%%% BibTeX-file{ %%% author = "Karl Berry", %%% version = "1.30", %%% timestamp = "Thu Jan 13 17:17:15 EST 1994", %%% filename = "type.bib", %%% address = "135 Center Hill Rd. %%% Plymouth, MA 02360 %%% USA", %%% checksum = "49558 394 1676 14171", %%% email = "karl at cs.umb.edu (Internet)", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "bibliography", %%% supported = "yes", %%% docstring = "This bibliography collects papers on %%% typography. It uses string names defined %%% in journal.bib and publish.bib. %%% %%% Entries are stored ordered by the BibTeX %%% tag name, independent of the entry type %%% (the GNU Emacs function sort-bibtex-entries %%% can be used to ensure correct ordering). %%% %%% The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 %%% checksum as the first value, followed by the %%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word %%% count) utility output of lines, words, and %%% characters. This is produced by Robert %%% Solovay's checksum utility.", %%% } @Mastersthesis{Adams:DFL-86, title = "A Dialogue of Forms: Letters and Digital Font Design", author = "Debra Anne Adams", year = "1986", month = sep, school = inst-mit, address = "MIT Microreproduction Lab, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, room 014-0551, Cambridge, MA 02139. \$46.35", comments = "Deriving other characters from the control characters in a typeface. Her work continues at Xerox.", } @Book{Agfa:ISF90, author = "Agfa Division", title = "Intellifont Scalable Typeface Format", year = 1992, edition = "2nd", publisher = "Miles Inc.", address = "90 Industrial Way, Wilmington, MA 01887" } @TechReport{Andre:IRISA-92-676, author = "Jacques Andr{\'e}", title = "Font Metrics", institution = inst-irisa, year = 1992, number = 676, address = inst-irisa:adr, month = sep } @unpublished{Briem:HST-90, author = "Hunnlauger SE Briem", title = "How to Space a Type Design in Ten Minutes", note = "Lecture notes for the Type 90 conference, Oxford", month = aug # "--" # sep, year = 1990 } @Article{Byrne:Print-91-9, author = "Chuck Byrne", title = "PRINT's New Face", journal = j-print, year = "1991", pages = "45-53", month = sep # "\slash " # oct, } @Phdthesis{Carter:CTD86, title = "Computer-Aided Typeface Design", author = "Kathleen Anne Carter", year = "1986", month = may, number = "87", school = inst-u-cambridge, address = inst-u-cambridge:adr, comments = "The system uses a polygon representation for the outlines. She implements Kindersley's letterspacing algorithm, although she never really shows pictures of the results.", } @Book{Carter:TCT87, author = "Sebastian Carter", title = "Twentieth Century Type Designers", publisher = pub-taplinger, address = pub-taplinger:adr, year = "1987", ISBN = "0-8008-7916-3", comments = "Biographies of most major type designers, with many examples of their work. Includes Hermann Zapf, Adrian Frutiger, ...", } @Book{Carter:TDF85, author = "Rob Carter and Ben Day and Philip B. Meggs", title = "Typographic Design: Form and Communication", publisher = pub-vnr, year = 1985, address = pub-vnr:adr, ISBN = "0-442-26166-7", LCCN = "85-667", } @book{Craig:DT71, author = "James Craig", title = "Designing with Type", publisher = pub-watson-guptill, address = pub-watson-guptill:adr, year = "1971", ISBN = "0-8230-1320-0", LCCN = "70-159564", annote = "Spiralbound. Seventh printing, 1978." } @Book{Durer:JSL-17, author = "Albrecht D{\"u}rer", title = "Of the Just Shaping of Letters", publisher = pub-grolier, year = 1917, translator = "R.T. Nichol", LCCN = "A23-671", annote = "Translated from the Latin text of 1535. Reprinted by Kraus Reprint Co., New York, 1969.", source = "Remaindered from Edward R. Hamilton / Falls Village, CT 06031-5000 for about \$4.95." } @Book{Goudy:T77, author = "Frederic Goudy", title = "Typologia: Studies in Type