Program Name: NemoCalendar (Version 0.91)

  Synopsis: nemocal [-weekly|-monthly|-yearly] [-n[,m]] [year/month/day]

     produces "calendar.tex", a LaTeX calendar file

  Status: Public domain, Released on Apr.1, 1994.

  The complete C source code is provided in a single file, "nemocal.c".
  Should be easily compiled in any system with very few modifications.
  For instance,
    gcc -Wall -O -o nemocal nemocal.c
  compiled just fine with no warnings in my Linux box after I removed
  #include <conio.h> and replaced the two non-ANSI functions getche()
  and cprintf() by getchar() and printf() respectively.

  For DOS users, the executable nemocal.exe is provided, which has been
  compiled by WATCOM C 9.01.

  Author: Joohee Jeong (

              /* -------------------------------------- */

  The command


  with no command line options displays brief help screen as follows:

  Usage: nemocal -options [-n[,m]] [year/month/day]

         where -options = -w[eekly]|-m[onthly]|-y[early]
               -n = number of pages
                m = number of months in a page (for -monthly only)
                year/month/day = start of the calendar

  The first field of the options should be one among -weekly,-monthly and
  -yearly. -w,-m and -y can be used as shortcuts.  These options generate
  weekly/monthly/ yearly calendars respectively. The second field -n is
  used to specify the number of calendar pages to be generated.
  -1 is the default.  The third field specifies the start of the
  calendar.  Today is the default.  year doesn't assume 19**. So, you
  can't use use 94 in place of 1994.

  Monthly calendar takes -n[,m] as the second field option.  m is one
  among 1,2,4 and 6, meaning 1,2,4 and 6 months in a page.  n is the
  number of pages.  Monthly calendar needs landscape printing when
  m=1 or m=4.  In the third field, /day is not used.  For instance,
  1994/7/12 has the same effect as 1994/7, and 7/12 is interpreted as
  December of the year A.D.7.  m=4,6 are not supported in the current
  version 0.9.

  Yearly calendar is basically monthly calendar with m=12. In the third
  field, /month/day is not used.

  The resulting calendar.tex (or calendar.dvi) is to be printed on
  the US standard letter size papers.  For other sizes of paper, some
  modification on the source code should be necessary.  calendar.dvi
  is sometimes to be printed in landscape mode (and sometimes portrait
  mode).  This mode of printing is reminded on the screen by


    Feb.10,1994   Version 0.90
                  Initial release

    Apr.1,1994    Version 0.91
                  Bug-fix, related to weekly calendars

  BUGS: Doesn't check the validity of third field input parameters.

  DISCLAIMER:  This software comes with absolutely no warranty.  In
  no event the author shall be liable for direct, indirect or conse-
  quential damages, loses, costs, fees or expenses of any nature or

  Joohee Jeong                            Phone/Fax (510) 528-8753
  Internet:       CompuServe: 73072,3651
  Nemosoft Technologies, P.O.Box 1619, El Cerrito, CA 94530, U.S.A.