# Probably this will not generate the exact , but quite accurate, # I guess if this list is sorted from more general to more specific # sed would translate first "nombre_enlace" than "nombre", # and thus we'd have an almost exact translation #anyway it's a good first step! spanish_to_english = [("fichero", "file"), ("index", "indice"), ("contador_articulos", "articles_counter"), ("indice :numero para crear cada uno de los ficheros", "index: number for creating each file"), ("Este programa analiza un fichero Too.te y genera una serie", "This programm analizes the file Too.tex and generates several"), ("de indices", "of indices"), ("base_articulos", "data_base_of_articles"), ("Para la base de datos de articulos", "For the articles data base"), ("espacios", "spaces"), ("indiceg", "index_keyword"), ("lineas_temp", "temp_lines"), ("indices_asociados", "associated_indexes"), ("articulos_asociados_a_indices", "articles_related_to_indexes"), ("respuestas", "answers"), ("alguno", "at_least_one_article"), ("analiza", "analize"), ("es_un_indice", "is_an_index"), ("procesa_indice", "process_index"), ("asocia_con_respuesta", "associate_with_answer"), ("asocia_indices", "associate_indices"), ("tiene_indices", "it_has_indexes"), ("filtra_linea","filter_line"), ("copia","copy"), ("quitamos verb, ponemos acentos y eso...", "we remove verb, put accents and things like that..."), ("cada una de las respuestas sobre un tema y la pregunta", "each answer about a subject and the question"), ("inicial son dividas en varias partes, esta funcion une", "initial are divided into several parts, this function puts together"), ("todo en respuestas", "everything in answers"), ("dict_indices", "dict_indexes"), ("asociado", "associated"), ("asocia_base_articulos","associate_articles_base"), ("imprime_indices_articulos", "print_articles_indexes"), ("indeses", "indexes"), ("el", "the"), ("un_indice","an_index"), ("tiene_indices","has_indexes"), ("adev", "for_return"), ("imprime_todos_indices", "print_all_indexes"), ("expande_macroindice", "expand_macroindex"), ("escribe_html_palabra_clave", "write_html_keyword"), ("genera_cabecera", "generate_heading"), ("Estos son los articulos disponibles", "These are the available articles"), ("Articulo ", "Article"), ("una_palabra_clave","a_keyword"), ("Al indice principal", "To the main menu"), ("genera_pie", "generate_foot"), ("tema", "subject"), ("genera_subarticulo", "generate_subarticle"), ("subarticulos", "subarticles"), ("genera_enlace", "generate_link"), ("genera_cuerpo", "generate_body"), ("contador", "counter"), ("hazlo", "doit"), ("nombre_enlace", "link_name"), ("nombre", "name"), ("genera_listado_conceptos", "generate_concepts_list"), ("genera_articulos", "generate_articles"), ("genera_articulo", "generate_article")] exp = "'" for i in spanish_to_english: exp = exp + " s/\<"+i[0]+"\>/"+i[1]+"/g;" import os exp= exp +"'" a = "sed -e "+exp+" AnalizaToo.py" print a os.system(a)