/* $XConsortium: cir_colexp.c,v 1.3 95/01/05 20:47:57 kaleb Exp $ */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/vga256/drivers/cirrus/cir_colexp.c,v 3.8 1995/04/09 14:14:23 dawes Exp $ */ /* * * Copyright 1994 by H. Hanemaayer, Utrecht, The Netherlands * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of H. Hanemaayer not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. H. Hanemaayer makes no representations * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided * "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * H. HANEMAAYER DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL H. HANEMAAYER BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Author: H. Hanemaayer, <hhanemaa@cs.ruu.nl> * */ /* * This file contains the low level accelerated functions that use color * expansion/extended write modes, which are supported on all chipsets. * Most functions divide the area into banking regions, taking advantage * of the 16K bank granularity, and have efficient inner loops without * bank checks. Tile and stipple fill draw in scanline interleaved order. * * Operations performed with these functions: * - Solid fill * - Transparent/Opaque 32 bits-wide stipple fill * - Multiple-of-8 wide tile fill * - Special case BitBlt (scrolling) for the 5420/2/4 * - Small size plain framebuffer fill/BitBlt. * */ #include "X.h" #include "Xmd.h" #include "servermd.h" #include "gcstruct.h" #include "window.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "cfb.h" #include "cfbmskbits.h" #include "cfbrrop.h" #include "mergerop.h" #include "xf86.h" #include "vgaBank.h" #include "vga.h" /* For vgaInfoRec. */ #include "xf86_HWlib.h" #ifndef __GNUC__ #undef __volatile__ #define __volatile__ volatile #endif #include "compiler.h" extern pointer vgaBase; #include "cir_driver.h" #include "cir_inline.h" #include "cir_span.h" /* Table with bit-reversed equivalent for each possible byte. */ unsigned char byte_reversed[256] = { 0x00,0x80,0x40,0xc0,0x20,0xa0,0x60,0xe0, 0x10,0x90,0x50,0xd0,0x30,0xb0,0x70,0xf0, 0x08,0x88,0x48,0xc8,0x28,0xa8,0x68,0xe8, 0x18,0x98,0x58,0xd8,0x38,0xb8,0x78,0xf8, 0x04,0x84,0x44,0xc4,0x24,0xa4,0x64,0xe4, 0x14,0x94,0x54,0xd4,0x34,0xb4,0x74,0xf4, 0x0c,0x8c,0x4c,0xcc,0x2c,0xac,0x6c,0xec, 0x1c,0x9c,0x5c,0xdc,0x3c,0xbc,0x7c,0xfc, 0x02,0x82,0x42,0xc2,0x22,0xa2,0x62,0xe2, 0x12,0x92,0x52,0xd2,0x32,0xb2,0x72,0xf2, 0x0a,0x8a,0x4a,0xca,0x2a,0xaa,0x6a,0xea, 0x1a,0x9a,0x5a,0xda,0x3a,0xba,0x7a,0xfa, 0x06,0x86,0x46,0xc6,0x26,0xa6,0x66,0xe6, 0x16,0x96,0x56,0xd6,0x36,0xb6,0x76,0xf6, 0x0e,0x8e,0x4e,0xce,0x2e,0xae,0x6e,0xee, 0x1e,0x9e,0x5e,0xde,0x3e,0xbe,0x7e,0xfe, 0x01,0x81,0x41,0xc1,0x21,0xa1,0x61,0xe1, 0x11,0x91,0x51,0xd1,0x31,0xb1,0x71,0xf1, 0x09,0x89,0x49,0xc9,0x29,0xa9,0x69,0xe9, 0x19,0x99,0x59,0xd9,0x39,0xb9,0x79,0xf9, 0x05,0x85,0x45,0xc5,0x25,0xa5,0x65,0xe5, 0x15,0x95,0x55,0xd5,0x35,0xb5,0x75,0xf5, 0x0d,0x8d,0x4d,0xcd,0x2d,0xad,0x6d,0xed, 0x1d,0x9d,0x5d,0xdd,0x3d,0xbd,0x7d,0xfd, 0x03,0x83,0x43,0xc3,0x23,0xa3,0x63,0xe3, 0x13,0x93,0x53,0xd3,0x33,0xb3,0x73,0xf3, 0x0b,0x8b,0x4b,0xcb,0x2b,0xab,0x6b,0xeb, 0x1b,0x9b,0x5b,0xdb,0x3b,0xbb,0x7b,0xfb, 0x07,0x87,0x47,0xc7,0x27,0xa7,0x67,0xe7, 0x17,0x97,0x57,0xd7,0x37,0xb7,0x77,0xf7, 0x0f,0x8f,0x4f,0xcf,0x2f,0xaf,0x6f,0xef, 0x1f,0x9f,0x5f,0xdf,0x3f,0xbf,0x7f,0xff, }; /* Bit masks for left edge (indexed