/* lstatslib.c Copyright 2006-2009 Taco Hoekwater <taco@luatex.org> This file is part of LuaTeX. LuaTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LuaTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LuaTeX; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ static const char _svn_version[] = "$Id: lstatslib.c 3477 2010-03-12 13:59:34Z taco $ " "$URL: http://foundry.supelec.fr/svn/luatex/tags/beta-0.70.1/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/lstatslib.c $"; #include "lua/luatex-api.h" #include "ptexlib.h" typedef struct statistic { const char *name; char type; void *value; } statistic; typedef const char *(*charfunc) (void); typedef lua_Number(*numfunc) (void); typedef int (*intfunc) (void); static const char *getbanner(void) { return (const char *) ptexbanner; } static const char *getlogname(void) { return (const char *) texmf_log_name; } static const char *get_pdftex_banner(void) { return (const char *) pdftex_banner; } static const char *get_output_file_name(void) { if (static_pdf != NULL) return (const char *) static_pdf->file_name; return NULL; } static const char *getfilename(void) { int t = 0; int level = in_open; while ((level > 0)) { t = input_stack[level--].name_field; if (t >= STRING_OFFSET) return (const char *) str_string(t); } return ""; } static const char *getlasterror(void) { return last_error; } static const char *luatexrevision(void) { return (const char *) (strrchr(luatex_version_string, '.') + 1); } static lua_Number get_pdf_gone(void) { if (static_pdf != NULL) return (lua_Number) static_pdf->gone; return (lua_Number) 0; } static lua_Number get_pdf_ptr(void) { if (static_pdf != NULL) return (lua_Number) static_pdf->ptr; return (lua_Number) 0; } static lua_Number get_pdf_os_cntr(void) { if (static_pdf != NULL) return (lua_Number) static_pdf->os_cntr; return (lua_Number) 0; } static lua_Number get_pdf_os_objidx(void) { if (static_pdf != NULL) return (lua_Number) static_pdf->os_idx; return (lua_Number) 0; } static lua_Number get_pdf_mem_size(void) { if (static_pdf != NULL) return (lua_Number) static_pdf->mem_size; return (lua_Number) 0; } static lua_Number get_pdf_mem_ptr(void) { if (static_pdf != NULL) return (lua_Number) static_pdf->mem_ptr; return (lua_Number) 0; } static lua_Number get_obj_ptr(void) { if (static_pdf != NULL) return (lua_Number) static_pdf->obj_ptr; return (lua_Number) 0; } static lua_Number get_obj_tab_size(void) { if (static_pdf != NULL) return (lua_Number) static_pdf->obj_tab_size; return (lua_Number) 0; } static lua_Number get_dest_names_size(void) { if (static_pdf != NULL) return (lua_Number) static_pdf->dest_names_size; return (lua_Number) 0; } static lua_Number get_dest_names_ptr(void) { if (static_pdf != NULL) return (lua_Number) static_pdf->dest_names_ptr; return (lua_Number) 0; } static int get_hash_size(void) { return hash_size; /* is a #define */ } static int luastate_max = 1; /* fixed value */ /* temp, for backward compat */ static int init_pool_ptr = 0; static struct statistic stats[] = { {"pdf_gone", 'N', &get_pdf_gone}, {"pdf_ptr", 'N', &get_pdf_ptr}, {"dvi_gone", 'g', &dvi_offset}, {"dvi_ptr", 'g', &dvi_ptr}, {"total_pages", 'g', &total_pages}, {"output_file_name", 'S', (void *) &get_output_file_name}, {"log_name", 'S', (void *) &getlogname}, {"banner", 'S', (void *) &getbanner}, {"pdftex_banner", 'S', (void *) &get_pdftex_banner}, {"luatex_svn", 'G', &get_luatexsvn}, {"luatex_version", 'G', &get_luatexversion}, {"luatex_revision", 'S', (void *) &luatexrevision}, {"ini_version", 'b', &ini_version}, /* * mem stat */ {"var_used", 'g', &var_used}, {"dyn_used", 'g', &dyn_used}, /* * traditional tex stats */ {"str_ptr", 'g', &str_ptr}, {"init_str_ptr", 'g', &init_str_ptr}, {"max_strings", 