%%% BibTeX-file{ %%% author = "Karl Berry", %%% version = "1.30", %%% timestamp = "Thu Jan 13 17:17:12 EST 1994", %%% filename = "reading.bib", %%% address = "135 Center Hill Rd. %%% Plymouth, MA 02360 %%% USA", %%% checksum = "60471 136 506 4465", %%% email = "karl at cs.umb.edu (Internet)", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "bibliography", %%% supported = "yes", %%% docstring = "This bibliography collects papers on %%% font readability. It uses string names %%% defined in journal.bib and publish.bib. %%% %%% The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 %%% checksum as the first value, followed by the %%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word %%% count) utility output of lines, words, and %%% characters. This is produced by Robert %%% Solovay's checksum utility.", %%% } @Article{Arditi:JOSAA-7-2011, author = "Aries Arditi and Kenneth Knoblauch and Ilana Grunwald", title = "Reading with Fixed and Variable Character Pitch", journal = j-opt-soc-amer-a, volume = "7", number = "10", pages = "2011--2015", year = "1990", } @Article{Beckmann:SID91-106, author = "Paul J. Beckmann and Gordon E. Legge and Andrew Luebker", title = "Reading: Letters, Words, and Their Spatial-Frequency Content", journal = "SID 91 Digest", year = 1991, pages = "106--108" } @Book{Kucera:CAE-67, author = "Henry Ku{\^c}era and W. Nelson Francis", title = "Computational Analysis of Present-Day American English", year = "1967", publisher = "Brown University Press", address = "Providence", } @Article{Legge:VR-27-1165, author = "Gordon E. Legge and Gary S. Rubin and Andrew Luebker", title = "Psychophysics of Reading---{V}. {T}he Role of Contrast in Normal Vision", journal = j-vis-res, volume = "27", number = "7", pages = "1165--1177", year = "1987", } @Article{Moriarty:AP-69-700, author = "Sandra Ernst Moriarty and Edward C. Scheiner", title = "A Study of Close-Set Text Type", journal = j-appl-psych, volume = "69", pages = "700--703", year = "1984", } @InProceedings{Morris:NIPT91-344, author = "Robert A. Morris and Karl Berry and Kathryn A. Hargreaves and Dimitrios Liarokapis", title = "How typeface variation and typographic variation affect readability at small sizes", crossref = "Pietrowski:NIPT91", pages = "344--352", } @Article{Morrison:PP-30-395, author = "Robert E. Morrison and Keith Rayner", title = "Saccade Size in Reading Depends Upon Character Spaces and not Visual Angle", journal = j-perception-psychophysics, volume = "30", number = "4", pages = "395--396", year = "1981", } @Book{Tinker:LP-63, author = "Miles A. Tinker", title = "Legibility of Print", year = "1963", publisher = "Iowa State University", address = "Ames", } @Article{Wilkins:ERG-30-1705, author = "A.J. Wilkins and M.I. Nimmo-Smith", title = "The Clarity and Comfort of Printed Text", journal = j-ergonomics, year = 1987, volume = 30, number = 12, pages = "1705--1720" } @incollection{ORegan:WMH-88-261, author = "J. Kevin O'Regan", title = "Visual Acuity, Lexical Structure and Eye Movements in Word Recognition", booktitle = "Working Models of Human Perception", publisher = pub-acad-pr, address = pub-acad-pr:adr, year = 1988 } @String{proc-NIPT91 = "IS\&T's Seventh International Congress on Advances in Non-impact Printing Technologies, October 6--11, Portland, OR, USA."} @Proceedings{Pietrowski:NIPT91, title = proc-NIPT91, booktitle = proc-NIPT91, year = 1991, editor = "Ken Pietrowski", publisher = pub-IST, volume = "2", }