|                               subheaddformat                                |
Abbreviation:  �|\shdf�%
Parameters:    �|submarkup�%
Submarkup:     �|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontents�%
The \subheaddformat markup lets  you change the appearance of the subheading
title.   There  are three  submarkup that  control how  the \subheadd  is to
�|\numberingstyle�%  by default  is 1  which will  print the subhead  number in
Arabic numbers.   Other possibilities  are "A" and "I".  By default, subhead
numbers are not printed, even though the \subheaddnumber is incremented.
�|\titleformat{Nested Markup}�%  is used to  describe how the  subhead title is
to  be printed.    You  may use  markup such  as  \newpage, \removelastskip,
\goodbreak,  \nobreak, \verticalspace,  and \centerline  within \titleformat
as  Nested  Markup.     Other  markup  you  may  use within  or  outside  of
  * \subheaddnumberprints the most recent subheadd number.
  * \subheaddtitleprints the most recent subheadd title.
�|\incontents�% places the subheadd  title in the contents (if one is printed).
By default, the title is not  placed in the contents.  Printing in the table
of contents can be included by changing to "yes":
If you wanted a subhead to  place the title in a lable, you would modify the
more realistic.
\subheadd{Nationalism and War}
Nationalism is directly related to war.
Lord Acton observed that the increase in nationalism
significantly increases a country's ability to
protect itself . . .
The fourth subheadd would print as:
|                                                                             |
| more realistic.                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
| Nationalism                                                                 |
| and War    thatonthesmincreaseeinlynationalism  significantlyctincreasesea  |
|            country's ability to protect itself . . .                        |
|                                                                             |
The \subheaddformat  markup must come  after the \monospace  markup, if both
are used.