with first left-to-right bit number). */ static unsigned char leftbitmask[8] = { 0xff, 0x7f, 0x3f, 0x1f, 0x0f, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01 }; /* Bit masks for right edge (indexed with number of pixels left). */ static unsigned char rightbitmask[9] = { 0x00, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xfe, 0xff }; /* * This is the special function for small widths (< 32). * Just uses the banked plain framebuffer. * It is somewhat faster than the cfb.banked equivalents (it takes * advantage of the 16K bank granularity). * * Currently not used because of bug (see xgc time percentage scrollbar). */ #ifdef __STDC__ void Cirrus32bitFillSmall( int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned long *bits_in, int sh, int sox, int soy, int bg, int fg, int destpitch ) #else void Cirrus32bitFillSmall( x, y, w, h, bits_in, sh, sox, soy, bg, fg, destpitch ) int x, y, w, h; unsigned long *bits_in; int sh, sox, soy, bg, fg, destpitch; #endif { int j; int destaddr; unsigned char *destp; int syindex; int bank; unsigned char *base; /* Video window base address. */ unsigned char color[2]; base = CIRRUSWRITEBASE(); /* Write window. */ destaddr = y * destpitch + x; CIRRUSSETWRITEB(destaddr, bank); color[0] = bg; color[1] = fg; syindex = (y - soy) % sh; /* y index into source bitmap. */ for (j = 0; j < h; j++) { unsigned long bits; int count; bits = rotateleft(32 - (sox & 31), bits_in[syindex]); CIRRUSCHECKWRITEB(destaddr, bank); destp = base + destaddr; count = w; if (bits == 0xffffffff) __memset(destp, fg, w); else { while (count > 8) { *destp = color[bits & 1]; bits >>= 1; *(destp + 1) = color[bits & 1]; bits >>= 1; *(destp + 2) = color[bits & 1]; bits >>= 1; *(destp + 3) = color[bits & 1]; bits >>= 1; *(destp + 4) = color[bits & 1]; bits >>= 1; *(destp + 5) = color[bits & 1]; bits >>= 1; *(destp + 6) = color[bits & 1]; bits >>= 1; *(destp + 7) = color[bits & 1]; bits >>= 1; destp += 8; count -= 8; } while (count > 0) { *destp = color[bits & 1]; bits >>= 1; destp++; count--; } } destaddr += destpitch; syindex++; if (syindex == sh) syindex = 0; /* Wrap pattern vertically. */ } } /* * This is a bitblt function. It takes advantage of the 8 data latches that * can be enabled in BY8 addressing mode to do efficient vertical bitblts. * I believe this makes scrolling bearable on the chips that don't * have the bitblt engine, i.e. <= 5424. On a local bus, it may even * rival the bitblt engine in speed. * * Arguments: * x1, y1 Coordinates of source area. * x2, y2 Coordinates of destination area. * w, h Size of area to be copied. * destpitch Scanline width of screen in bytes. * * x1 must be equal to x2 (actually works if (x1 % 8 == x2 % 8)). * Copies from top to bottom. For overlapping areas, correct if * (y1 > y2 || (y1 == y2 && x1 > x2). * * The data latches work similar to VGA write mode 1 (for planar modes). * Basically, a read from display memory fills the 8 latches with 8 pixels, * and subsequent writes (CPU data written doesn't matter) will each write * the 8 pixels stored in the latches. * * This new version divides into unbanked regions, with efficient assembler * inner loop; the left and right edge are drawn seperately within each * region. * */ #ifdef AVOID_ASM_ROUTINES static void CirrusLatchCopySpans(srcp, destp, bcount, n, destpitch) unsigned