z4--z5; x9=x5; bot y9=0; pair vec[]; vec1= direction 0 of p1; z11=z1 shifted vec1; x81=lft x1; y81=bot y1; x82=x1; y82=y1-0.75jut; draw p1; % the curve pickup stylus; filldraw z81--z82--z11--cycle; % the serif draw_pdot(9,thick); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,11,17,26,27,28,81,82,100); endchar; % end of "query" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{at} % The commercial at sign. (o100/h40/d64) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "at"; beginchar(oct "100", 2u#+hstretch*(3/2x_height#+jut#), x_height#, 1/2desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; draw_at(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "commercial at" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \subsection{Upper case characters} % % \thisfont{} `capitals' were drawn with the same pen as for the minuscules, % and the letters were merely larger versions of the minuscules. % % \begin{routine}{A} % The letter `A'. (o101/h41/d65) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "A"; beginchar("A", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; draw_a(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "A" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{B} % The letter `B'. (o102/h42/d66) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "B"; beginchar("B", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_b(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "B" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{C} % The letter `C'. (o103/h43/d67) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "C"; beginchar("C", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_c(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "C" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{D} % The letter `D'. (o104/h44/d68) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "D"; beginchar("D", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#), caprat*(4/3x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_d(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "D" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{E} % The letter `E'. (o105/h45/d69) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "E"; beginchar("E", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_e(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "E" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{F} % The letter `F'. (o106/h46/d70) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "F"; beginchar("F", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; x666=w-pcshiftx; x444=x555; y444=-d/2; y555=0; y666=h; draw_f(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "F" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{G} % The letter `G'. (o107/h47/d71) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "G"; beginchar("G", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; x444=x555; y444=-d; y555=0; y666=h; draw_g(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "G" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{H} % The letter `H'. (o110/h48/d72) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "H"; beginchar("H", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#+jut#), caprat*(asc_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_h(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "H" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{I} % The letter I. (o111/h49/d73) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "I"; beginchar("I", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=0; draw_i(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "I" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{J} % The letter `J'. This letter was not in the script, it being a later % invention. (o112/h4A/d74) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "J"; beginchar("J", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=-1/2d; draw_j(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "J" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{K} % The letter `K'. (o113/h4B/d75) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "K"; beginchar("K", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#), caprat*(asc_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_k(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "K" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{L} % The letter `L'. (o114/h4C/d76) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "L"; beginchar("L", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(asc_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_l(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "L" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{M} % The letter `M'. (o115/h4D/d77) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "M"; beginchar("M", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(2x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_m(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "M" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{N} % The letter `N'. (o116/h4E/d78) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "N"; beginchar("N", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(2jut#+x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(0.5desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_n(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "N" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{O} % The letter `O'. (o117/h4F/d79) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "O"; beginchar("O", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_o(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "O" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{P} % The letter `P'. (o120/h50/d80) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "P"; beginchar("P", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-1/2d; draw_p(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "P" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Q} % The letter `Q'. (o121/h51/d81) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Q"; beginchar("Q", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-1/2d; draw_q(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "Q" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{R} % The letter `R'. (o122/h52/d82) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "R"; beginchar("R", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(1/2desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_r(555,666); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "R" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{S} % The letter `S'. (o123/h53/d83) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "S"; beginchar("S", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_s(555,666); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "S" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{T} % The letter `T'. (o124/h54/d84) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "T"; beginchar("T", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_t(555,666); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "T" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{U} % The letter `U'. (o125/h55/d85) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "U"; beginchar("U", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_u(555,666); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "U" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{V} % The letter `V'. The right half of the `w' is used for the `v' (or vice-versa % if you prefer). (o126/h56/d86) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "V"; beginchar("V", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_v(555,666); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "V" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{W} % The letter `W'. This is a modern version as the font did not % have a W. (o127/h57/d87) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "W"; beginchar("W", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(2x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_w(555,666); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "W" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{X} % The letter `X'. (o130/h58/d88) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "X"; beginchar("X", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(1/2desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-d; draw_x(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "X" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Y} % The letter `Y'. This has a dot on top! (o131/h59/d89) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Y"; beginchar("Y", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-d; draw_y(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "Y" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{Z} % The letter `Z'. (o132/h5A/d90) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Z"; beginchar("Z", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_z(555,666); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "Z" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \subsection{Left bracket through grave} % % \begin{routine}{hyphen_char} % The hyphen char character. % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Uncial hyphen char"; beginchar(oct "177",u#+hstretch*(0.8x_height#),x_height#,0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=u/2; pickup quill; numeric alpha; alpha:=w/8; lft x1 = pcshiftx; rt x2=w-pcshiftx; y1=y2=h/2; x11=lft x1+alpha/2; y11=top y1-0.5thin; x12=rt x2; y12=bot y1+0.5thin; draw z1--z2; % bar draw_triangle(11,alpha); draw_rutriangle(12,alpha); penlabels(1,2); endchar; % end of "hyphen char" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{bracketleft} % The left bracket. (o133/h5B/d91) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "bracketleft"; beginchar(oct "133", 3/2u#+hstretch*(4/8x_height#), body_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; lft x1= lft x2=pcshiftx; top y1=h; bot y2=-d; x11=x22=w-1/2pcshiftx; y11=y1; y22=y2; draw z11--z1--z2--z22; penlabels(1,2,11,22); endchar; % end "left bracket" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{backslash} % The backslash. (o134/h5C/d92) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "backslash"; beginchar(oct "134", 2u#+hstretch*(7/8x_height#), body_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=w-pcshiftx; x2=pcshiftx; y1=-d; y2=h; draw z1--z2; penlabels(1,2,3); endchar; % end "backslash" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{bracketright} % The right bracket. (o135/h5D/d93) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "bracketright"; beginchar(oct "135", 3/2u#+hstretch*(4/8x_height#), body_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; rt x1= rt x2=w-pcshiftx; top y1=h; bot y2=-d; x11=x22=1/2pcshiftx; y11=y1; y22=y2; draw z11--z1--z2--z22; penlabels(1,2,11,22); endchar; % end "right bracket" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{asciicircum} % The circumflex accent. (o136/h5E/d94) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "asciicircum"; beginchar(oct "136", 2u#+hstretch*(2cos_accent_angle*accent_ysize#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=1/2w; top y1catm=h; draw_circumflex(1); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "circumflex accent" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{underscore} % The underscore. (o137/h5F/d95) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "underscore"; beginchar(oct "137", 2u#+hstretch*(4thick#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; lft x1 = pcshiftx; rt x2 = w-pcshiftx; bot y1= bot y2= 0; draw z1--z2; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; % end "underscore" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{quoteleft} % The opening quote. (o140/h60/d96) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "quoteleft"; beginchar(oct "140", 2u#+hstretch*(comma_width#+dot_size#), 4/3x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; x1=pcshiftx+(0.5hstretch*dot_size); y1=h; draw_plq(1,dot_size,comma_width); penlabels(1); endchar; % end "left quote" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \subsection{Lower case letters} % % \begin{routine}{a} % The letter `a'. (o141/h61/d97) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "a"; beginchar("a", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#+jut#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; draw_a(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "a" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{b} % The letter `b'. (o142/h62/d98) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "b"; beginchar("b", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#+jut#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_b(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "b" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{c} % The letter `c'. (o143/h63/d99) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "c"; beginchar("c", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_c(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "c" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{d} % The letter `d'. (o144/h64/d100) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "d"; beginchar("d", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#), 4/3x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_d(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "d" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{e} % The letter `e'. (o145/h65/d101) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "e"; beginchar("e", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_e(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "e" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{f} % The letter `f'. (o146/h66/d102) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "f"; beginchar("f", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), x_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; x666=w-pcshiftx; x444=x555; y444=-d/2; y555=0; y666=h; draw_f(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "f" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{g} % The letter `g'. (o147/h67/d103) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "g"; beginchar("g", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), x_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; x444=x555; y444=-d; y555=0; y666=h; draw_g(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "g" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{h} % The letter `h'. (o150/h68/d104) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "h"; beginchar("h", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#+jut#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_h(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "h" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{i} % The letter i. (o151/h69/d105) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "i"; beginchar("i", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#+jut#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=0; draw_i(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "i" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{j} % The letter `j'. This letter was not in the script, it being a later % invention. (o152/h6A/d106) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "j"; beginchar("j", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#+jut#), x_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=-1/2d; draw_j(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "j" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{k} % The letter `k'. (o153/h6B/d107) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "k"; beginchar("k", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_k(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "k" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{l} % The letter `l'. (o154/h6C/d108) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "l"; beginchar("l", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_l(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "l" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{m} % The letter `m'. (o155/h6D/d109) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "m"; beginchar("m", 2u#+hstretch*(2x_height#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_m(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "m" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{n} % The letter `n'. (o156/h6E/d110) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "n"; beginchar("n", 2u#+hstretch*(2jut#+x_height#), x_height#, 0.5desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_n(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "n" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{o} % The letter `o'. (o157/h6F/d111) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "o"; beginchar("o", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_o(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "o" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{p} % The letter `p'. (o160/h70/d112) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "p"; beginchar("p", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#), x_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-1/2d; draw_p(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "p" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{q} % The letter `q'. (o161/h71/d113) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "q"; beginchar("q", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#), x_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-1/2d; draw_q(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "q" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{r} % The letter `r'. (o162/h72/d114) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "r"; beginchar("r", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#), x_height#, 1/2desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_r(555,666); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "r" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{s} % The letter `s'. (o163/h73/d115) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "s"; beginchar("s", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_s(555,666); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "s" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{t} % The letter `t'. (o164/h74/d116) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "t"; beginchar("t", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_t(555,666); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "t" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{u} % The letter `u'. (o165/h75/d117) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "u"; beginchar("u", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#+jut#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_u(555,666); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "u" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{v} % The letter `v'. The right half of the `w' is used for the `v' (or vice-versa % if you prefer). (o166/h76/d118) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "v"; beginchar("v", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#+jut#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_v(555,666); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "v" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{w} % The