%% psu-thesis.sty
%% Copyright 2008 Matt Floros
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Matt Floros.
% This work consists of the files psuthesis.sty and psuthesis.bst


% PSU Thesis Style File Compiled by Matt Floros
% This file contains macros for automatic generation of front matter, back
% matter, signature pages, and so forth for Penn State master and doctoral
% theses.  It was pieced together from several sources, and many macros were
% added such that the user should be able to piece together properly formatted
% thesis with simple macro calls without editing this file.
% To generate the title page, the following variables must be set, either in the
% preamble or in the document itself:
% \title{}            (Thesis title)
% \author{}           (Your name as it is to appear on the title page, 
%                     signature page, permission to copy page, and 
%                     UMI abstract)
% \submitdate{}       (Month and year, e.g. December 2000)
% \principaladviser{} (Adviser's name)
% \dept{}             (Academic Department}
% \degree{}           (typically Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy} 
% to generate the appropriate entries on the title page.
%  \includecopyrightline will add a copyright line on the title page
% Possibly one of the following commands must be issued:
% \thesis 
% \dissertation 
% \proposal 
% to set whether or not you want the title page to say "A Thesis in" "A Thesis
% Proposal in," or "A Dissertation in"  (\thesis is default).
% To generate the signature page, the readers must be set with
% \firstreader{}{}, \secondreader{}{}, up to \sixthreader{}{}.  If the number
% of readers is smaller than six, simply omit the remaining.  Each reader
% command takes two arguments.  The first is the reader's name, and the second
% includes the identifiers for that reader.  The following macros are used to
% format the  identifiers:
% \adviser
% \coadviser
% \chair
% \cochair
% \head{}
% \prof{}
% \assistprof{}
% \assocprof{} 
% or the combinations 
% \adviserchair
% \coadviserchair 
% if these entries are to appear on the same line.  Each command will produce a
% line under the reader's name.  The department is supplied as the argument for
% \head{}, \prof{}, etc.  For example: 
% \firstreader{John Doe}{\adviserchair \prof{Chemistry}\head{Chemistry}} 
% would produce the entry:
% John Doe
% Thesis Adviser, Chair of Committee
% Professor of Chemistry
% Head of Department of Chemistry
% Options are set to select the frontmatter that will be used in the thesis:
% \includecopyrightpage
% \includelistoftables
% \includelistoffigures
% \includepermission
% \includesignature
% \listofsymbols[width]{list symbols here}*
% \dedicationtext{Dedication here.}
% \abstracttext{Abstract here.}
% \acknowltext{Acknowledgements here.}
% \prefacetext{Preface here.}
% \epigraphtext{Epigraph here.}
% \frontispiece{Picture Here}
% If not defined, the item will be neglected.
% * The list of symbols command \listofsymbols has an optional argument and
% additional command which can be helpful for typesetting the list of symbols. 
% A command \symbolentry is defined which takes two arguments.  The first is
% the symbol itself and the second is the definition.  A sample use of
% \symbolentry would be \symbolentry{F}{Force}.  Note that the first argument
% is typeset in math mode by default and a command such as \mbox must be used
% to set the symbol in regular text.  The symbol and definition are set with
% the minipage environment defaulting to 1 inch for the symbol, and the
% remaining width of the text for the definition.  Because the minipage
% environment is used, the definition will wrap indented by the 1 inch if it is
% too long to fit on a single line.  The 1 inch can be changed either by
% setting the length parameter \symbolwidth to a different value before calling
% \listofsymbols, or adding an optional argument to \listofsymbols, i.e.
% \listofsymbols[0.5in]{list symbols here}.  If it is desired to change the
% symbol width in the middle, the command \setsymwidth{length} will change the
% column sizes.
% Finally, the frontmatter is created with \makefrontmatter which must be in 
% the main text.
% Additionally, a draft command \draft is included which creates a box at the
% top of each page with the date and time of creation.  Note that this changes
% the page style to {plain} where it would normally be {headings} so the draft
% mark does not overlap the chapter headings.
% A command \numberbychapter causes equations, figures, and tables to be
% numbered by chapter as chapter.number, e.g. the first figure of chapter 2 is
% figure 2.1.  A seperate command \numtheorembychap does the same for theorems,
% lemmas, and definitions, but must be invoked after defining the theorem or
% definition environment.
% Appendices should be preceeded by either \singleappendix or \appendices,
% which format single or multiple appendices properly  The appendix title
% should be invoked by \chapter as usual after \singleappendix or \appendices
% is issued.
\NeedsTeXFormat {LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01]
\def \filename {psu-thesis.sty}
\def \filedate {2008/9/17}
\def \fileversion {1.1}
\ProvidesPackage {psu-thesis}[\filedate\space\fileversion\space
  Contributed and Supported LaTeX2e package]
\typeout {Package: `psu-thesis' \fileversion\space <\filedate>}