char *srcp; unsigned char *destp; int bcount; int n; int destpitch; { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int j; for (j = 0; j < bcount; j++) *(destp + j) = *(srcp + j); srcp += destpitch; destp += destpitch; } } #endif void CirrusLatchedBitBlt(x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h, destpitch) int x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h, destpitch; { int j; int destaddr, srcaddr; unsigned char *destp, *srcp; int writebank, readbank; int bitoffset; int nspans, bcount, leftbyte; unsigned char *readbase; /* Video read window base address. */ unsigned char *writebase; /* Video write window */ readbase = CIRRUSREADBASE(); writebase = CIRRUSWRITEBASE(); destaddr = y2 * destpitch + x2; srcaddr = y1 * destpitch + x1; /* Enable extended write modes, BY8 addressing, and 8 byte data */ /* latches. Every addressing byte corresponds to 8 pixels. */ if (cirrusUseLinear) { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(EXTENDEDWRITEMODES | BY8ADDRESSING | EIGHTDATALATCHES); } else { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(EXTENDEDWRITEMODES | BY8ADDRESSING | EIGHTDATALATCHES | DOUBLEBANKED); } SETWRITEMODE(1); SETPIXELMASK(0xff); SETFOREGROUNDCOLOR(0); /* Disable set/reset. */ /* Bitmask offset of leftmost byte (group of 8 pixels). */ bitoffset = destaddr & 7; leftbyte = bitoffset == 0 ? 0 : 1; /* Number of full bytes (groups of 8 pixels). */ bcount = bitoffset == 0 ? w / 8 : (w - (8 - bitoffset)) / 8; destaddr >>= 3; /* Divide address by 8. */ srcaddr >>= 3; nspans = h; /* Number of spans to go. */ CIRRUSSETREADB(srcaddr, readbank); CIRRUSSETWRITEB(destaddr, writebank); for (;;) { int nread, nwrite, n; /* Calculate how many scanlines fit in the banking region. */ nread = CIRRUSWRITEREGIONLINES(srcaddr, destpitch >> 3); nwrite = CIRRUSWRITEREGIONLINES(destaddr, destpitch >> 3); n = nread; if (nwrite < n) n = nwrite; if (n > nspans) n = nspans; nspans -= n; /* Do first byte (left edge). */ if (bitoffset != 0) { int i; SETPIXELMASK(leftbitmask[bitoffset]); srcp = readbase + srcaddr; destp = writebase + destaddr; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* Write mode 1 latch read/write. */ *destp = *srcp; srcp += destpitch >> 3; destp += destpitch >> 3; } SETPIXELMASK(0xff); } CirrusLatchCopySpans( readbase + srcaddr + leftbyte, writebase + destaddr + leftbyte, bcount, n, destpitch >> 3 ); /* Do last byte (right edge). */ if (((x1 + w) & 7) > 0) { int i; SETPIXELMASK(rightbitmask[(x1 + w) & 7]); srcp = readbase + srcaddr + leftbyte + bcount; destp = writebase + destaddr + leftbyte + bcount; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* Write mode 1 latch read/write. */ *destp = *srcp; srcp += destpitch >> 3; destp += destpitch >> 3; } SETPIXELMASK(0xff); } if (nspans == 0) break; srcaddr += n * (destpitch >> 3); destaddr += n * (destpitch >> 3); CIRRUSCHECKREADB(srcaddr, readbank); CIRRUSCHECKWRITEB(destaddr, writebank); } /* Disable extended write modes and BY8 addressing. */ if (cirrusUseLinear) { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(SINGLEBANKED); } else { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(DOUBLEBANKED); } SETWRITEMODE(0); SETFOREGROUNDCOLOR(0x00); /* Disable set/reset. */ } void