1.1074  Fixed deficiency where the 'Exprs' pane would not display or decomposed the 
        members of a blessed array.  

1.1073  Added key shortcuts.  Added 'white' foreground to the 'stoppt' tag to make text more visible.  
	Experimental feature that checks for and tries to install Tk if it's missing.  

1.1072  Added feature that delays loading of the subs page until the notebook page is brought forward

1.107   Release

1.1068  Fixed a minor warning put out by pod2man during installation that's been grating
        on the terminally pedantic.  

        Data::Dumper is now a requirement for running.  This has been included with perl
        since 5.00505.

1.1067  Fixed a problem where ptkdb would not evaluate an expression such as 'keys %hash' in
	its expression window.

	Fixed some problems with balloons coordinate system and made them respond faster.

1.1063  Menu initialization has been 'tuned' up a bit.   New handling for closure of window
        and quit.  Beginning to deal with 'reused' addresses.

1.1059  Corrected a bug where vars in the dbval subroutine could eclipse
        vars that were in targe code

1.1052  Added a configuration option that allows users to change
        the packing arrangement of the code and notebook panes.  
	Use xresource ptkdb*codeside: left|right|top|bottom
        Or environmental var PTKDB_CODE_SIDE=left|right|top|bottom

        See POD section item:  PTKDB_CODE_SIDE

1.105   Fixed incorrect evaluation of $@ in expressions.
        Corrected some formatting issues with the POD section.


	Fixed a conflict with 'qw' and perl 5.004.

        Fixed a warning issued with perl 5.004

        Corrected a problem with where using ptkdb for 
        debugging other ptk apps would cause 'grab' problems.

   This is version 1.1 of ptkdb, a debugger for perl that uses the
perlTk user interface.   It features pushbutton controls for run,
step-in, step-out, return, controls for breakpoints, expression
evaluation and package browsing.  


   You  use the MakeMaker interface:

perl Makefile.PL
make install

If worse comes to worse you can simply copy the ptkdb.pm file into 
cp ptkdb.pm /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.xxx/Devel/ptkdb.pm

On Windows:

copy ptkdb.pm C:\perl\5.x\lib\Devel\ptkdb.pm

To Test:

perl -d:ptkdb -e 1

Installing Tk:

   In order to use ptkdb you must first install PerlTk.

Using the CPAN module:

   perl -MCPAN -e "install Tk"

Using the Active State PPM Module:

   > install Tk


   retrieve the latest Tk archive from CPAN (Tk800.022 as of this writing)



   gunzip Tk800.022.tar.gz
   tar xf Tk800.022.tar
   cd Tk800.022
   perl Makefile.PL
# This may require su or root permissions
   make install


   # Unix WinZip to extract the Tk archive
   using Visual C++:

   perl Makefile.PL
   nmake install

Revision history for Perl extension Devel::ptkdb.

1.1  Mon Dec  7 14:36:17 1998
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18

1.101 Tue Dec 15 16:00 1998

       Corrected POD document to change -d:ptkdb1048 to -d:ptkdb

       Removed Dead code for font specifications and tag configuration
       that is no longer used

       Broke up a chained call to Data::Dumper->Terse->Ident into 
       two separate calls to make it compatible with older versions
       of Data::Dumper