|                                autofootnote                                 |
Abbreviation:  �|\afn�%
Parameters:    �|text�%
The \autofootnote  markup adds  footnotes to a  page.   The footnote  can be
placed  anywhere within  text, without  interrupting formatting.    When the
document is  formatted, the place of  the footnote is marked  with a number.
The text of the note is put  at the bottom of the page.  The footnote number
will be automatically incremented by one for each use of \autofootnote.
communicate most important things --- hunger, alarm,
rank, and sexual desire --- among themselves by
means of nonsyntactical signals.\autofootnote{such
as crashing together}  Individuals are aware of
members and nonmembers of their group.
|                                                                             |
| communicate most  important  things ---  hunger, alarm,  rank,  and sexual  |
| desire  ---  among  themselves  by  means  of  nonsyntactical  signals.(1)  |
| Individuals are aware of members and nonmembers of their group.             |
|                                                                             |
The footnote would print as follows at the bottom of the page:
|     1.  such as crashing together                                           |
The text of the note must be enclosed with curly braces, otherwise following
text will be taken as footnote text, until all available space for footnotes
is exhausted.
    You   cannot   use  \autofootnote   within   \settabs,   \vbox,   \hbox,
\drawbox,  \paragraphbox,  \label,  \part,  \chapter, \centerline,  \halign,
\rightlinesbegin, or \centerlinesbegin.
    The footnote  number is reset to  1 at the  beginning of each part.   To
reset the  footnote number  outside of  a \part, use  the \setfootnotenumber
    To change the footnote style, use the \footnoteformat markup.
    When  using \monospace,  the footnote  in the  text  of the  document is
surrounded by  parenthesis, instead of  superscripted.   The previous \auto-
footnote sample output would print as:
|                                                                             |
| communicate most  important  things ---  hunger, alarm,  rank,  and sexual  |
| desire  ---  among  themselves  by  means  of  nonsyntactical  signals.(1)  |
| Individuals are aware of members and nonmembers of their group.             |
|                                                                             |