/* * A webster client for ircII * Written by Jeremy Nelson (C) 1994 - This is Freeware * * This script requires ircII2.3.16+10 or better to run. * Yes, this *is* an ircII script. */ alias define { webster.connect webster.out DEFINE $0 } alias complete { webster.connect webster.out COMPLETE $0 } alias endings { webster.connect webster.out ENDINGS $0 } alias spell { webster.connect webster.out SPELL $0 } alias webster.out { dcc raw $webster.fd $webster.host $*$chr(13)$chr(10) } alias webster.connect { ^set display off eval echo *** Webster: Hang on..... @ webster.host = [moose.cs.indiana.edu] @ webster.port = 2627 @ webster.fd = connect($webster.host $webster.port) if (webster.fd) { eval ^on ^dcc_raw "$webster.fd $webster.host D *" { hook WEBSTER $strip($chr(13) $3-) } } { echo *** Webster: connection failed } ^set display on } # The DEFINE command replies on hook "WEBSTER DEFINITION 0" { echo *** Webster: Definition Found. } on hook "WEBSTER DEFINITION %" { echo *** Webster: There are $2 cross references for this word } on hook "WEBSTER WILD" { echo *** Webster: These words match the pattern. } on hook "WEBSTER WILD 0" { echo *** Webster: No words match this pattern. } on hook "WEBSTER ERROR*" { echo *** Webster: Error: unknown command. Ack! } # The COMPLETE command replies on hook "WEBSTER AMBIGUOUS %" { echo *** Webster: There are $2 possible completions to the word. } on hook "WEBSTER COMPLETION %" { echo *** Webster: Try completing the word as $2. } # The ENDINGS command replies on hook "WEBSTER MATCHS 0" { echo *** Webster: No words begin with that prefix } on hook "WEBSTER MATCHS" { echo *** Webster: These words complete that suffix } # The SPELL command replies on hook "WEBSTER SPELLING 0" { echo *** Webster: I have NO idea how to spell that word } on hook "WEBSTER SPELLING 1" { echo *** Webster: That word is spelled correctly } on hook "WEBSTER SPELLING" { echo *** Webster: Try using one of these words instead } # Everything else gets echoed on hook "WEBSTER *" { echo $1- }