Design \& Type Making", publisher = pub-u-cal, address = pub-u-cal:adr, year = "1977", ISBN = "0-520-03278-0 (paperback)", edition = "2nd", } @Book{Harvey:LD75, author = "Michael Harvey", title = "Lettering Design", publisher = pub-barre, year = 1975, address = pub-barre:adr, ISBN = "0-517-52744-8", } @Mastersthesis{Johnson:MAS87, title = "A Model for Automatic Scaling of Type Designs for Conventional and Digitial Technology", author = "Bridget Lynn Johnson", year = "1987", month = may, school = inst-rit, comments = "She measured three different designs at different sizes, and then tried to interpolate, instead of scaling from one master. Results were mixed.", } @Book{Kim:I89, title = "Inversions", author = "Scott Kim", year = "1989", publisher = pub-freeman, address = pub-freeman:adr, } @Misc{Kindersley:LS-27266/77, author = "David G. Kindersley and Neil E. Wiseman", title = "Letter Spacing", howpublished = "British Patent Application 27266/77", } @Book{Kindersley:OLS76, title = "Optical Letter Spacing for New Printing Systems", author = "David Kindersley", year = "1976", publisher = "Wynkyn de Worde Society", address = "distributed by Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd., 26 Litchfield St. London WC2", comments = "This discusses a piece of hardware Kindersley (with help) invented to do optical letterspacing. He claims the results are as good as being spaced by hand, but we haven't been able to reproduce them. Regardless, though, it's some pretty good ideas.", } @Article{Kindersley:PW-1979-oct-12, title = "Computer-Aided Letter Design", author = "David Kindersley and Neil Wiseman", journal = j-printing-world, month = oct, year = "1979", pages = "12--17", } @Book{Lawson:AT90, title = "Anatomy of a Typeface", author = "Alexander Lawson", year = "1990", publisher = pub-Godine, address = pub-Godine:adr, } @Book{McLean:THT80, title = "The Thames and Hudson Manual of Typography", author = "Ruari McLean", year = "1980", publisher = pub-thames-hudson, address = pub-thames-hudson:adr, } @article{Plass:CG-17-229, author = "Michael Plass and Maureen Stone", title = "Curve-fitting with Piecewise Parametric Cubics", journal = j-comp-graphics, year = 1983, volume = 17, number = 3, month = jul, pages = "229-239", abstract = "Parametric piecewise-cubic functions are used throughout the computer graphics industry to represent curved shapes. For many applications, it would be useful to be able to reliably derive this representation from a closely-spaced set of points that approximate the desired curve, such as the input from a digitizing tablet or a scanner. This paper presents a solution to the problem of automatically generating efficient piecewise parametric cubic polynomial approximations to shapes from the sampled data. We have developed an algorithm that takes a set of sample points, plus optional endpoint and tangent vector specifications, and iteratively dervies a single parametric cubic polynomial that lies close to the data points as defined by an error metric based on least-squares. Combining this algorithm with dynamic programming techniques to determine the knot placement gives good results over a range of shapes and applications." } @Book{Reynolds:MDR82, title = "My Dear Runemeister", author = "Lloyd Reynolds", year = "1982", publisher = "Taplinger Publishing Co., Inc", address = "New York, New York", } @Phdthesis{Ruggles:PIE87, title = "Paragon, An Interactive, Extensible, Environment for Typeface Design", author = "Lynn Elizabeth Ruggles", year = "1987", month = sep, number = "COINS 87-134", school = inst-umass-amherst, comments = "She uses Bezier splines for the outlines, and generates rasters automatically. The point was to make something comfortable for designers to use.", } @mastersthesis{Schneider:PIC-88, author = "Philip