%(c) 1990,91 by Joel M. Hoffman %hcaption. Modernized Fancy Classical Hebrew font. Version 0.9. %calls the file base. %last update: 5/15/91 by JMH %This calls the file ``base'' to create a slanted, elongated Hebrew font %for use in captions. See that file for more information. %Use of this material in a commercial venture of any sort requires %permission from me. Otherwise, you are free to use this for any %legal, non-destructive purpose. If you find this font useful, a %contribution to charity will be most appreciated. % %Send comments or complaints to: % %BITNET: hoffman@nyuacf.BITNET <-- this will change soon %CompuServe: 72700,402 -or- 72700.402@compuserve.com %SNAIL: Joel M. Hoffman % 19 Hillcrest Lane % Rye, NY 10580 % U.S.A. mode_def testing= pixels_per_inch:=300*4; blacker:=.1; o_correction:=1; fillin:=.01; proofing:=2; fontmaking:=0; tracingtitles:=1; enddef; if unknown mode: mode:=testing; fi mode_setup; currenttransform:= currenttransform slanted 1/5; if mode=testing: screenstrokes; fi %I used large units, and then later scaled the font down to size. -JMH %u#:=1/100in#; %ten units to a square. u#:=1/384.16in#; %but account for magnification.(1/384.16) %u#:=1/295.16in#; %but account for magnification and hp vs. epson let_height#:=42u#; %height of a standard letter. asc_height#:=40u#; %ascender height (for lamed). desc_height#:=30u#; %descender height(depth?). let_width#:=31u#; %width of a standard letter. (31u#) serif_height#:=5u#; %height of a standard serif.(2.5u#) serif_width#:=2.5u#; %width of a standard serif. (2.5u#) chupchiklength#:=6u#; vowel_width#:=14u#; %width of vowels under the letters. vowel_height#:=12u#; %How tall the vowels are. vowel_depth#:=8u#; %the space between the baseline and the vowels. let_fit#:=3u#; %space to left and right of letter (.5u#) vowel_fit#:=1.4u#; %space to the left and right of vowel(1.4u#); thick#:=10u#; %thickness of thick lines. (7.5u#) thin#:=3u#; %thickness of thin lines. (2u#) hairline#:=.5u#; %VERY thin lines (.3u#) vowel_stroke#:=4u#; %pen to use dot#:=4u#; %diameter of dots (dagesh, vowels, etc) squaredot#:=10u#; overshoot#:=4u#; %overshoot for bet, taf. tightness:=.68; %tightness for right_curve; (.78) baseline_tilt:=45; %degrees for the tilt in baseline lines. head_tilt#:=.7u#; %tilt for the head on the zion, etc. sss:=.7; %Shrink the serif's width by this amount on a shin. %(s)hrink (s)hin's (s)erif define_pixels(let_height,asc_height,desc_height,let_width,head_tilt); define_pixels(vowel_height,vowel_width,vowel_depth,vowel_height); define_pixels(squaredot); define_whole_pixels(let_fit,vowel_fit); define_pixels(serif_height,serif_width,chupchiklength); define_pixels(overshoot); define_whole_blacker_pixels(thick,thin,dot,hairline,vowel_stroke); def serifpen = pickup pencircle xscaled thin yscaled thick; enddef; %def serifpen = pickup pencircle xscaled hairline yscaled thick; enddef; def vowelpen = pickup pensquare scaled vowel_stroke; enddef; %this is from the METAFONT book: shrink_fit:=1+hround(2let_fit#*hppp)-2let_fit; def normal_adjust_fit(expr