% setspace package required for line spacing changes

\degree{Master of Science}

\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}




% Set up page layout
\oddsidemargin 0.5in 
\evensidemargin 0in
\textwidth 6in  
\textheight 8.3in
\topmargin 0in 
\headheight 0.25in 
\headsep 0.25in 

%                                             %
%    Make figures fit better on the page      %
%                                             %

% Stolen from cwebmac.tex
% \datethis to get the date and time on the output.
% modified 3/27/92 (sanjeev@cs.psu.edu)

  January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
  July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
  \space\number\day, \number\year}


  \divide\twodigits by 60%
  \multiply\twodigits by-60%
  \advance\twodigits by\time%


  \advance\twodigits-100 }

  \advance\twodigits-100 }

\def\datethis{\medskip{\sc\today\ at \hours}\bigskip}

% Commands for the \draft command and box setup.
   \sbox{\draftbox}{\framebox{{\sc Draft:}\quad\datethis}}

% Redefine the "empty" and "plain" pagestyles so that the "draft" indication
% will be printed in the head in draft mode.


\def\@evenfoot{\hfil \thepage \hfil}
\def\@oddfoot{\hfil \thepage \hfil}

% \blankpage will produce a "floating" blank page.


% Define \numberbychapter to number figures, tables, definitions and theorems
% within chapters. Any theorem-like environment numbered with theorem inherits
% this numbering (however, be sure to define the theorem/definition
% environment before invoking \numberbychapter).  The LaTeX 2e default is to
% number equations by chapter, so \chapprefix is always set to prefix each
% number with the chapter number.




%Define alphabetic sub-numbering of equations, figures, and chapters.  The
%eqnalph environment is an extension to the eqnarray environment to number by
%letters also.  It is commented out because the functionality is available in
%the LaTeX package subeqn.sty.





%Define signature page items, modified from Kelliher by Floros 3/8/2000
\def\adviser{Thesis Adviser \\}
\def\coadviser{Thesis Co-Adviser \\}
\def\chair{Chair of Committee \\}
\def\cochair{Co-Chair of Committee \\}
\def\head#1{Head of the Department of #1 \\}
\def\prof#1{Professor of #1 \\}
\def\assocprof#1{Associate Professor of #1 \\}
\def\assistprof#1{Assistant Professor of #1 \\}
\def\adviserchair{Thesis Adviser, Chair of Committee \\}
\def\coadviserchair{Thesis Co-Adviser, Co-Chair of Committee \\}

\def\firstreader#1#2{\def\@firstreader{#1 \\ 
\def\secondreader#1#2{\def\@secondreader{#1 \\ 
\def\thirdreader#1#2{\def\@thirdreader{#1 \\ 
\def\fourthreader#1#2{\def\@fourthreader{#1 \\ 
\def\fifthreader#1#2{\def\@fifthreader{#1 \\ 
\def\sixthreader#1#2{\def\@sixthreader{#1 \\ 

\def\copyrightyear#1{\gdef\@copyrightyear{#1}} % \author, \title in report
\def\@title{}\def\@author{}\def\@dept{Your Dept Here}
  January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
  July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
  \space \number\the\year}
    \@tempcnta=\year \advance\@tempcnta by 1

