\begindata{text,539584056} \textdsversion{12} \template{help} \define{global } \chapter{Keybindings in EZ} This document contains a comprehensive list of default keybindings for EZ. Some of the functions bound to keys are also available as menu options, as noted (examples include Switch File \bold{^X^R}, Save\bold{ ^X^S}, and Save As \bold{^X^W}.) After explaining how to type the different kinds of key sequences, this document lists and explains keybindings these categories: \leftindent{Moving the text caret Scrolling text Selecting, cutting and pasting text Checking and changing styles Canceling commands Manipulating and saving files and buffers Manipulating windows Manipulating spacing, lines, and paragraphs Searching for and replacing text Defining and using macros Using recursive editing Quitting the EZ process Other useful commands } \section{Typing keybindings} \leftindent{There are several kinds of keybinding sequences, each of which is conventionally symbolized in a different way. This section gives general instructions on how to type each kind. They are \leftindent{\bold{^Key } where Key is a letter other than "X" \bold{^X^Key ^Xkey Esc-Key Esc-key }} \bold{Key }or \bold{key} stands for a particular key, \bold{^} stands for the "Control" key (\bold{Ctrl }on most keyboards), and Esc- stands for the "Escape" key (\bold{Esc }on most keyboards). You can repeat the first kind of Ctrl command (\bold{^Key}) by holding down both keys for a longer time. Repeat the other kinds by repeating the key sequence each time. You can also use the \bold{^U }sequence to repeat any keybound command; see the \bold{Other useful commands} section at the end of this document. Ctrl commands are not case sensitive, meaning that there is no distinction between upper and lower case letters. \bold{^X} and \bold{^Key} are written as capital letters only by convention. You do not have to use the Shift key when typing them, though you can if you want. Esc- commands are case sensitive, meaning that there is a difference when \bold{Key} is upper case versus when it is lower case. You do need to use the Shift key when an upper case is shown. Do not type the hyphen, however. \bold{To type a ^Key sequence:} \leftindent{\description{1) Press and hold the \bold{Ctrl} key. 2) Holding the \bold{Ctrl} key down, press and release the \bold{key} key (you need not Shift). } \description{3) To repeat the command, press and hold \bold{Key} while holding \bold{Ctrl.} }} \bold{To type a ^X^Key sequence:} \leftindent{\description{1) Press and hold the \bold{Ctrl} key. 2) Holding the \bold{Ctrl} key down, press and release the \bold{x} key. } \description{3) Still holding the \bold{Ctrl} key down, press and release the \bold{key} key. Release the \bold{Ctrl} key. }} \bold{To type a ^Xkey sequence:} \leftindent{\description{1) Press and hold the \bold{Ctrl} key. 2) Holding the \bold{Ctrl }key down, press and release the \bold{x} key. 3) Release the \bold{Ctrl }key. 4) Press and release the \bold{key} key. }} \bold{To type an Esc-Key sequence:} \leftindent{1) Press and release the\bold{ Esc} key. 2) Press and hold the \bold{Shift} key. 3) While holding the \bold{Shift} key, press and release the \bold{key} key. } \bold{To type an Esc-key sequence:} \leftindent{1) Press and release the \bold{Esc} key. 2) Press and release the \bold{key} key. }} \section{Moving the text caret } \leftindent{\bold{^F} Moves caret forward one character. \bold{^B} Moves caret backward one character. \bold{^A } Moves caret to beginning of line. \bold{^E } Moves caret to end of line. \description{\bold{Esc-b} Moves caret to beginning of previous word (or current word if in middle of word). }\bold{Esc-f } Moves caret to beginning of next word. \bold{^N } Moves caret to same column on next line. \bold{^P} Moves caret to same column on previous line. \bold{Esc-, } Moves caret to line at top of screen. \bold{Esc-. } Moves caret to line at bottom of screen. \bold{Esc-/} Moves caret to line at center of screen. \bold{Esc-<} Moves caret and view to beginning of file (top-of-buffer). \bold{Esc->} Moves caret and view to to end of file (end-of-buffer). } \section{Scrolling text} \leftindent{\bold{^Z} Scrolls text up one line. \bold{^Q } Scrolls text down one line. \bold{Esc-z} Scrolls text down one line. \bold{^V} Scrolls text up one screen-height (shows next screenful). \bold{Esc-v} Scrolls text down one screen-height (shows previous screenful). \bold{Esc-!