% This is FCRLIG.MF % Version 1.0a % Date 8-SEP-1991 % % (c) 1991 by J"org Knappen. See fc.rme for copying conditions % This file is part of the fc-package % See fc.rme for more information % % J"org Knappen % Institut f"ur Kernphysik % Postfach 39 80 % D-W 6500 Mainz % knappen@vkpmzd.kph.uni-mainz.de % Contents: % % The following ligatures are generated without condition: % % fi, fl, ff, ffi, ffl % % And the following on demand, i. e. if their code is known: % % fj_lig, t_esh_lig % % Higher versions of this file might include more ligatures. iff known fj_lig: cmchar "The ligature fj"; beginchar(fj_lig,10u#+2letter_fit#,asc_height#,desc_depth#); italcorr asc_height#*slant-serif_fit#+.5if serifs:stem# else:dot_size# fi-2u#; adjust_fit(0,serif_fit#); pickup tiny.nib; pos1(stem',0); lft x1l=hround(2.5u-.5stem'); pos11(stem',0); rt x11r=hround(w-2.5u+.5stem'); pos12(stem',0); x11=x12; bot y12=-1/3d; pickup fine.nib; numeric bulb_diam, inner_jut; if serifs: bulb_diam=hround 1/4[.8[stem,flare],dot_size]; pos2(bulb_diam,0); x2r=x12r; y2+.5bulb_diam=.8[x_height,h+oo]; top y11=x_height+min(oo,serif_drop); if rt x1r+jut+.5u+2<=lft x11l-jut: inner_jut=jut; else: rt x1r+inner_jut+.5u+2=lft x11l-inner_jut; fi else: bulb_diam=max(stem,dot_size); pos2(6/7[vair,flare],90); top y2r=h; rt x2=hround 5.3u; pickup tiny.nib; pos13(bulb_diam,0); pos14(bulb_diam,90); x13=x11-.5; top y14r=min(2x_height,h+1); top y11=x_height; if bot y14l-x_height