J. Schneider", title = "Phoenix: An Interactive Curve Design System Based on the Automatic Fitting of Hand-Sketched Curves", school = inst-u-wash, year = 1988, abstract = "Previous methods for the approximation of digitized curves with analytic curves are discussed. A new algorithm, which fits a piecewise cubic Bernstein-Bezier polynomial curve to digitized curves is presented. This adaptive algorithm generates a curve with first-order geometric continuity ($G^1$), within an error bound specified by the user, and generates an interpolating curve in the case of exact fit. The use of this algorithm in an interactive curve design system is discussed. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the method are presented, using examples generated by the current implementation of the design system.", comment = "The thesis is out of print, but I can probably copy mine for you, if Philip agrees. --karl@cs.umb.edu" } @Book{Solo:CRA83, author = "Dan X. Solo", title = "Classic Roman Alphabets: 100 Complete Fonts", publisher = pub-dover, address = pub-dover:adr, year = 1983, series = "Dover pictorial archive series", ISBN = "0-486-24517-9" } @Book{Solomon:AT86, title = "The Art of Typography", author = "Martin Solomon", year = 1986, publisher = pub-watson-guptill, address = pub-watson-guptill:adr, } @Book{Sutton:AT88, author = "James Sutton and Alan Bartram", title = "An Atlas of Typeforms", publisher = pub-chartwell, year = 1988, address = pub-chartwell:adr, edition = "Second", ISBN = "1-55521-340-5", annote = "A clear presentation of historic and formal concepts. Reproduction of original and redesigned typefaces, at both large and small scale. First edition published in 1968. Copyright by Percy Lund, Humphries & Co Ltd.", source = "Remaindered for about \$19.95 + \$1.50 S\&H from Edward R. Hamilton in Falls Village, CT 06031-5000. Catalog \#937010." } @Book{Tracy:LC86, author = "Walter Tracy", title = "Letters of Credit", publisher = pub-godine, year = "1986", address = pub-godine:adr, price = "US\$27.50", annote = "Two parts: the first on general history and principles of type design, the second a critical discussion of the work of Jan van Krimpen, Frederic Goudy, Rudolf Koch, W.A. Dwiggins, and Stanley Morison. Tracy was head of type design for Linotype in Britain.", acknowledgement = "justin@iros1.iro.umontreal.ca (Justin Bur)", } @Book{Tschichold:TAL88, author = "Jan Tschichold", title = "A Treasury of Alphabets and Lettering", publisher = pub-omega, year = "1985", translator = "Wolf von Eckardt", address = pub-omega:adr, ISBN = "1-85007-007-5", annote = "Originally published in Germany under the title \titleref{Meisterbuch der Schrift} by Otto Maier Verlag, Ravensburg, Germany. The first part of the book is essays on letterforms, typography, spacing, and so on. The second part a collection of type specimens, thoroughly annotated.", source = "Remaindered from Strand Books, 828 Broadway, New York, NY 10003, phone (212) 473-1452." } @Booklet{URW:kerning, author = inst-urw, title = "Kerning on the Fly", howpublished = "In URW Non-Plus-Ultra Typography series", address = inst-urw:adr, year = "1991", } @Booklet{URW:phototypesetting-hz, author = inst-urw, title = "Phototypesetting with the {URW} hz-program", howpublished = "In URW Non-Plus-Ultra Typography series", address = inst-urw:adr, year = "1991", } @Booklet{URW:phototypesetting-Kq, author = inst-urw, title = "Phototypesetting with the {URW} Kq-program", howpublished = "In URW Non-Plus-Ultra Typography series", address = inst-urw:adr, year = 1991 } @InProceedings{Watt:AVP-90-309, author = "R.J. Watt and J. Bock and H. Thimbleby and A. Wilkins", title = "Visible Aspects of Text", booktitle = "Applying Visual Psychophysics to User Interface Design", year = 1990, pages = "309--325", address = "Lavenham", month = may }