\begindata{text,538873300} \textdsversion{12} \template{help} \define{global } \chapter{Reordering your AMS subscription list} The order in which Andrew Message System program ( \italic{\helptopic{Messages}}, \italic{\helptopic{CUI}} and \italic{\helptopic{VUI}} ) display your folders and the bulletin boards to which you subscribe (when they have new message) can be changed and customized using a preference option. This help document explains how to reorder your subscriptions. \section{The subsorder preference & it's syntax } \leftindent{To change the order of your subscriptions, you will need to edit your \helptopic{preferences} file and add a preference called subsorder: Following this preference are "folder specifications," \italic{separated by colons}. You may have as many folder specifications as you wish. All folders whose order is not specified by this preference will appear after the specified folders, in the default order.} \section{Ways to specify folders } \leftindent{There are several ways to specify folders in your subsorder line, explained below. You may use as many different ways of specifying folders as you wish, in any order.} \leftindent{\bold{An exact match.} You can specify folders by typing the entire folder name. \example{\bold{Example.} This example would present your "mail" folder first, followed by "andrew.kudos", and then the rest of the folders you subscribe to in the order they normally appear. subsorder:mail:andrew.kudos} \bold{With an asterisk (*).} You can specify more than one folder at a time by using asterisks in folder specifications. An asterisk in a folder specification will match any and all folders you are subscribed to which have any string in their name replacing the asterisk, including a string of nothing. The asterisk may appear anywhere in the folder specification. \example{\bold{Example. } This example would present your "mail" folder first, then any folders you are subscribed to under (and including) "org", followed by any folders you are subscribed to which have in their names the string "announce" (not just those under the top-level announce bboard),and then the rest of the folders you subscribe to in the order they normally appear. subsorder:mail:org*:*announce*} \italic{Note about the asterisk:} A dot is recognized as an ordinary character, so "andrew.*" would match all of the bboards below "andrew," but it would not match "andrew" itself. Also, the asterisk by itself will match anything. This is useful for placing folders at the end of your subscription list. \example{\bold{Example.} This example would present all the folders you generally subscribe to in the regular order, except that all bulletin boards containing the string "opinion" would appear last. subsorder:*:*opinion*} \italic{Resolving multiple matches:} If a folder is matched by more than one folder specification, it appears in the position specified by the folder specification which matches \italic{more} characters exactly. If the folder matches an equal number of characters in more than one folder specification, the folder appears under the left-most folder specification. \example{\bold{Example: } This example would present all of the magazines you subscribe to (except those under and including "magazines.humor"), cmu.tops20.humor, and then the folders you subscribe to under and including magazines.humor, followed by all the rest of your folders in the order they appear normally. subsorder:magazines*:cmu.tops20.humor:magazines.humor* } \example{\bold{Example: } This example would present all the magazines to which you subscribe, followed by all of your folders which have the word "mail" in them, and then the rest of the folders you subscribe to in the order they normally appear. If you subscribe to "magazines.mail.cfe," you would see that folder appear before hobbies, as if specified by "maga*," not as a folder specified by "*mail*". subsorder:maga*:hobbies*:*mail*} \bold{Symbolic }\bold{mspath elements.} You can specify classes of folders by using elements of your mspath. The mspath elements should appear between dollar signs, like $mail$. The preceding dollar sign indicates that what follows is a symbolic path element, and the dollar sign after the element indicates that it is a pathname. Legal mspath elements are: \leftindent{mail official local external} \example{\bold{Example.} This example would present your mail folders, all the external bulletin boards you subscribe to, the official bulletin boards, and then the local bulletin boards. subsorder:$mail$:$external$:$official$:$local$} \bold{Pathnames. } You can specify pathnames (by full pathname or using the tilde) to private directories if you subscribe to private bulletin boards. The pathname should be followed with a dollar sign, but not preceded by a dollar sign. \example{\bold{Example.} This example would present your mail folders, all the private bulletin boards that user Jello Biafra maintains (user id jbRo), followed by the "org" bboards, and then all the rest of your subscriptions in the order they normally appear. subsorder:$mail$:~jbRo/.MESSAGES_PUBLIC$:org*} \bold{Mixed }\bold{mspath elements, pathnames, strings and asterisks. } You can specify a folder or groups of folders within mspath elements or in directories by placing a folder specification \italic{after} a $mspath.element$ or pathname$ and \italic{before} a colon or the end of the line. \example{\bold{Example.} This example would present the local bboards you subscribe to which have the word "music" in their name, then the rest of the local bboards, followed by the external bboards which have the word "music" in them, and then the rest of the folders you subscribe to in the order they normally appear. subsorder:$local$*music*:$local$:$external$*music* \bold{Example. } This example would present your mail folders, then user Jello Biafra's private bboard called "reports," followed by the "org" bboards, and then all the rest of your subscriptions in the order they normally appear. subsorder:$mail$:~jbRo/.MESSAGES_PUBLIC$reports:org*} }\section{A complex example} \leftindent{The following example would present folders in the following order: the user's mail folder, personal folders, the official bbs, bboards under and including "academic," andrew bboards under and including "announce," all bboards with the string "market," andrew.kudos, org.itc, all other "announce" bboards, andrew.ms, all other bboards with the string "msgs," all other bboards containing the string "mail," the other bboards under org.itc, the other bboards under org, the DearAndy bboard, other andy bboards, other andrew bboards, org.cs.general, everything else except what follows (which will appear at the end of the list), the andrew.comics bboards, magazines.misc.ckk, all bboards with the string "humor" in them, and finally, at the end of the list, a personal folder called "TODO." \example{subsorder:mail:$mail$:$official$:academic*:announce*:*market*:andrew.k\ udos:org.itc:*announce*:andrew.ms*:*msgs*:*mail*:org.itc.*:org*:*advisor*:*Dear\ Andy*:andy*:andrew*:org.cs.general:*:andrew.comics*:magazines.misc.ckk:*humor*:\ TODO}} \section{Related Tools}\leftindent{ }Select (highlight) one of the italicized names, and choose "Show Help on Selected Word" from the pop-up menu to see the help document for: \leftindent{ \italic{\helptopic{CUI} \helptopic{bboards} \helptopic{Messages} \helptopic{preferences} \helptopic{VUI}}} \begindata{bp,537558784} \enddata{bp,537558784} \view{bpv,537558784,1561,0,0} Copyright 1992 Carnegie Mellon University and IBM. All rights reserved. \smaller{\smaller{$Disclaimer: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice, this permission notice, and the following disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of IBM, Carnegie Mellon University, and other copyright holders, not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, AND THE OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, OR ANY OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. $ }}\enddata{text,538873300}