% pdfimage.w

% Copyright 2009-2010 Taco Hoekwater <taco@@luatex.org>

% This file is part of LuaTeX.

% LuaTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
% the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
% Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
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@ @c
static const char _svn_version[] =
    "$Id: pdfimage.w 3571 2010-04-02 13:50:45Z taco $"
    "$URL: http://foundry.supelec.fr/svn/luatex/tags/beta-0.70.1/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/pdf/pdfimage.w $";

#include "ptexlib.h"

@ @c
void place_img(PDF pdf, image_dict * idict, scaled_whd dim, int transform)
    float a[6];                 /* transformation matrix */
    float xoff, yoff, tmp;
    pdfstructure *p = pdf->pstruct;
    scaledpos pos = pdf->posstruct->pos;
    int r;                      /* number of digits after the decimal point */
    int k;
    scaledpos tmppos;
    pdffloat cm[6];
    int groupref;               /* added from web for 1.40.8 */
    assert(idict != 0);
    assert(p != NULL);
    a[0] = a[3] = 1.0e6;
    a[1] = a[2] = 0;
    if (img_type(idict) == IMG_TYPE_PDF
        || img_type(idict) == IMG_TYPE_PDFSTREAM) {
        a[0] /= (float) img_xsize(idict);
        a[3] /= (float) img_ysize(idict);
        xoff = (float) img_xorig(idict) / (float) img_xsize(idict);
        yoff = (float) img_yorig(idict) / (float) img_ysize(idict);
        r = 6;
    } else {
        /* added from web for 1.40.8 */
        if (img_type(idict) == IMG_TYPE_PNG) {
            groupref = img_group_ref(idict);
            if ((groupref > 0) && (pdf->img_page_group_val == 0))
                pdf->img_page_group_val = groupref;
        /* /added from web */
        a[0] /= (float) one_hundred_bp;
        a[3] = a[0];
        xoff = yoff = 0;
        r = 4;
    if ((transform & 7) > 3) {  // mirror cases
        a[0] *= -1;
        xoff *= -1;
    switch ((transform + img_rotation(idict)) & 3) {
    case 0:                    /* no transform */
    case 1:                    /* rot. 90 deg. (counterclockwise) */
        a[1] = a[0];
        a[2] = -a[3];
        a[3] = a[0] = 0;
        tmp = yoff;
        yoff = xoff;
        xoff = -tmp;
    case 2:                    /* rot. 180 deg. (counterclockwise) */
        a[0] *= -1;
        a[3] *= -1;
        xoff *= -1;
        yoff *= -1;
    case 3:                    /* rot. 270 deg. (counterclockwise) */
        a[1] = -a[0];
        a[2] = a[3];
        a[3] = a[0] = 0;
        tmp = yoff;
        yoff = -xoff;
        xoff = tmp;
    xoff *= (float) dim.wd;
    yoff *= (float) (dim.ht + dim.dp);
    a[0] *= (float) dim.wd;
    a[1] *= (float) (dim.ht + dim.dp);
    a[2] *= (float) dim.wd;
    a[3] *= (float) (dim.ht + dim.dp);
    a[4] = (float) pos.h - xoff;
    a[5] = (float) pos.v - yoff;
    k = transform + img_rotation(idict);
    if ((transform & 7) > 3)
    switch (k & 3) {
    case 0:                    /* no transform */
    case 1:                    /* rot. 90 deg. (counterclockwise) */
        a[4] += (float) dim.wd;
    case 2:                    /* rot. 180 deg. */
        a[4] += (float) dim.wd;
        a[5] += (float) (dim.ht + dim.dp);
    case 3:                    /* rot. 270 deg. */
        a[5] += (float) (dim.ht + dim.dp);
    /* the following is a kludge, TODO: use pdfpage.c functions */
    setpdffloat(cm[0], round(a[0]), r);
    setpdffloat(cm[1], round(a[1]), r);
    setpdffloat(cm[2], round(a[2]), r);
    setpdffloat(cm[3], round(a[3]), r);
    tmppos.h = round(a[4]);
    tmppos.v = round(a[5]);
    (void) calc_pdfpos(p, tmppos);
    cm[4] = p->cm[4];
    cm[5] = p->cm[5];
    if (pdf->img_page_group_val == 0)
        pdf->img_page_group_val = img_group_ref(idict); /* added from web for 1.40.8 */
    pdf_printf(pdf, "q\n");
    pdf_print_cm(pdf, cm);
    pdf_printf(pdf, "/Im");
    pdf_print_int(pdf, img_index(idict));
    pdf_printf(pdf, " Do\nQ\n");
    addto_page_resources(pdf, obj_type_ximage, img_objnum(idict));
    if (img_state(idict) < DICT_OUTIMG)
        img_state(idict) = DICT_OUTIMG;

@ for normal output, see \.{pdflistout.w}

void pdf_place_image(PDF pdf, halfword p)
    scaled_whd dim;
    image_dict *idict = idict_array[pdf_ximage_index(p)];
    assert(idict != NULL);
    dim.wd = width(p);
    dim.ht = height(p);
    dim.dp = depth(p);
    place_img(pdf, idict, dim, pdf_ximage_transform(p));