} Moves line containing caret to top of window. } \section{Selecting, cutting, and pasting text }\description{ \leftindent{\bold{^@} Sets a mark. \bold{^X^X } Exchanges caret (dot) and mark. \bold{Esc-^@} Selects region between caret and mark. \bold{^W } Deletes selected region of text; places in cutbuffer (same as Cut menu option; stands for "wipe"). \bold{Esc-w } Copies selected region into cutbuffer (same as Copy menu option). }}\leftindent{\description{ \bold{^D} Deletes character immediately following caret. \bold{^K } Deletes text from caret to next carriage return; places in cutbuffer (stands for "kill"). \bold{^H } Deletes character immediately in front of caret (rubout). \bold{Esc-h } Deletes characters from caret to previous space (rubs out a word). \bold{Esc-^H} Deletes characters from caret to previous space (rubs out a word). \bold{Esc-d } Deletes characters from caret to next space (rubs out a word). \bold{^Y } Pastes newest entry in cutbuffer back into file (same as Paste menu option; stands for "yank"). \bold{Esc-y} Moves "pointer" to newest entry in cutbuffer back by one and pastes it into file, replacing selected text if any. \bold{Esc-^Y} Moves "pointer" to newest entry in cutbuffer forward by one and pastes it into file, replacing selected text if any. }} \section{Checking and changing styles} \leftindent{\leftindent{See the \italic{ ez-styles }help document for more information about applying and removing styles. }}\leftindent{ \description{\bold{Esc-s} Shows styles applied to word containing caret or selected word, on message line. }\bold{^X^P }}\description{\leftindent{Removes "outermost" style from word containing caret or selected word (same as Plainer menu option.). }\leftindent{\bold{Esc-^P }}\description{\leftindent{Removes all styles from word containing caret or selected word (same as Plainest menu option.). }}\leftindent{\bold{Esc-' Esc-i }Set italic style. \bold{Esc-' Esc-b }Set bold style. \bold{Esc-' Esc-^ }Set superscript style. \bold{Esc-' Esc-! }Set subscript style. \bold{Esc-' Esc-_ }Set underline style. \bold{Esc-' Esc-t }Set typewriter style. \bold{Esc-' Esc-+} Set bigger style. \bold{Esc-' Esc--} Set smaller style. \bold{Esc-' Esc-=} Set center style. \bold{Esc-' Esc-<} Set flushleft style. \bold{Esc-' Esc->} Set flushright style. \bold{Esc-' Esc- Set leftindent style. \bold{Esc-' Esc-p} Set Plainer style. \bold{Esc-' Esc-P} Set Plainest style. }} \section{Canceling commands } \leftindent{\leftindent{All variations of \bold{^G} cancel the current command.} }\leftindent{ \bold{^G ^X^G Esc-^G } } \section{Manipulating and saving files and buffers} \leftindent{\leftindent{See the \helptopic{ez-buffers} help document for more information on the relation between files and buffers, and to learn how to put buffer manipulation functions on menu cards. }} \leftindent{\description{\bold{^X^S } Saves buffer into associated file (same as Save menu option). \bold{^X^W } Saves buffer under the filename you provide (same as Save As menu option). \bold{^X^M }Saves all modified buffers that have associated files (same as Save All menu option). } \bold{^X^R} Switches to named file (same as Switch File menu option). \bold{^X^V } Visits existing file or creates a buffer associated with the file you name. \bold{^Xb } Switches to named buffer or creates a new buffer with that name. \bold{^Xk } Deletes named buffer from the EZ process. \bold{^X^O } Switches to existing buffer. \bold{^X^B} Lists all buffers in current EZ process. \bold{^X^I } Inserts named file into the current buffer at caret position. }\section{Manipulating windows}\section{ }\leftindent{\section{ }\leftindent{See the \helptopic{ez-buffers} help document for more information. }} \leftindent{\bold{^X2 } Opens new window that displays same buffer as current window. \bold{^U^X2} Prompts for a hostname and then opens a new window that displays same buffer as current window on the specified host.