  Author = {X. Serra},
  Chapter = {Musical Sound Modeling with Sinusoids plus Noise},
  Publisher = {G. D. Poli, A. Picialli, S. T. Pope and C. Roads, Eds.~Swets~\&~Zeitlinger},
  Title = {Musical Signal Processing},
  Pages = {91--122},
  Year = {1996}}

  Author = {James A. Moorer},
  Title = {Audio in the New Millennium},
  Journal = {Journal of the {AES}},
  Volume = 48,
  Number = 5,
  Year = 2000,
  Month = may,
  Pages = {490--498}}

  Author = {P. Dutilleux},
  School = {University of Aix-Marseille II},
  Title = {Vers la machine \`a sculpter le son, modification en temps-r\'eel des caract\'eristiques fr\'equentielles et temporelles des sons},
  Year = {1991}}

  Author = {K. Fitz and L. Haken},
  Title = {{Current Research in Real-time Sound Morphing}},
  Note = {Available at \href{http://www.cerlsoundgroup.org/RealTimeMorph/}{http://www.cerlsoundgroup.org/RealTimeMorph/}},
  Year = {Accessed March 08, 2006}}