'g', &max_strings}, {"pool_ptr", 'g', &pool_size}, {"init_pool_ptr", 'g', &init_pool_ptr}, {"pool_size", 'g', &pool_size}, {"var_mem_max", 'g', &var_mem_max}, {"node_mem_usage", 'S', &sprint_node_mem_usage}, {"fix_mem_max", 'g', &fix_mem_max}, {"fix_mem_min", 'g', &fix_mem_min}, {"fix_mem_end", 'g', &fix_mem_end}, {"cs_count", 'g', &cs_count}, {"hash_size", 'G', &get_hash_size}, {"hash_extra", 'g', &hash_extra}, {"font_ptr", 'G', &max_font_id}, {"max_in_stack", 'g', &max_in_stack}, {"max_nest_stack", 'g', &max_nest_stack}, {"max_param_stack", 'g', &max_param_stack}, {"max_buf_stack", 'g', &max_buf_stack}, {"max_save_stack", 'g', &max_save_stack}, {"stack_size", 'g', &stack_size}, {"nest_size", 'g', &nest_size}, {"param_size", 'g', ¶m_size}, {"buf_size", 'g', &buf_size}, {"save_size", 'g', &save_size}, /* pdf stats */ {"obj_ptr", 'N', &get_obj_ptr}, {"obj_tab_size", 'N', &get_obj_tab_size}, {"pdf_os_cntr", 'N', &get_pdf_os_cntr}, {"pdf_os_objidx", 'N', &get_pdf_os_objidx}, {"pdf_dest_names_ptr", 'N', &get_dest_names_ptr}, {"dest_names_size", 'N', &get_dest_names_size}, {"pdf_mem_ptr", 'N', &get_pdf_mem_ptr}, {"pdf_mem_size", 'N', &get_pdf_mem_size}, {"largest_used_mark", 'g', &biggest_used_mark}, {"filename", 'S', (void *) &getfilename}, {"inputid", 'g', &(iname)}, {"linenumber", 'g', &line}, {"lasterrorstring", 'S', (void *) &getlasterror}, {"luabytecodes", 'g', &luabytecode_max}, {"luabytecode_bytes", 'g', &luabytecode_bytes}, {"luastates", 'g', &luastate_max}, {"luastate_bytes", 'g', &luastate_bytes}, {"callbacks", 'g', &callback_count}, {"indirect_callbacks", 'g', &saved_callback_count}, {"output_active", 'b', &output_active}, {"best_page_break", 'n', &best_page_break}, {NULL, 0, 0} }; static int stats_name_to_id(const char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; stats[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (strcmp(stats[i].name, name) == 0) return i; } return 0; } static int do_getstat(lua_State * L, int i) { int t; const char *st; charfunc f; intfunc g; numfunc n; int str; t = stats[i].type; switch (t) { case 'S': f = stats[i].value; st = f(); lua_pushstring(L, st); break; case 's': str = *(int *) (stats[i].value); if (str) { char *ss = makecstring(str); lua_pushstring(L, ss); free(ss); } else { lua_pushnil(L); } break; case 'N': n = stats[i].value; lua_pushnumber(L, n()); break; case 'G': g = stats[i].value; lua_pushnumber(L, g()); break; case 'g': lua_pushnumber(L, *(int *) (stats[i].value)); break; case 'B': g = stats[i].value; lua_pushboolean(L, g()); break; case 'n': if (*(halfword *) (stats[i].value) != 0) lua_nodelib_push_fast(L, *(halfword *) (stats[i].value)); else lua_pushnil(L); break; case 'b': lua_pushboolean(L, *(int *) (stats[i].value)); break; default: lua_pushnil(L); } return 1; } static int getstats(lua_State * L) { const char *st; int i; if (lua_isstring(L, -1)) { st = lua_tostring(L, -1); i = stats_name_to_id(st); if (i > 0) { return do_getstat(L, i); } } return 0; } static int setstats(lua_State * L) { (void) L; return 0; } static int statslist(lua_State * L) { int i; luaL_checkstack(L, 1, "out of stack space"); lua_newtable(L); for (i = 0; stats[i].name != NULL; i++) { luaL_checkstack(L, 2, "out of stack space"); lua_pushstring(L, stats[i].name); do_getstat(L, i); lua_rawset(L, -3); } return 1; } static const struct luaL_reg statslib[] = { {"list", statslist}, {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; int luaopen_stats(lua_State * L) { luaL_register(L, "status", statslib); luaL_newmetatable(L, "stats_meta"); lua_pushstring(L, "__index"); lua_pushcfunction(L, getstats); lua_settable(L, -3); lua_pushstring(L, "__newindex"); lua_pushcfunction(L, setstats); lua_settable(L, -3); lua_setmetatable(L, -2); /* meta to itself */ return 1; }