letter `w'. This is a modern version as the font did not % have a W. (o167/h77/d119) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "w"; beginchar("w", 2u#+hstretch*(2x_height#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_w(555,666); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "w" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{x} % The letter `x'. (o170/h78/d120) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "x"; beginchar("x", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#+jut#), x_height#, 1/2desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-d; draw_x(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "x" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{y} % The letter `y'. This has a dot on top! (o171/h79/d121) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "y"; beginchar("y", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#), x_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-d; draw_y(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "y" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{z} % The letter `z'. (o172/h7A/d122) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "z"; beginchar("z", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_z(555,666); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "z" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \subsection{Left brace through tilde} % % \begin{routine}{braceleft} % The left brace. (o173/h7B/d123) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "braceleft"; beginchar(oct "173", 3/2u#+hstretch*(7/8x_height#), body_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; rt x1= rt x7 = w-1/2pcshiftx; top y1=h; bot y7=-d; lft x4= pcshiftx; y4=1/2[y1,y7]; x2=x3=x5=x6=1/2[x4,x1]; y1-y2 = y3-y4 = y4-y5 = y6-y7 = 1/8(h+d); pair v[]; path p[]; v1=(-2,-1); v2=(2,-1); p1=z1{v1}..{down}z2--z3{down}..{v1}z4; p2=z4{v2}..{down}z5--z6{down}..{v2}z7; draw p1; draw p2; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7); endchar; % end "left brace" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{bar} % The bar (caesura). (o174/h7C/d124) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "bar"; beginchar(oct "174", 2u#+hstretch*(1/2thick#), body_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; x1=x2=1/2w; top y1=h; bot y2=-d; draw z1--z2; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7); endchar; % end "bar" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{braceright} % The right brace. (o175/h7D/d125) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "braceright"; beginchar(oct "175", 3/2u#+hstretch*(7/8x_height#), body_height#, desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; lft x1= lft x7 = 1/2pcshiftx; top y1=h; bot y7=-d; rt x4= w-pcshiftx; y4=1/2[y1,y7]; x2=x3=x5=x6=1/2[x4,x1]; y1-y2 = y3-y4 = y4-y5 = y6-y7 = 1/8(h+d); pair v[]; path p[]; v1=(-2,-1); v2=(2,-1); p1=z1{v2}..{down}z2--z3{down}..{v2}z4; p2=z4{v1}..{down}z5--z6{down}..{v1}z7; draw p1; draw p2; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7); endchar; % end "right brace" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{asciitilde} % The tilde. (o176/h7E/d126) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "asciitilde"; beginchar(oct "176", 2u#+hstretch*(4cos_accent_angle*accent_ysize#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup accentpen; lft x1=pcshiftx; rt x3=w-pcshiftx; x2=1/2[x1,x3]; y1=y2=y3=h-1/2accent_ysize; draw z1{dir accent_angle}..z2..{dir accent_angle}z3; penlabels(1,2,3); endchar; % end "asciitilde" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % The end of this file % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{Bottom of the top half of the table} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*mid> %%% AUNCLMID.MF AUncl bottom half of the top of the code table % \end{macrocode} % % Some slots have been left empty to accomodate ligatures. % In the T1 encoding these contained the upper and lowercase characters % Abreve, Scedilla, Tcedilla, and Gbreve which as far as I know are only % used for Rumanian. % % \begin{routine}{Abreve} % The letter `A breve'. % (move to 000 before killing it) % \begin{macrocode} %%%cmchar "Abreve"; %%%beginchar(oct "000", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); %%%adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; %%%x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; %%%draw_a(555,666); %%%x777=x1; y777=y666+1/4accent_ysize; %%%draw_breve(777); %%%penlabels(555,666,777); %%%endchar; % end "A breve" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{quotesinglbase} % The `single quote on baseline' character (moved from o015 to 0200). (o200/h80/d128) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "quotesinglbase"; beginchar(oct "200",2u#+hstretch*(comma_width#+dot_size#),x_height#,0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=u; x1=w-pcshiftx-(0.5hstretch*dot_size); y1=h/2; draw_pcomma(1,dot_size,comma_width); penlabels(1); endchar; % end of "," % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{Aogonek} % The letter `A ogonek'. (o201/h81/d129) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Aogonek"; beginchar(oct "201", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; draw_a(555,666); z777=lft z2a; draw_ogonek(777); penlabels(555,666,777); endchar; % end "A ogonek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Cacute} % The letter `C acute'. (o202/h82/d130) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Cacute"; beginchar(oct "202", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_c(555,666); x777aab=x2; y777aab=y666+1/4accent_ysize; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "C acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Ccaron} % The letter `C caron/hachek'. (o203/h83/d131) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Ccaron"; beginchar(oct "203", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_c(555,666); x777=x2; y777=y666+1/4accent_ysize; draw_hachek(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "C caron/hachek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Dcaron} % The letter `D caron/hachek'. (o204/h84/d132) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Dcaron"; beginchar(oct "204", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#), caprat*(4/3x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_d(555,666); x777=x4; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_hachek(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "D caron/hachek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Ecaron} % The letter `E caron/hachek'. (o205/h85/d133) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Ecaron"; beginchar(oct "205", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_e(555,666); x777=x2; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_hachek(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "E caron/hachek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Eogonek} % The letter `E ogonek'. (o206/h86/d134) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Eogonek"; beginchar(oct "206", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_e(555,666); x777=x4; y777=y555; draw_ogonek(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "E ogonek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Gbreve} % The letter `G breve'. (o207/h87/d135) % (move to 000 before killing it) % \begin{macrocode} %%%cmchar "Gbreve"; %%%beginchar(oct "000", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), %%% caprat*(desc_depth#)); %%%adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; %%%pickup quill; %%%x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; x444=x555; y444=-d; y555=0; y666=h; %%%draw_g(555,666,444); %%%x777=x2; y777=y666+accent_gap; %%%draw_breve(777); %%%penlabels(555,666,444); %%%endchar; % end "G breve" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{paragraph} % The paragraph/pilcrow symbol. (o207/h87/d135) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "paragraph"; beginchar(oct "207", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-1/2d; draw_pilcrow(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "paragraph/pilcrow" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{Lacute} % The letter `L acute'. (o210/h88/d136) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Lacute"; beginchar(oct "210", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(asc_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_l(555,666); x777aab=x555Lt; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "L acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Lquote} % The letter `L quote/apostrophe'. (o211/h89/d137) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Lquote"; beginchar(oct "211", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(asc_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_l(555,666); x777=x555Lt+1/2thick + accent_ysize; y777=y666; draw_pcomma(777,accent_thickness,accent_ysize); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "L apostrophe" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Lslash} % The letter `L slash/barred'. (o212/h8A/d138) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Lslash"; beginchar(oct "212", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(asc_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_l(555,666); x777=x555Lt; y777=1/2[y555Lb,y555Lt]; z777ll=(x777-15/16accent_ysize, y777-1/2thick); z777ur=(x777+15/16accent_ysize, y777+1/2thick); pickup accentpen; draw z777ll--z777ur; penlabels(555,666,777,777ll,777ur); endchar; % end "L slash/barred" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Nacute} % The letter `N acute'. (o213/h8B/d139) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Nacute"; beginchar(oct "213", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(2jut#+x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(0.5desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_n(555,666); x777aam=1/2[x555nlt,x555nrt]; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "N acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Ncaron} % The letter `N caron/hachek'. (o214/h8C/d140) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Ncaron"; beginchar(oct "214", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(2jut#+x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(0.5desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_n(555,666); x777=1/2[x555nlt,x555nrt]; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_hachek(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "N hachek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Eng} % The letter `Eng'. (o215/h8D/d141) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Eng"; beginchar(oct "215", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(jut#+x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(0.5desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-d; draw_eng(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "Eng" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Ohungarumlaut} % The letter `O long umlaut'. (o216/h8E/d142) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Ohungarumlaut"; beginchar(oct "216", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_o(555,666); x777luam=x2; y777luab=y666+accent_gap; draw_lumlaut(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "O long umlaut" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Racute} % The letter `R acute'. (o217/h8F/d143) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Racute"; beginchar(oct "217", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(1/2desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_r(555,666); x777aam=1/2[x1,x5]; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "R acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Rcaron} % The letter `R caron/hachek'. (o220/h90/d144) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Rcaron"; beginchar(oct "220", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(1/2desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_r(555,666); x777=1/2[x1,x5]; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_hachek(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "R hachek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Sacute} % The letter `S acute'. (o221/h91/d145) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Sacute"; beginchar(oct "221", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_s(555,666); x777aam=x555Sb; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "S acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Scaron} % The letter `S caron/hachek'. (o222/h92/d146) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Scaron"; beginchar(oct "222", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_s(555,666); x777=x555Sb; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_hachek(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "S caron/hachek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Scedilla} % The letter `S cedilla'. (o223/h93/d147) % (move to 000 before killing it) % \begin{macrocode} %%%cmchar "Scedilla"; %%%beginchar(oct "000", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); %%%adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; %%%x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; %%%draw_s(555,666); %%%x777=x555Sf; top y777=y555; %%%draw_cedilla(777); %%%penlabels(555,666,444); %%%endchar; % end "S cedilla" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{longs-t} % The longs-t `ligature'. (o223/h93/d147) % \begin{macrocode} %%beginchar("s", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), x_height#, 0); %%beginchar("t", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#), x_height#, 0); cmchar "longs-t"; beginchar(oct "223", 4u#+hstretch*(7/3x_height#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=3/7w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_s(555,666); pickup quill; x559=x666+2pcshiftx; y559=y555; x669=w-pcshiftx; y669=y666; draw_t(559,669); penlabels(555,666,559,669); endchar; % end longs-t % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Tcaron} % The letter `T caron/hachek'. (o224/h94/d148) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Tcaron"; beginchar(oct "224", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_t(555,666); x777=x184; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_hachek(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "T hachek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{r-half} % The letter `r-half', which in this case is a regular `r'. (o225/h95/d149) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "r-half"; beginchar(oct "225", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#), x_height#, 1/2desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_r(555,666); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "r-half" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{Uhungarumlaut} % The letter `U long umlaut'. (o226/h96/d150) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Uhungarumlaut"; beginchar(oct "226", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_u(555,666); x777=x8; y777luab=y666+accent_gap; draw_lumlaut(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "U long umlaut" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Uring} % The letter `U ring'. (o227/h97/d151) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Uring"; beginchar(oct "227", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_u(555,666); x777=x8; y777rab=y666+accent_gap; draw_ring(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "U ring" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Ydieresis} % The letter `Y dieresis'. (o230/h98/d152) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Ydieresis"; beginchar(oct "230", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-d; draw_y_base(555,666,444); x777=1/2[x1,x666]; y777ddab=y666+accent_gap; draw_dieresis(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "Y dieresis" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Zacute} % The letter `Z acute'. (o231/h99/d153) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Zacute"; beginchar(oct "231", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_z(555,666); x777aam=1/2[x1,x3]; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "Z acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Zcaron} % The letter `Z caron/hachek'. (o232/h9A/d154) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Zcaron"; beginchar(oct "232", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_z(555,666); x777=1/2[x1,x3]; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_hachek(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "Z caron/hachek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Zdot} % The letter `Z dot'. (o233/h9B/d155) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Zdot"; beginchar(oct "233", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_z(555,666); x777=1/2[x1,x3]; y777dab=y666+accent_gap; draw_dota(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "Z dot" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{IJ} % The letter pair IJ. (o234/h9C/d156) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "IJ"; beginchar(oct "234", 2u#+hstretch*(2thick#+2jut#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=0; draw_i(555,666); x577=x677=x555+thick+jut; y577=-1/2d; y677=y666; draw_j(577,677); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "IJ" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Idot} % Dotted I. (o235/h9D/d157) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Idot"; beginchar(oct "235", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=0; draw_i(555,666); x777=x555It.a; y777dab=y666+accent_gap; pickup accentpen; draw_dota(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "I dotted" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{dyet} % The letter `dyet'. (o236/h9E/d158) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "dyet"; beginchar(oct "236", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#), (4/3x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_dyet(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "dyet" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{section} % The section symbol. (o237/h9F/d159) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "section"; beginchar(oct "237", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#), (asc_height#), (desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-1/2d; draw_section(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "section" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{abreve} % The letter `a breve'. (o240/hA0/d160) % (move to 000 before killing it) % \begin{macrocode} %%%cmchar "abreve"; %%%beginchar(oct "000", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#+jut#), x_height#, 0); %%%adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; %%%x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; %%%draw_a(555,666); %%%x777=x1; y777=y666+1/4accent_ysize; %%%draw_breve(777); %%%penlabels(555,666); %%%endchar; % end "a breve" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{slong} % The letter `s