\begindata{text,17191812} \textdsversion{12} \template{help} \define{global } \chapter{Ezprint: Printing EZ documents} \section{What Ezprint is } \leftindent{Ezprint prepares \italic{\helptopic{ATK}} document files (created using the \italic{EZ } editor) for printing and then prints them. } \section{Quick Reference} \leftindent{To print out an EZ file, type the command "ezprint" followed by the name of the file you want to print: \typewriter{\leftindent{ezprint \italic{filename}}} Using the ezprint command with the name of a file from the command prompt is the same as selecting the\bold{ Print} pop-up menu command from the \italic{File} menu card in EZ, or the \bold{Print} command from the Preview menus.\italic{ } \bold{Printing multiple files.} You can print more than one file with a single ezprint command by separating filenames with a space. When you want to print files in other directories, use pathnames. For example, to print a copy of your preferences file from your home directory and a copy of the file "draft.1" from the subdirectory "work," you would type the following command from your home directory: \leftindent{\typewriter{ezprint preferences work/draft.1}} } \section{Options} \leftindent{ \bold{-P} \italic{printername filename} The -P option, followed by a printer name, prints your document on the printer you choose. This option is similar to the "print -P" option. For example, to print a document named "termpaper" on a printer called "sycamore," you would use the following command: \leftindent{\typewriter{ezprint -P sycamore termpaper}} \bold{-o} \italic{name} The "-o" option, plus a name or a message, allows you to specify a new name or message to be printed in the "File:" line on the cover page of a printout. If you do not specify a new name or message for the file, ezprint by default lists the original filename. If you have a multi-word message, do not separate words with spaces but with some character, like underscore, or use quotes around "sample string". For example, \leftindent{\typewriter{ezprint -o sample_string \italic{filename}}} \bold{-O} \italic{name} the same as -o. \bold{-p} The "-p" option allows you to send formatted output from ezprint directly to the Preview program from a command line. Use the following command line, substituting in the name of your file, and then press Enter to preview a file: \leftindent{\typewriter{ezprint -p\italic{ filename}}} \bold{-n} The "-n" option lets you set a starting page number. \bold{-c }The "-c" option tells ezprint to produce the table of contents. \bold{-E} The "-E" option tells ezprint to automatically enumerate the table of contents entries, if any, when printing. (See the \italic{\helptopic{ez-contents} } help file for information about creating a table of contents.) You can force ezprint to always enumerate the table of contents with the AutoEnumerate:true preference. \bold{-cn} The "-cn" option tells ezprint to override any preference set to print a table of contents (PrintContents:yes) and not print a table of contents. \bold{-N } The "-N" option lets you set a starting chapter number for the table of contents. \bold{-C }\italic{"style1,style2"}\bold{ } The "-C" option specifies the styles that will be looked for and put into the table of contents. (See the \italic{\helptopic{ez-contents} } help file for information about creating a table of contents.) The default styles are "chapter,section,subsection,paragraph,function." So, to specify that "Heading" and "SubHeading" be included in the table of contents, and not any of the text in the default styles, you would use \typewriter{\leftindent{ezprint -c -C "heading,subheading" filename}} You can also set the default via a ContentsList preference. \bold{-I} The "-I" option specifies that only an index for the give file be printed. See the \italic{\helptopic{ez-index} } help file for more information on creating and using an interactive index. \bold{-F} The "-F" option specifies that footnote insets in an EZ file should be printed at the bottom of the page. This is the default behavior. See the \italic{\helptopic{ez-footnotes} } help file for more information on creating footnotes. \bold{-FE} The "-FE" option specifies that footnotes insets in an EZ file should be printed as end notes. See the \italic{\helptopic{ez-footnotes} } help file for more information on creating footnotes. \bold{-s} The "-s" option is for advanced users. It tells ezprint to read input from stdin. \bold{-t } The "-t" option converts any ATK (or BE1) file into troff format and sends it to stdout. It will not print the file. To save the troff output into a file, use a command like this: \leftindent{\typewriter{ezprint -t \italic{filename1} > \italic{filename2}}} In the example above, filename1 is the original EZ file and filename2 is the troff output file. \bold{-z} The "-z" option tells ezprint to Zap (delete) the file when it is done printing and the print appears to have been successful. This option also causes ezprint to lock the file when it opens it for reading with flock; thus an application can safely collect things to be printed in a file and periodically queue them for printing, relying on the flock (which the application must also do) to ensure that both duplicate prints and missing prints due to timing errors do not occur. If the print request fails, the file is renamed to PrintErr.xxx (for some not-previously-existing version of xxx) in the same directory. \bold{-v} \italic{ScribeVersion} The "-v" option, plus a version string, allows you to print files in the old Scribe-like datastream that was sometimes used by BE1 applications and the messages program. The only reasonable options for "ScribeVersion" are "yes" and "2". It is unlikely that this option will be useful to anything other than the messageserver printing old-format mail and bboard messages. \bold{-T}\italic{ } The "-T" option passes the specified arguments to troff. Use of this is incompatable with -n. If you wish to use both, the -n argument should be included in the -T arguments , i.e. \example{ezprint -T "-n10 -o12-15" p.doc} \bold{-e }\italic{} The "-e" option sets the environment variables specified. \bold{-q} The "-q" option tells ezprint to run without displaying of the ATK version message. } \section{Changing ezprint defaults} \leftindent{ There are no options available for ezprint which allow you to override EZ defaults and change the appearance of your document only at the time it is printed. All changes to the appearance of your document must be made either in the EZ document itself or in the EZ preferences stored in your \helptopic{preferences} file. To change the printing font used by ezprint, you must change the ez.bodyfont preference because EZ documents are printed in the same font in which they appear on the screen. See the preferences section of the \italic{\helptopic{ez}} help document for details. } \section{EZprint and PostScript } \leftindent{Most sites with PostScript printers should have psdit software for converting from \helptopic{troff} to PostScript. Ezprint software should be set up to do this automatically when printing. To produce a postscript file with ezprint, the follow should work at most sites. If not, check with your local systems people. ezprint -t file.d | eqn -Tpsc | troff -Tpsc | psdit > file.psc} \section{How Ezprint works } \leftindent{If you are interested in how ezprint works, there is a document describing it in the Andrew sources; in andrew/atk/ezprint/printing.ins.} \section{Related Tools} Select (highlight) one of the italicized names and choose "Show Help on Selected Word" to see the help document for: \leftindent{\italic{ \helptopic{ez} \helptopic{ez-contents} \helptopic{ez-footnotes} \helptopic{ez-index} \helptopic{ez-troff} \helptopic{preferences} \helptopic{preview}}} \begindata{bp,17174524} \enddata{bp,17174524} \view{bpv,17174524,0,0,0} Copyright 1992 Carnegie Mellon University and IBM. All rights reserved. \smaller{\smaller{$Disclaimer: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice, this permission notice, and the following disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of IBM, Carnegie Mellon University, and other copyright holders, not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, AND THE OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, OR ANY OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. $ }}\enddata{text,17191812}