left_adjustment,right_adjustment) = l:=-hround(left_adjustment*hppp)-let_fit; interim xoffset:=-l; charwd:=charwd+2let_fit#+left_adjustment+right_adjustment; r:=l+hround(charwd*hppp)-shrink_fit; w:=r-hround(right_adjustment*hppp)-let_fit; enddef; let af=normal_adjust_fit; def negate_af = af(-let_fit#,-let_fit#); enddef; def vowel_af = af(-let_fit#+vowel_fit#,-let_fit#+vowel_fit#); enddef; extra_endchar := extra_endchar&"r:=r+shrink_fit;w:=r-l;"; def top_serif (suffix i,j) = %draw a serif at point z.i, using z.j serifpen; x.j = x.i-serif_width; y.j = y.i + serif_height; draw (x.i+serif_width,y.i) ... z.i .. z.j; enddef; def bottom_serif (suffix i,j) = %draw an inverse serif at point z.i, with z.j serifpen; x.j = x.i+serif_width;y.j=y.i-serif_height; draw (x.i-serif_width,y.i) ... z.i .. z.j; enddef; def roundoff_bottom (suffix i) = %round off point z.i, assuming thin lines. fill fullcircle scaled thin shifted z.i; enddef; def right_curve(suffix i,j,k,l) = %call general_right_curve general_right_curve(tightness,tightness,thick,thick,thin,thin,i,j,k,l); enddef; def left_curve(suffix i,j,k,l) = %call general_left_curve general_left_curve(tightness,tightness,thick,thick,thin,thin,i,j,k,l); enddef; def general_right_curve (expr ta,tb,sa,sb,sc,sd) (suffix i,j,k,l) = y.j=y.i;x.j=ta*(x.l-x.i)+x.i; x.k=x.l;y.k=tb*(y.i-y.l)+y.l; penpos i (sa,90); penpos j (sb,90); penpos k (sc,0); penpos l (sd,0); penstroke z.l.e{up} ... {up}z.k.e ... z.j.e{left} ...{left} z.i.e; enddef; def general_left_curve (expr ta,tb,sa,sb,sc,sd) (suffix i,j,k,l) = y.j=y.i;x.j=ta*(x.l-x.i)+x.i; x.k=x.l;y.k=tb*(y.i-y.l)+y.l; penpos i (sa,-90); penpos j (sb,-90); penpos k (sc,0); penpos l (sd,0); penstroke z.i.e{right}...{right}z.j.e...z.k.e{up}...{up}z.l.e; enddef; def any_curve (expr adjust,thick,thin) (suffix i,j,k,l,m) = %draw from i to m via k, using j and l, using specified values for % withds. z.j=(tightness/adjust)[z.i,z.k]; z.l=(tightness/adjust)[z.m,z.k]; penpos i (thick,angle(z.k-z.i)+90); penpos j (thick,angle(z.k-z.i)+90); penpos l (thin,angle(z.m-z.k)+90); penpos m (thin,angle(z.m-z.k)+90); penstroke z.i.e{z.k-z.i} ... {z.k-z.i}z.j.e ... z.l.e{z.m-z.k} ... {z.m-z.k}z.m.e; enddef; def baseline (expr a,b) = %draw a baseline pickup penrazor scaled thick rotated baseline_tilt; draw a --- b; enddef; baselinewidth:= thick*sind(baseline_tilt);%but should be thick/sind.... def thickpen = pickup pencircle scaled thick; enddef; def thinpen = pickup pencircle scaled thin; enddef; def hairlinepen = pickup pencircle scaled hairline; enddef; def baselinepen = pickup penrazor scaled thick rotated baseline_tilt; enddef; def dotpen = pickup pencircle scaled dot; enddef; def squarepen = pickup penrazor scaled squaredot rotated 45; enddef; def dotat (expr z) = %put at dot at z fill fullcircle scaled dot shifted z; enddef; def chupchik(suffix i,j)(expr ang) = %draw a chupchik from z at angle ang thinpen; z.i=z.j+dir(ang)*chupchiklength; draw z.i--z.j; enddef; def mycutoff(expr a,b) = %cutoff with culling cullit; cutoff(a,b); cullit; enddef; input base; bye.