long'. (o240/hA0/d160) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "salternate"; beginchar(oct "240", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_s(555,666); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "s alternate" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{aogonek} % The letter `a ogonek'. (o241/hA1/d161) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "aogonek"; beginchar(oct "241", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; draw_a(555,666); z777=lft z2a; draw_ogonek(777); penlabels(555,666,777); endchar; % end "a ogonek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{cacute} % The letter `c acute'. (o242/hA2/d162) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "cacute"; beginchar(oct "242", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_c(555,666); x777aab=x2; y777aab=y666+1/4accent_ysize; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "c acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ccaron} % The letter `c caron/hachek'. (o243/hA3/d163) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ccaron"; beginchar(oct "243", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_c(555,666); x777=x2; y777=y666+1/4accent_ysize; draw_hachek(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "c hachek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{dcaron} % The letter `d caron/hachek' (with an upright `d' this is done with a quote % not a caron). (o244/hA4/d164) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "dcaron"; beginchar(oct "244", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#), (4/3x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_d(555,666); x777=x4; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_hachek(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "d hachek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ecaron} % The letter `e caron/hachek'. (o245/hA5/d165) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ecaron"; beginchar(oct "245", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_e(555,666); x777=x2; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_hachek(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "e caron/hachek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{eogonek} % The letter `e ogonek'. (o246/hA6/d166) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "eogonek"; beginchar(oct "246", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_e(555,666); x777=x4; y777=y555; draw_ogonek(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "e ogonek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{e-t} % The `e-t' `ligature', which is not the \&. (o247/hA7/d167) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "e-t"; beginchar(oct "247", 4u#+hstretch*(7/3x_height#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=3/7w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_e(555,666); pickup quill; x559=x666+2pcshiftx; y559=y555; x669=w-pcshiftx; y669=y666; draw_t(559,669); penlabels(555,666,444,559,669); endchar; % end "e-t" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{lacute} % The letter `l acute'. (o250/hA8/d168) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "lacute"; beginchar(oct "250", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), (asc_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_l(555,666); x777aab=x555Lt; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "l acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{lquote} % The letter `l apostrophe'. (o251/hA9/d169) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "lquote"; beginchar(oct "251", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), (asc_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_l(555,666); x777=x555Lt+1/2thick + accent_ysize; y777=y666; draw_pcomma(777,accent_thickness,accent_ysize); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "l apostrophe" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{lslash} % The letter `l barred'. (o252/hAA/170) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "lslash"; beginchar(oct "252", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), (asc_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_l(555,666); x777=x555Lt; y777=1/2[y555Lb,y555Lt]; z777ll=(x777-15/16accent_ysize, y777-1/2thick); z777ur=(x777+15/16accent_ysize, y777+1/2thick); pickup accentpen; draw z777ll--z777ur; penlabels(555,666,777,777ll,777ur); endchar; % end "l barred" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{nacute} % The letter `n acute'. (o253/hAB/d171) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "nacute"; beginchar(oct "253", 2u#+hstretch*(2jut#+x_height#), (x_height#), caprat*(0.5desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_n(555,666); x777aam=1/2[x555nlt,x555nrt]; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "n acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ncaron} % The letter `n caron/hachek'. (o254/hAC/d172) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ncaron"; beginchar(oct "254", 2u#+hstretch*(2jut#+x_height#), (x_height#), caprat*(0.5desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_n(555,666); x777=1/2[x555nlt,x555nrt]; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_hachek(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "n hachek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{eng} % The letter `eng'. (o255/hAD/d173) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "eng"; beginchar(oct "255", 2u#+hstretch*(jut#+x_height#), (x_height#), (0.5desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-d; draw_eng(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "eng" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{ohungarumlaut} % The letter `o long umlaut'. (o256/hAE/d174) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ohungarumlaut"; beginchar(oct "256", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_o(555,666); x777luam=x2; y777luab=y666+accent_gap; draw_lumlaut(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "o long umlaut" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{racute} % The letter `r acute'. (o257/hAF/d175) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "racute"; beginchar(oct "257", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#), (x_height#), (1/2desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_r(555,666); x777aam=1/2[x1,x5]; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "r acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{rcaron} % The letter `r caron/hachek'. (o260/hB0/d176) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "rcaron"; beginchar(oct "260", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#), (x_height#), (1/2desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_r(555,666); x777=1/2[x1,x5]; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_hachek(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "r hachek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{sacute} % The letter `s acute'. (o261/hB1/d177) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "sacute"; beginchar(oct "261", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_s(555,666); x777aam=x555Sb; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "s acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{scaron} % The letter `s caron/hachek'. (o262/hB2/d178) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "scaron"; beginchar(oct "262", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_s(555,666); x777=x555Sb; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_hachek(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "s hachek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{s-t} % The s-t `ligature'. (o263/hB3/d179) % \begin{macrocode} %%beginchar("s", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), x_height#, 0); %%beginchar("t", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#), x_height#, 0); cmchar "s-t"; beginchar(oct "263", 4u#+hstretch*(7/3x_height#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=3/7w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_s(555,666); pickup quill; x559=x666+2pcshiftx; y559=y555; x669=w-pcshiftx; y669=y666; draw_t(559,669); penlabels(555,666,559,669); endchar; % end s-t % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{tcaron} % The letter `t caron/hachek'. (The lowercase roman uses a quote instead of a % caron) (o264/hB4/d180) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "tcaron"; beginchar(oct "264", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_t(555,666); x777=x184; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_hachek(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "t caron/hachek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{c-t} % The `c-t' `ligature'. (o265/hB5/d181) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "c-t"; beginchar(oct "265", 4u#+hstretch*(7/3x_height#), x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=3/7w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_c(555,666); pickup quill; x559=x666+2pcshiftx; y559=y555; x669=w-pcshiftx; y669=y666; draw_t(559,669); %x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=3/7w-pcshiftx; y666=h; %draw_c(555,666); %pickup quill; %x759=x666+2pcshiftx; y759=y555; x769=w-pcshiftx; y769=y666; %draw_t(759,769); penlabels(555,666,444,559,669); endchar; % end "c-t" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{uhungarumlaut} % The letter `u long umlaut'. (o266/hB6/d182) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "uhungarumlaut"; beginchar(oct "266", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_u(555,666); x777=x8; y777luab=y666+accent_gap; draw_lumlaut(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "u long umlaut" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{uring} % The letter `u ring'. (o267/hB7/d183) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "uring"; beginchar(oct "267", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_u(555,666); x777=x8; y777rab=y666+accent_gap; draw_ring(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "u ring" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ydieresis} % The letter `y dieresis'. (o270/hB7/d184) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "AUncial letter y dieresis"; beginchar(oct "270", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#), (x_height#), (desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-d; draw_y_base(555,666,444); x777=1/2[x1,x666]; y777ddab=y666+accent_gap; draw_dieresis(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "y dieresis" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{zacute} % The letter `z acute'. (o271/hB8/d185) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "zacute"; beginchar(oct "271", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_z(555,666); x777aam=1/2[x1,x3]; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "z acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{zcaron} % The letter `z caron/hachek'. (o272/hBA/d186) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "zcaron"; beginchar(oct "272", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_z(555,666); x777=1/2[x1,x3]; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_hachek(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "z caron/hachek" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{zdot} % The letter `z dot'. (o273/hBB/d187) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "AUncial letter z dot"; beginchar(oct "273", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_z(555,666); x777=1/2[x1,x3]; y777dab=y666+accent_gap; draw_dota(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "z dot" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ij} % The letter pair ij. (o274/hBC/d188) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "AUncial letter pair ij"; beginchar(oct "274", 2u#+hstretch*(2thick#+2jut#), (x_height#), (desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=0; draw_i(555,666); x577=x677=x555+thick+jut; y577=-1/2d; y677=y666; draw_j(577,677); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "ij" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{exclamdown} % Exclamation mark upside-down. (o275/hBD/d189) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "exclamdown"; beginchar(oct "275", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; lft x1=pcshiftx; bot y1=0; x2=x3=x1; y3=h-1/2thick; y2=2/3h; draw z1--z2; draw_pdot(3, thick); penlabels(1,2,3,4); endchar; % end "exclamation down" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{questiondown} % The `?' character upside-down. (o276/hBE/d190) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "questiondown"; beginchar(oct "276", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#),asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=u; pickup quill; rt x1=w-pcshiftx; lft x3=pcshiftx; x2=x4=1/2w; bot y2=0; y4=1/2h; bot y1=thin; y3=1/2[y4,y2]; x5=x4; y5=3/4h; path p[]; p1=z1..z2{left}..z3{up}..{right}z4--z5; x9=x5; top y9=h; pair vec[]; vec1= direction 0 of p1; z11=z1 shifted vec1; x81=rt x1; y81=top y1; x82=x1; y82=y1+0.75jut; draw p1; % the curve pickup stylus; filldraw z81--z82--z11--cycle; % the serif draw_pdot(9,thick); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,11,17,26,27,28,81,82,100); endchar; % end of "query upside-down" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{sterling} % The pound sterling symbol. (o277/hBF/d191) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "sterling"; beginchar(oct "277", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(asc_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_pound(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "pound" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % The end of this file. % % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % % % % \section{Upper half} % % Positions octal 300 through 377 (hex C0 through FF, decimal 192 through 255). % % \begin{macrocode} %<*top> %%% AUNCLTOP.MF AUncl Top of the code table % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{routine}{Agrave} % The letter `A grave'. (o300/hC0/d192) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Agrave"; beginchar(oct "300", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; draw_a(555,666); x777gam=x1; y777gab=y666+1/4accent_ysize; draw_grave(777); penlabels(555,666,777); endchar; % end "A grave" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{Aacute} % The letter `A acute'. (o301/hC1/d193) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Aacute"; beginchar(oct "301", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; draw_a(555,666); x777aam=x1; y777aab=y666+1/4accent_ysize; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666,777); endchar; % end "A acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{Acircumflex} % The letter `A circumflex'. (o302/hC2/d194) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Acircumflex"; beginchar(oct "302", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; draw_a(555,666); x777=x1; y777=y666+1/4accent_ysize; draw_circumflex(777); penlabels(555,666,777); endchar; % end "A circumflex" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{Atilde} % The letter `A tilde'. (o303/hC3/d195) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Atilde"; beginchar(oct "303", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; draw_a(555,666); x777=x1; y777=y666+1/4accent_ysize; draw_tildea(777); penlabels(555,666,777); endchar; % end "A tilde" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{Adieresis} % The letter `A umlaut'. (o304/hC4/d196) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Adieresis"; beginchar(oct "304", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; draw_a(555,666); x777=x1; y777ddab=y666+1/4accent_ysize; draw_dieresis(777); penlabels(555,666,777); endchar; % end "A umlaut" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{Aring} % The letter `A ring'. (o305/hC5/d197) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Aring"; beginchar(oct "305", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; draw_a(555,666); x777=x1; y777rab=y666; draw_ring(777); penlabels(555,666,777); endchar; % end "A ring" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{AE} % The letter `Aesc'. (o306/hC6/d198) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "AE"; beginchar(oct "306", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(14/8x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_aesc(555,666); penlabels(555,666,777); endchar; % end "Aesc" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Ccedilla} % The letter `C cedilla'. (o307/hC7/d199) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Ccedilla"; beginchar(oct "307", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_c(555,666); x777=x4; top y777=y4-thin; draw_cedilla(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "C cedilla" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Egrave} % The letter `E grave'. (o310/hC8/d200) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Egrave"; beginchar(oct "310", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_e(555,666); x777gam=x2; y777gab=y666+accent_gap; draw_grave(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "E grave" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Eacute} % The letter `E acute'. (o311/hC9/d201) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Eacute"; beginchar(oct "311", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_e(555,666); x777aam=x2; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "E acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Ecircumflex} % The letter `E circumflex'. (o312/hCA/d202) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Ecircumflex"; beginchar(oct "312", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_e(555,666); x777=x2; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_circumflex(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "E circumflex" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Edieresis} % The letter `E umlaut'. (o313/hCB/d203) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Edieresis"; beginchar(oct "313", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_e(555,666); x777=x2; y777ddab=y666+accent_gap; draw_dieresis(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "E umlaut" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Igrave} % I with grave accent. (o314/hCC/d204) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Igrave"; beginchar(oct "314", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=0; draw_i(555,666); x777gam=x555It.a; y777gab=y666+accent_gap; pickup accentpen; draw_grave(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "I grave" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Iacute} % I with acute accent. (o315/hCD/d205) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Iacute"; beginchar(oct "315", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=0; draw_i(555,666); x777aam=x555It.a; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; pickup accentpen; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "I acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Icircumflex} % I with circumflex accent. (o316/hCE/d206) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Icircumflex"; beginchar(oct "316", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=0; draw_i(555,666); x777=x555It.a; y777=y666+accent_gap; pickup accentpen; draw_circumflex(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "I circumflex" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Idieresis} % I with umlaut. (o317/hCF/d207) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Idieresis"; beginchar(oct "317", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=0; draw_i(555,666); x777=x555It.a; y777ddab=y666+accent_gap; pickup accentpen; draw_dieresis(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "I umlaut" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Eth} % The letter `Eth' or `Dyet'. (o320/hD0/d208) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Eth"; beginchar(oct "320", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#), caprat*(4/3x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_dyet(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "Eth" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Ntilde} % The letter `N tilde'. (o321/hD1/d209) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Ntilde"; beginchar(oct "321", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(2jut#+x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(0.5desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_n(555,666); x777=1/2[x555nlt,x555nrt]; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_tildea(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "N tilde" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Ograve} % The letter `O grave'. (o322/hD2/d210) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Ograve"; beginchar(oct "322", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_o(555,666); x777gam=x2; y777gab=y666+accent_gap; draw_grave(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "O grave" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Oacute} % The letter `O acute'. (o323/hD3/d211) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Oacute"; beginchar(oct "323", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_o(555,666); x777aam=x2; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "O acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Ocircumflex} % The letter `O circumflex'. (o324/hD4/d212) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Ocircumflex"; beginchar(oct "324", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_o(555,666); x777=x2; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_circumflex(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "O circumflex" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Otilde} % The letter `O tilde'. (o325/hD5/d213) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Otilde"; beginchar(oct "325", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_o(555,666); x777=x2; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_tildea(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "O tilde" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Odieresis} % The letter `O dieresis'. (o326/hD6/d214) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Odieresis"; beginchar(oct "326", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_o(555,666); x777=x2; y777ddab=y666+accent_gap; draw_dieresis(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "O dieresis" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{OE} % The letter `Ethel'. (o327/hD7/d215) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "OE"; beginchar(oct "327", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(2x_height#-jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_ethel(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "Ethel" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Oslash} % The letter `O slash'. (o330/hD8/d216) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Oslash"; beginchar(oct "330", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_o(555,666); pickup stylus; x777=x2; y777=y666+accent_gap; z771=(x555,y4); z772=(x666,y2); draw z771--z772; penlabels(555,666,771,772); endchar; % end "O slash" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Ugrave} % The letter `U grave'. (o331/hD9/d217) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Ugrave"; beginchar(oct "331", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_u(555,666); x777gam=x8; y777gab=y666+accent_gap; draw_grave(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "U grave" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Uacute} % The letter `U acute'. (o332/hDA/d218) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Uacute"; beginchar(oct "332", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_u(555,666); x777aam=x8; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "U acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Ucircumflex} % The letter `U circumflex'. (o333/hDB/d219) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Ucircumflex"; beginchar(oct "333", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_u(555,666); x777=x8; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_circumflex(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "U circumflex" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Udieresis} % The letter `U dieresis'. (o334/hDC/d220) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Udieresis"; beginchar(oct "334", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#+jut#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_u(555,666); x777=x8; y777ddab=y666+accent_gap; draw_dieresis(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "U dieresis" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Yacute} % The letter `Y acute'. (o335/hDD/d221) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Yacute"; beginchar(oct "335", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(4/3x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-d; draw_y_base(555,666,444); x777aam=1/2[x1,x666]; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "Y acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Thorn} % The letter `Thorn'. (o336/hDE/d222) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Thorn"; beginchar(oct "336", 2u#+hstretch*caprat*(7/6x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), caprat*(desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-1/2d; draw_thorn(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "Thorn" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{Germandbls} % The letter Eszett. (o337/hDF/d223) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "Germandbls"; beginchar(oct "337", 3u#+hstretch*caprat*(14/8x_height#), caprat*(x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=1/2w-1/2pcshiftx; y666=h; x755=1/2w+1/2pcshiftx; x866=w-pcshiftx; y755=y555; y866=y666; draw_s(555,666); pickup quill; draw_s(755,866); penlabels(555,666,755,866,444); endchar; % end "Eszett" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % % % \begin{routine}{agrave} % The letter `a grave'. (o340/hE0/d224) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "agrave"; beginchar(oct "340", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; draw_a(555,666); x777gam=x1; y777gab=y666+1/4accent_ysize; draw_grave(777); penlabels(555,666,777); endchar; % end "a grave" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{aacute} % The letter `a acute'. (o341/hE1/d225) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "aacute"; beginchar(oct "341", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; draw_a(555,666); x777aam=x1; y777aab=y666+1/4accent_ysize; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666,777); endchar; % end "a acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{acircumflex} % The letter `a circumflex'. (o342/hE2/d226) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "acircumflex"; beginchar(oct "342", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; draw_a(555,666); x777=x1; y777=y666+1/4accent_ysize; draw_circumflex(777); penlabels(555,666,777); endchar; % end "a circumflex" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{atilde} % The letter `a tilde'. (o343/hE3/d227) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "atilde"; beginchar(oct "343", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; draw_a(555,666); x777=x1; y777=y666+1/4accent_ysize; draw_tildea(777); penlabels(555,666,777); endchar; % end "a tilde" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{adieresis} % The letter `a umlaut'. (o344/hE4/d228) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "adieresis"; beginchar(oct "344", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; draw_a(555,666); x777=x1; y777ddab=y666+1/4accent_ysize; draw_dieresis(777); penlabels(555,666,777); endchar; % end "a umlaut" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{aring} % The letter `a ring'. (o345/hE5/d229) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "aring"; beginchar(oct "345", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-u-jut; y666=h; draw_a(555,666); x777=x1; y777rab=y666; draw_ring(777); penlabels(555,666,777); endchar; % end "a ring" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ae} % The letter `aesc'. (o346/hE6/d230) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ae"; beginchar(oct "346", 2u#+hstretch*(12/8x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_aesc(555,666); penlabels(555,666,777); endchar; % end "aesc" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{ccedilla} % The letter `c cedilla'. (o347/hE7/d231) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ccedilla"; beginchar(oct "347", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; draw_c(555,666); x777=x4; top