%%%%% boxedeps.cfg %% --- optional configuration file for boxedeps.tex %% that provides a default driver specification %% for use by the PostScript integration utility boxedeps.tex. %% %%% AIM: Make PostScript integration more driver-independent %%% USE: Uncomment one of the \Set... commands in following table. %% See documentation after \endinput. %% \SetepsfEPSFSpecial %% ******* will work for many: %%% --- dvips, the Y&Y drivers, DirectTeX, CMacTeX, OzTeX>=1.7 %% \SetEPSFMultiSpecial %% ******* may work for more %% \SetTexturesEPSFSpecial %% Textures %% \SetUnixCoopEPSFSpecial %% dvi2ps early unix %% \SetNiponUnixEPSFSpecial %% dvi2ps j-version %% \SetBechtolsheimDVI2PSEPSFSpecial and %% \SetBechtolsheimDVITPSEPSFSpecial %% by S.P.Bechtolsheim %% \SetLisEPSFSpecial %% dvi2ps by Tony Lis %% \SetRokickiEPSFSpecial %% dvips by Tom Rokicki %% \SetDVIPSoneEPSFSpecial %% DVIPSONE of Y&Y same as %% \SetDVIWindowEPSFSpecial %% DVIWindow of Y&Y %% \SetDirectTeXEPSFSpecial %% DirectTeX by Wilfried Ricken %% \SetCMacTeXEPSFSpecial %% CMacTeX by Tom Kiffe %% \SetOzTeXEPSFSpecial %% OzTeX (>=1.7) by Andrew Trevorrow %% \SetOldOzTeXEPSFSpecial %% OzTeX 1.42--1.6x %% \SetPSprintEPSFSpecial %% PSprint by Andrew Trevorrow %% --- also for OzTeX versions <= 1.41 !! %% \SetArborEPSFSpecial %% ArborTeX DVILASER/PS %% \SetClarkEPSFSpecial %% dvitops by James Clark %% \SetBeebeEPSFSpecial %% DVIALW by N. Beebe %% \SetNorthlakeEPSFSpecial %% Northlake Software %% \SetStandardEPSFSpecial %% Nonexistant: Placebo used \endinput %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ***** DOCUMENTATION for boxedeps.cfg ***** ***** INSTALLATION: (1) Uncomment the line that corresponds to the dvi-to-postscript printer driver that you use and comment out any other such lines. (2) Place the modified file in one of your "TeX inputs" directories. An end-user might put it alongside his TeX files. A system operator might put it in a read-only directory. ***** USE: Place a command \input boxedeps.cfg in style file for your .tex typescript. Or in its header. Then no command \SetEPSFSpecial is needed in your .tex typescript, and as a consequence, it becomes is perfectly portable between sites that that are equipped with boxedeps.tex and such a configuration file. Highly recommended for all typescripts that use several drivers, say at home, at the office, on visit etc. NB: If you give a \SetEPSFSpecial after this file has been input it will overrule this configuration file. Watch the log file for sign of this; it can trip you up! But it can also be convenient.