\bold{ ^X^D} Deletes current window. (Buffer remains active in process.) } \section{Manipulating spacing, lines, and paragraphs } \leftindent{\leftindent{Note that many of these commands are not self-inserting. In other words, ^J does not insert a "real" ^J (a linefeed), but ^X^Q^J does, as well as ^M. Similarly, ^M does not insert a "real" ^M (a carriage return), but ^X^Q^M does.}} \leftindent{\bold{^I } Moves text immediately following caret over to next tab stop. \bold{^J } Creates new blank line following current line; moves caret there. \bold{ }\description{\bold{^M } Inserts linefeed at location of caret, moving caret to new line (same as Enter or Return). }\bold{^O } Moves text following caret on current line down to next \bold{Esc-i } Indents line containing caret by 4 spaces and places caret at end of line. \bold{Esc-k} Deletes any white space surrounding caret. \bold{Esc-n} Moves caret to paragraph you specify by number. \bold{Esc-N } Returns number of current paragraph. } \section{Searching and replacing text } \leftindent{\indent{See the \helptopic{searching} and \helptopic{query-replace} help documents for details.} } \leftindent{\bold{^S} Searches forward (toward end) for specified character(s). \bold{^R} Searches backward (toward beginning) for specified character(s). \bold{Esc-q} Starts query replace routine.} \section{Defining and using macros } \leftindent{\bold{^X(} Starts macro definition. \bold{^X)} Ends macro definition. \bold{^Xe} Invokes the macro you defined with ^X( and ^X). } \section{Using recursive editing } \leftindent{\bold{^Xs} Starts recursive edit. \bold{^C} Ends recursive edit. \bold{^X^T } Save-excursion. Recursive edit visit. } \section{Quitting the EZ process }\leftindent{ \bold{^X^C} Quits EZ process after prompting for save of modified buffers.} \section{Other useful commands} \leftindent{ \bold{Esc-c } Changes to new current working directory. \description{\bold{^U \italic{n key-sequence}} Repeats \italic{n }times the command invoked by \italic{key-sequence}. If \italic{n} is omitted, repeats command four times. } \description{\bold{^X^Q} "Quotes" character, allowing you to insert or find control characters in the file. For example, a search for ^X^Q^J would locate ^J's (linefeeds) in your document.} \bold{^L} Redisplays text in window. \bold{^T} Transposes two characters in front of caret. } \section{Related Tools} Select (highlight) one of the italicized names and choose Show Help on Selected Word from the pop-up menu to see the help file for: \leftindent{ \helptopic{\italic{ez}}\italic{ }\helptopic{\italic{ez-emacs}}\italic{ } (Making EZ keybindings more like GNU Emacs) \helptopic{\italic{ez-buffers}} (Working with files and buffers in EZ) \helptopic{\italic{ez-command}} (file completion in EZ) \helptopic{\italic{ez-styles}}\italic{ } (Applying and deleting styles)} \begindata{bp,539896232} \enddata{bp,539896232} \view{bpv,539896232,40,0,0} Copyright 1992 Carnegie Mellon University and IBM. All rights reserved. \smaller{\smaller{$Disclaimer: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice, this permission notice, and the following disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of IBM, Carnegie Mellon University, and other copyright holders, not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, AND THE OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, OR ANY OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. $ }}\enddata{text,539584056}