CirrusLatchedBitBltReversed(x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h, destpitch) int x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h, destpitch; { int j; int destaddr, srcaddr; unsigned char *destp, *srcp; int writebank, readbank; int bitoffset; int nspans, bcount, leftbyte; unsigned char *readbase; /* Video read window base address. */ unsigned char *writebase; /* Video write window */ readbase = CIRRUSREADBASE(); writebase = CIRRUSWRITEBASE(); destaddr = (y2 + h - 1) * destpitch + x2; srcaddr = (y1 + h - 1) * destpitch + x1; /* Enable extended write modes, BY8 addressing, and 8 byte data */ /* latches. Every addressing byte corresponds to 8 pixels. */ if (cirrusUseLinear) { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(EXTENDEDWRITEMODES | BY8ADDRESSING | EIGHTDATALATCHES); } else { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(EXTENDEDWRITEMODES | BY8ADDRESSING | EIGHTDATALATCHES | DOUBLEBANKED); } SETWRITEMODE(1); SETPIXELMASK(0xff); SETFOREGROUNDCOLOR(0); /* Disable set/reset. */ /* Bitmask offset of leftmost byte (group of 8 pixels). */ bitoffset = destaddr & 7; leftbyte = bitoffset == 0 ? 0 : 1; /* Number of full bytes (groups of 8 pixels). */ bcount = bitoffset == 0 ? w / 8 : (w - (8 - bitoffset)) / 8; destaddr >>= 3; /* Divide address by 8. */ srcaddr >>= 3; nspans = h; /* Number of spans to go. */ CIRRUSSETREADB(srcaddr, readbank); CIRRUSSETWRITEB(destaddr, writebank); for (;;) { int nread, nwrite, n; /* Adjust bank regions. */ CIRRUSCHECKREVERSEDREADB(srcaddr, readbank, destpitch >> 3); CIRRUSCHECKREVERSEDWRITEB(destaddr, writebank, destpitch >> 3); /* Calculate how many scanlines fit in the banking region. */ nread = CIRRUSREVERSEDWRITEREGIONLINES(srcaddr, destpitch >> 3); nwrite = CIRRUSREVERSEDWRITEREGIONLINES(destaddr, destpitch >> 3); n = nread; if (nwrite < n) n = nwrite; if (n > nspans) n = nspans; nspans -= n; /* Do first byte (left edge). */ if (bitoffset != 0) { int i; SETPIXELMASK(leftbitmask[bitoffset]); srcp = readbase + srcaddr; destp = writebase + destaddr; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* Write mode 1 latch read/write. */ *destp = *srcp; srcp -= destpitch >> 3; destp -= destpitch >> 3; } SETPIXELMASK(0xff); } CirrusLatchCopySpans( readbase + srcaddr + leftbyte, writebase + destaddr + leftbyte, bcount, n, - (destpitch >> 3) ); /* Do last byte (right edge). */ if (((x1 + w) & 7) > 0) { int i; SETPIXELMASK(rightbitmask[(x1 + w) & 7]); srcp = readbase + srcaddr + leftbyte + bcount; destp = writebase + destaddr + leftbyte + bcount; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* Write mode 1 latch read/write. */ *destp = *srcp; srcp -= destpitch >> 3; destp -= destpitch >> 3; } SETPIXELMASK(0xff); } if (nspans == 0) break; srcaddr -= n * (destpitch >> 3); destaddr -= n * (destpitch >> 3); } /* Disable extended write modes and BY8 addressing. */ if (cirrusUseLinear) { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(SINGLEBANKED); } else { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(DOUBLEBANKED); } SETWRITEMODE(0); SETFOREGROUNDCOLOR(0x00); /* Disable set/reset. */ } /* * Conventional framebuffer bitblt; no (x1 & 7 == x2 & 7) restriction. */ #ifdef __STDC__ void CirrusSimpleBitBlt( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int w, int h, int destpitch ) #else void