% This was made more user-friendly by MWF 3/7/2000 such that changes 
% to this file were replaced by setting the \includexxx flags in the
% main document
\newif\iffigurespage \def\includelistoffigures{\figurespagetrue}
\newif\iftablespage  \def\includelistoftables{\tablespagetrue}
\newif\ifcopyright   \def\includecopyrightpage{\copyrighttrue}
\newif\ifsignature   \def\includesignature{\signaturetrue}
\newif\ifcommittee   \def\includecommittee{\committeetrue}


\def\includecopyrightline{\def\copyright@line{\vfill \begin{center} 
   \copyright\hspace{0.5em} \@copyrightyear\hspace{0.5em}\@author \end{center}

% Create commands to help generate the list of symbols. (MWF 7/6/2000)
   \singlespace $#1$ \endsinglespace \end{minipage}%
    #2 \endsinglespace \end{minipage}}

% Change symbol width midstream (MWF 11/17/2002)

% This was made more user-friendly by MWF 3/7/2000 such that changes 
% to this file were replaced by setting a thesis flag and the degree
% type in the main document
\def\@thesistype{A Thesis in}
\def\dissertation{\gdef\@thesistype{A Dissertation in} \gdef\@degreetype{Doctor
   of Philosophy}}
\def\proposal{\gdef\@thesistype{A Thesis Proposal in}}
\def\thesis{\gdef\@thesistype{A Thesis in}}


% Add option to specify college affiliation, ELH 10/4/2004

        \null\vskip.25in%  changed from 1in to .25in
             \textbf{The Pennsylvania State University\\
             The Graduate School\\
             \@collegename }
                \@thesistype \\
                \rm by\\
                \@author\\ }
             Submitted in Partial Fulfillment \\
             of the Requirements \\
             for the Degree of \endsinglespace}

        { \singlespace \begin{center}
                \Large\copyright\ Copyright \@copyrightyear\\
                All Rights Reserved\\

\parindent=0pt \raggedright
{\vrule width 3.9in height 0.4pt\hfill\vrule 
        width 1.25in height 0.4pt \par #1}

% This was made more user-friendly by MWF 3/7/2000 such that changes 
% to this file were replaced by setting \firstreader..\sixthreader
        \noindent We approve the thesis of  \@author. \hfill \\
        \hfill \begin{minipage}{1.25in} \center Date of Signature
        \end{minipage} \\
        \ifx\@empty\@firstreader \else 
        \ifx\@empty\@secondreader \else 
        \ifx\@empty\@thirdreader \else 
        \ifx\@empty\@fourthreader \else 
        \ifx\@empty\@fifthreader \else 
        \ifx\@empty\@sixthreader \else 
        \par \end{singlespace} \cleardoublepage \pagestyle{plain}
        \typeout{Signature Page.}}

% As of Spring 2003, a "Committee Page" is required, rather than a signatory
% page (Signatory page is kept on file in the Graduate School, but only the
% Committee page should appear in the thesis  ELH 10/4/2004
        \noindent The thesis of \@author\ was reviewed and approved* by the
        \ifx\@empty\@firstreader \else 
        \ifx\@empty\@secondreader \else 
        \ifx\@empty\@thirdreader \else 
        \ifx\@empty\@fourthreader \else 
        \ifx\@empty\@fifthreader \else 
        \ifx\@empty\@sixthreader \else 
        \noindent *Signatures are on file in the Graduate School.
        \par \end{singlespace} \cleardoublepage \pagestyle{plain}
        \typeout{Committee Page.}}

    \vskip 2.5in
\noindent I grant The Pennsylvania State University the nonexclusive right to
use this work  for the University's own purposes and to make single copies of
the work available  to the public on a not-for-profit basis if copies are not
otherwise available.

