1.) READ the README.linux file. It may will save some frustration. 2.) Edit the Makefile for your installation. NOTE that if you have not carried out step 1 you may make choices which could render your system and/or these utilities unusable. Compile the utilities. Compilation has been tested with gcc 2.4.5 and libc 4.4.4. 3.) There is no default target for install in the Makefile. The location for system binaries seems to be in the process of evolution. The system administrator who chooses to use this package can probably best decide where to put the binaries for the log daemons. On our network they go in /etc. If /etc is not used for configuration files the syslogd.c source must be edited. If syslogd cannot find its configuration file it will die immediately. 4.) For proper functioning both of these utilities are best run as root. This is probably not much of a problem since they will probably be started either by init or as part of the rc.* startup process. There may be security concerns with running syslogd as root. Please repeat step 1 if you are unsure of why this may be the case.