MooseX::Traits - automatically apply roles at object creation time

    Given some roles:

      package Role;
      use Moose::Role;
      has foo => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Int' required => 1 );

    And a class:

      package Class;
      use Moose;
      with 'MooseX::Traits';

    Apply the roles to the class at "new" time:

      my $class = Class->new_with_traits( traits => ['Role'], foo => 42 );

    Then use your customized class:

      $class->isa('Class'); # true
      $class->does('Role'); # true
      $class->foo; # 42

    To apply traits to an existing instance:

      $self->apply_traits([qw/Role1 Role2/], { rebless_params => 'go here' });

    Often you want to create components that can be added to a class
    arbitrarily. This module makes it easy for the end user to use these
    components. Instead of requiring the user to create a named class with
    the desired roles applied, or applying roles to the instance one-by-one,
    he can just pass a "traits" parameter to the class's "new_with_traits"
    constructor. This role will then apply the roles in one go, cache the
    resulting class (for efficiency), and return a new instance. Arguments
    meant to initialize the applied roles' attributes can also be passed to
    the constructor.

    Alternatively, traits can be applied to an instance with "apply_traits",
    arguments for initializing attributes in consumed roles can be in %$self
    (useful for e.g. Catalyst components.)

    $class->new_with_traits(%args, traits => \@traits)
        "new_with_traits" can also take a hashref, e.g.:

          my $instance = $class->new_with_traits({ traits => \@traits, foo => 'bar' });

    $instance->apply_traits($trait => \%args)
    $instance->apply_traits(\@traits => \%args)

    This role will add the following attributes to the consuming class.

    You can override the value of this attribute with "default" to
    automatically prepend a namespace to the supplied traits. (This can be
    overridden by prefixing the trait name with "+".)


      package Another::Trait;
      use Moose::Role;
      has 'bar' => (
          is       => 'ro',
          isa      => 'Str',
          required => 1,

      package Another::Class;
      use Moose;
      with 'MooseX::Traits';
      has '+_trait_namespace' => ( default => 'Another' );

      my $instance = Another::Class->new_with_traits(
          traits => ['Trait'], # "Another::Trait", not "Trait"
          bar    => 'bar',
      $instance->does('Trait')          # false
      $instance->does('Another::Trait') # true

      my $instance2 = Another::Class->new_with_traits(
          traits => ['+Trait'], # "Trait", not "Another::Trait"
      $instance2->does('Trait')          # true
      $instance2->does('Another::Trait') # false

    Jonathan Rockway "<>"

    Stevan Little "<>"

    Rafael Kitover "<>"

    Copyright 2008 Infinity Interactive, Inc.


    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.