CirrusSimpleBitBlt( x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h, destpitch ) int x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h, destpitch; #endif { int j; int destaddr, srcaddr; unsigned char *destp, *srcp; int writebank, readbank; int bitoffset; int syindex; unsigned char *readbase; /* Video read window base address. */ unsigned char *writebase; /* Video write window */ int saveGRB; readbase = CIRRUSREADBASE(); writebase = CIRRUSWRITEBASE(); destaddr = y2 * destpitch + x2; srcaddr = y1 * destpitch + x1; CIRRUSSETREADB(srcaddr, readbank); CIRRUSSETWRITEB(destaddr, writebank); for (j = 0; j < h; j++) { CIRRUSCHECKREADB(srcaddr, readbank); CIRRUSCHECKWRITEB(destaddr, writebank); /* Address in write window. */ destp = writebase + destaddr; /* Address in read window. */ srcp = readbase + srcaddr; __memcpy(destp, srcp, w); destaddr += destpitch; srcaddr += destpitch; } } /* * Optimized solid fill. * Divides area in regions within banks. * Uses the full 64K window in BY8 addressing mode, giving effective * bank regions of 512K. * w >= 32. */ #ifdef AVOID_ASM_ROUTINES static void CirrusColorExpandWriteSpans(destp, leftmask, leftbcount, midlcount, rightbcount, rightmask, h, destpitch) unsigned char *destp; int leftmask, leftbcount, midlcount, rightbcount, rightmask; int h; int destpitch; { while (h > 0) { unsigned char *destpsave; int i; destpsave = destp; if (leftbcount > 0) { *destp = leftmask; destp++; for (i = 0; i < leftbcount - 1; i++) { *destp = 0xff; destp++; } } for (i = 0; i < midlcount; i++) { *(unsigned long *)destp = 0xffffffff; destp += 4; } if (rightbcount > 1) for (i = 0; i < rightbcount - 1; i++) { *destp = 0xff; destp++; } if (rightbcount > 0) *destp = rightmask; destp = destpsave + destpitch; h--; } } #endif void CirrusColorExpandSolidFill(x, y, w, h, fg, destpitch) int x, y, w, h, fg, destpitch; { int destaddr; int bank; unsigned char *base; /* Video window base address. */ int nspans, bitoffset; int leftmask, leftbcount, midlcount, rightbcount, rightmask; base = CIRRUSSINGLEBASE(); /* Single Read/Write window. */ destaddr = y * destpitch + x; /* Enable extended write modes and BY8 addressing. */ /* Every addressing byte corresponds to 8 pixels. */ SETMODEEXTENSIONS(EXTENDEDWRITEMODES | BY8ADDRESSING | SINGLEBANKED); SETWRITEMODE(4); SETPIXELMASK(0xff); SETFOREGROUNDCOLOR(fg); /* Calculate masks and counts. */ /* Bit offset of leftmost pixel of area to be filled. */ bitoffset = destaddr & 7; destaddr >>= 3; /* Divide address by 8. */ leftmask = leftbitmask[bitoffset]; w -= 8 - bitoffset; if (w < 0) { /* Just one byte. */ leftmask &= rightbitmask[w + 8]; leftbcount = 1; midlcount = 0; rightbcount = 0; goto masksdone; } leftbcount = 4 - (destaddr & 3); if ((leftbcount - 1) * 8 > w) leftbcount = w / 8 + 1; w -= (leftbcount - 1) * 8; midlcount = w / 32; w &= 31; rightbcount = (w + 7) / 8; if (rightbcount > 0) rightmask = rightbitmask[w - (rightbcount - 1) * 8]; masksdone: CIRRUSSETSINGLEB(destaddr, bank); nspans = h; /* Number of spans to go. */ for (;;) { int n; /* Calculate how many scanlines fit in this banking region. */ n = CIRRUSSINGLEREGIONLINES(destaddr, destpitch >> 3); if (n > nspans) n = nspans; nspans -= n; CirrusColorExpandWriteSpans(base + destaddr, leftmask, leftbcount, midlcount, rightbcount, rightmask, n, destpitch >> 