y777=y555; draw_cedilla(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "c cedilla" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{egrave} % The letter `e grave'. (o350/hE8/d232) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "egrave"; beginchar(oct "350", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_e(555,666); x777gam=x2; y777gab=y666+accent_gap; draw_grave(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "e grave" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{eacute} % The letter `e acute'. (o351/hE9/d233) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "AUncial letter e acute"; beginchar(oct "351", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_e(555,666); x777aam=x2; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "e acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ecircumflex} % The letter `e circumflex'. (o352/hEA/d234) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ecircumflex"; beginchar(oct "352", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_e(555,666); x777=x2; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_circumflex(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "e circumflex" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{edieresis} % The letter `e umlaut'. (o353/hEB/d235) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "AUncial letter e umlaut"; beginchar(oct "353", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_e(555,666); x777=x2; y777ddab=y666+accent_gap; draw_dieresis(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "e umlaut" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{igrave} % i with grave accent. (o354/hEC/d236) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "igrave"; beginchar(oct "354", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=0; draw_i(555,666); x777gam=x555It.a; y777gab=y666+accent_gap; pickup accentpen; draw_grave(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "i grave" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{iacute} % i with acute accent. (o355/hED/d237) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "iacute"; beginchar(oct "355", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=0; draw_i(555,666); x777aam=x555It.a; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; pickup accentpen; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "i acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{icircumflex} % i with circumflex accent. (o356/hEE/d238) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "icircumflex"; beginchar(oct "356", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=0; draw_i(555,666); x777=x555It.a; y777=y666+accent_gap; pickup accentpen; draw_circumflex(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "i circumflex" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{idieresis} % i with umlaut. (o357/hEF/d239) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "idieresis"; beginchar(oct "357", 2u#+hstretch*(thick#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut = x666; y666=h; y555=0; draw_i(555,666); x777=x555It.a; y777ddab=y666+accent_gap; pickup accentpen; draw_dieresis(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "i umlaut" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % \begin{routine}{eth} % The letter `eth'. (o360/hF0/d240) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "eth"; beginchar(oct "360", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#), (4/3x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; x666=w-pcshiftx; y555=0; y666=h; draw_dyet(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "dyet" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ntilde} % The letter `n tilde'. (o361/hF1/d241) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ntilde"; beginchar(oct "361", 2u#+hstretch*(2jut#+x_height#), (x_height#), caprat*(0.5desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_n(555,666); x777=1/2[x555nlt,x555nrt]; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_tildea(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "n tilde" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ograve} % The letter `o grave'. (o362/hF2/d242) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ograve"; beginchar(oct "362", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_o(555,666); x777gam=x2; y777gab=y666+accent_gap; draw_grave(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "o grave" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{oacute} % The letter `o acute'. (o363/hF3/d243) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "oacute"; beginchar(oct "363", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_o(555,666); x777aam=x2; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "o acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ocircumflex} % The letter `o circumflex'. (o364/hF4/d244) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ocircumflex"; beginchar(oct "364", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_o(555,666); x777=x2; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_circumflex(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "o circumflex" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{otilde} % The letter `o tilde'. (o365/hF5/d245) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "otilde"; beginchar(oct "365", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_o(555,666); x777=x2; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_tildea(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "o tilde" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{odieresis} % The letter `o dieresis'. (o366/hF6/d246) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "odieresis"; beginchar(oct "366", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_o(555,666); x777=x2; y777ddab=y666+accent_gap; draw_dieresis(777); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "o dieresis" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{oe} % The letter `ethel'. (o367/hF7/d247) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "oe"; beginchar(oct "367", 2u#+hstretch*(2x_height#-jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_ethel(555,666); penlabels(555,666); endchar; % end "ethel" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{oslash} % The letter `o slash'. (o370/hF8/d248) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "oslash"; beginchar(oct "370", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=-o; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h+o; draw_o(555,666); pickup stylus; x777=x2; y777=y666+accent_gap; z771=(x555,y4); z772=(x666,y2); draw z771--z772; penlabels(555,666,771,772); endchar; % end "o slash" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ugrave} % The letter `u grave'. (o371/hF9/d249) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ugrave"; beginchar(oct "371", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_u(555,666); x777gam=x8; y777gab=y666+accent_gap; draw_grave(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "u grave" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{uacute} % The letter `u acute'. (o372/hFA/d250) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "uacute"; beginchar(oct "372", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_u(555,666); x777aam=x8; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "u acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{ucircumflex} % The letter `u circumflex'. (o373/hFB/d251) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "ucircumflex"; beginchar(oct "373", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_u(555,666); x777=x8; y777=y666+accent_gap; draw_circumflex(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "u circumflex" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{udieresis} % The letter `u dieresis'. (o374/hFC/d252) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "udieresis"; beginchar(oct "374", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#+jut#), (x_height#), 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx-jut; y666=h; draw_u(555,666); x777=x8; y777ddab=y666+accent_gap; draw_dieresis(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "u dieresis" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{yacute} % The letter `y acute'. (o375/hFD/d253) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "yacute"; beginchar(oct "375", 2u#+hstretch*(4/3x_height#), (x_height#), (desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-d; draw_y_base(555,666,444); x777aam=1/2[x1,x666]; y777aab=y666+accent_gap; draw_acute(777); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "y acute" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{thorn} % The letter `thorn'. (o376/hFE/d254) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "thorn"; beginchar(oct "376", 2u#+hstretch*(7/6x_height#), (x_height#), caprat*(desc_depth#)); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-1/2d; draw_thorn(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "thorn" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % \begin{routine}{germandbls} % The letter eszett. (o377/hFF/d255) % \begin{macrocode} cmchar "germandbls"; beginchar(oct "377", 2u#+hstretch*(x_height#+jut#), (asc_height#), 1/2desc_depth#); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := u; pickup quill; x555=pcshiftx+jut; y555=0; x666=w-pcshiftx; y666=h; x444=x555; y444=-d; draw_eszett(555,666,444); penlabels(555,666,444); endchar; % end "eszett" % \end{macrocode} % \end{routine} % % % % The end of the file % % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % % % % \Finale % \endinput %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| %% Right brace \} Tilde \~}