    \vskip 0.75in
    \hbox{\null\hskip 3.2in \vrule width 2in height 0.4pt}
    \hbox{\null\hskip 3.2in \@author}
    \typeout{Permission to copy page.}
} \cleardoublepage }}


%Set up preface section formats

%Set up specific sections: dedication, abstract, acknowledgments, 
%preface, epigraph, frontispiece, and introduction preceeding chapter 1
\long\def\dedicationtext#1{\def\dedication@text{\prefacesectiontoc{Dedication} #1
\long\def\abstracttext#1{\def\abstract@text{\prefacesection{Abstract} #1
\long\def\acknowltext#1{\def\acknowl@text{\prefacesectiontoc{Acknowledgments} #1
\long\def\epigraphtext#1{\def\epigraph@text{\cleardoublepage \thispagestyle{plain} #1
\long\def\frontispiece#1{\def\frontis@piece{\cleardoublepage \thispagestyle{plain} #1
\long\def\prefacetext#1{\def\preface@text{\prefacesectiontoc{Preface} #1
   \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Introduction} #1}

% List of Figures
%This addcontentsline{}{}{} was added by GLG 5/4/91 Moved by MCS 12/14/92.
                \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
                \typeout{List of Figures.} \newpage 

% List of Tables 
%This \addcontentsline{}{}{} was added by GLG 5/4/91 Moved by MCS 12/14/92.
                \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}
                \typeout{List of Tables.} \newpage

%List of Symbols
% Reset width of symbol definition width to fill space left from symbol itself        
% This \addcontentsline{}{}{} was added by GLG 4/23/96.
                \chapter*{List of Symbols}
                \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Symbols}
                \typeout{List of Symbols.} \newpage

        \newpage \pagenumbering{arabic}

% Start with pagestyle{myheadings} in case front matter isn't processed
% Redefine the "empty" pagestyle so that the "draft" indication will be
% printed in the head in draft mode.


% Bibliography is not included in table of contents by default.  This command
% adds it to the toc and formats it for single space. (MWF 11/17/2002)

% 5/18/92 kelliher
% The bibliography is the first component of the backmatter.  Appendices,
% if present, form the second component.  Appendices are begun with the
% \chapter macro; however, either the \singleappendix or \appendices
% command should be given before any of the actual appendices.  Use
% \singleappendix when there is only a single appendix, for multiple
% appendices use \appendices.

% \singleappendix "redefs" \@chapter so that the proper entry is made in
% the table of contents.  Basically, the appendix should not be "numbered."

% modified 3/8/2000 by Floros to say "Appendix" in the TOC and "Appendix"
% instead of "Appendix A" in document.  This is from LaTeX 2e's report.cls file.
% I copied the entry to this file and removed the \thechapter

    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\@chapapp\ \ ##1}
    \addtocontents{lot}{\protect\addvspace{10pt}} \if@twocolumn
  {\parindent \z@ \raggedright \normalfont
    \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
        \huge\bfseries \@chapapp\space
        \vskip 20\p@
    \Huge \bfseries ##2\par\nobreak
    \vskip 40\p@
  {\parindent \z@ \raggedright \normalfont
    \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
        \huge\bfseries \@chapapp\space
        \vskip 20\p@
    \Huge \bfseries ##2\par\nobreak
    \vskip 40\p@
    \@afterheading \fi}}

% Modified 3/8/2000 by Floros to change toc entries to  "Appendix A. <title>"
% instead of "A <title>"

    {{\protect\numberline{\@chapapp\space\thechapter.\hspace{1em} ##1}}}
    \addtocontents{lot}{\protect\addvspace{10pt}} \if@twocolumn
    \else \@makechapterhead{##2}
    \@afterheading \fi}}

\long\def\UMIabstract#1{\cleardoublepage \thispagestyle{empty}

\noindent Abstract 
\noindent \@title   
\noindent \@author  
\noindent \@degreetype; \, \@submitdate   
\noindent The Pennsylvania State University  
\noindent \advis@r; \,Thesis Adviser           

\end{singlespace} \par \vspace{1em}
\noindent #1
\typeout{UMI Abstract.}

\def\vita#1{\cleardoublepage \pagestyle{empty}
\begin{center} Vita \\ \@author \end{center}
\vspace{1em} #1 \typeout{Vita.}}