====================================================================== This files gives a history of revisions to xcomm 2.2, the text-based communication program Seyon was has its roots in. Seyon is vastly different from xcomm though and including the changes from xcomm to Seyon here would make no sense. This file is kept just for historical reasons. The file CHANGES describes the changes from the initial release of Seyon to the current one. It does not, however, describe the changes from xcomm to the initial release of Seyon. One thing to note is that although xcomm is public domain, Seyon is not (though it's free). Read the file COPYING for a full description of what the Seyon copyright entails. ====================================================================== xcomm External (and XMODEM) Communications By Eric E. Coe Version 2.0 and above by larry gensch, ESQ This program is in the public domain, and anyone can use it for personal or non-profit use. Feel free to study the code and borrow from it (I borrowed from other programs to create it). I am supporting versions 2.0 and higher of XCOMM. Information (bug fixes, requests, etc.) may be sent to any one of the following electronic addresses: CompuServe [72236,3516] UNIXFORUM Bix lar3ry -lar3ry gensch programmer extraordinaire R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y Version 2.2 larry gensch 12/8/87 Major code restructure Reduced program and command options Added SET command for setting various parameters Added HANGUP command for disconnecting modem Modified xccisb.c code to support CIS "Quick B" Protocol Added xcscrpt.c code for processing script files Added SCRIPT= parameter to phonebook processing (auto-logon scripts) Added CIS parameter for CIS auto transfers Added NL parameter for newline translation Added HANGUP command from terminal mode Added SCRIPT command from terminal mode Version 2.1b larry gensch 11/11/87 Bug Fix release (no bugs in the code, just some portability fixes) Changed "sigset" in xccisb to "signal" Removed #include from xcxmdm Version 2.1a larry gensch 10/28/87 General Update Added CIS "B" Protocol (c, ct commands) Added BAUD= & BITS= parameters to phonelist file. Switched some command letters Revised command line parsing to use getopt() Version 2.0 larry gensch 10/19/87 Revisions for System V.3 Basically version 1.1 with minor modifications Version 1.1 Eric E Coe 7/21/85 Autodial for Hayes-compatible modem. General rearranging of the code Version 1.0 Eric E Coe 4/12/85 Program created