3); if (nspans == 0) break; destaddr += n * (destpitch >> 3); CIRRUSCHECKSINGLEB(destaddr, bank); } /* Disable extended write modes and BY8 addressing. */ if (cirrusUseLinear) { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(SINGLEBANKED); } else { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(DOUBLEBANKED); } SETWRITEMODE(0); SETFOREGROUNDCOLOR(0x00); /* Disable set/reset. */ } /* * Optimized stipple, dividing into unbanked regions. * Scanlines are written interleaved, maximizing consecutive writes of the * same stipple bits word. Assumes a virtual screen width that is a multiple * 32 (otherwise video memory access will be largely unaligned). */ #ifdef AVOID_ASM_ROUTINES static void CirrusColorExpandWriteStippleSpans(destp, leftmask, leftbcount, midlcount, rightbcount, stipplerightmask, h, stippleword, destpitch) unsigned char *destp; int stippleleftmask, leftbcount, midlcount, rightbcount; int stipplerightmask; int h; unsigned long stippleword; int destpitch; { while (h > 0) { unsigned char *destpsave; int i; destpsave = destp; switch (leftbcount) { case 1 : *destp = stippleleftmask; destp++; break; case 2 : *destp = stippleleftmask; *(destp + 1) = stippleword >> 24; destp += 2; break; case 3 : *destp = stippleleftmask; *(destp + 1) = stippleword >> 16; *(destp + 2) = stippleword >> 24; destp + = 3; break; case 4 : *destp = stippleleftmask; *(destp + 1) = stippleword >> 8; *(unsigned short *)(destp + 2) = stippleword >> 16; destp += 4; break; } for (i = 0; i < midlcount; i++) { *(unsigned long *)destp = stippleword; destp += 4; } switch (rightbcount) { case 1 : *destp = stipplerightmask; break; case 2 : *destp = stippleword; *(destp + 1) = stipplerightmask; break; case 3 : *(unsigned short *)destp = stippleword; *(destp + 2) = stipplerightmask; break; case 4 : *(unsigned short *)destp = stippleword; *(destp + 2) = stippleword >> 16; *(destp + 3) = stipplerightmask; break; } destp = destpsave + destpitch; h--; } } #endif void CirrusColorExpandStippleFill(x, y, w, h, bits_in, sh, sox, soy, fg, destpitch) int x, y, w, h; unsigned long *bits_in; int sh, sox, soy, fg, destpitch; { int destaddr; int bank; unsigned char *base; /* Video window base address. */ int nspans, bitoffset; int leftmask, leftbcount, midlcount, rightbcount, rightmask; int bytealignment; unsigned long *new_bits; int i, syindex; /* Reverse per-byte bit order of the stipple. */ new_bits = (unsigned long *)ALLOCATE_LOCAL(sh * 4); for (i = 0; i < sh; i++) { if (bits_in[i] == 0xffffffff) new_bits[i] = 0xffffffff; else { unsigned long bits; /* Rotate so that data is correctly aligned to */ /* origin for writing dwords to framebuffer. */ bits = rotateleft(32 - (sox & 31), bits_in[i]); /* Reverse each of the four bytes. */ ((unsigned char *)new_bits)[i * 4] = byte_reversed[(unsigned char)bits]; ((unsigned char *)new_bits)[i * 4 + 1] = byte_reversed[(unsigned char)(bits >> 8)]; ((unsigned char *)new_bits)[i * 4 + 2] = byte_reversed[(unsigned char)(bits >> 16)]; ((unsigned char *)new_bits)[i * 4 + 3] = byte_reversed[(unsigned char)(bits >> 24)]; } } base = CIRRUSSINGLEBASE(); /* Read/write window. */ destaddr = y * destpitch + x; /* Enable extended write modes and BY8 addressing. */ /* Every addressing byte corresponds to 8 pixels. */ SETMODEEXTENSIONS(EXTENDEDWRITEMODES | BY8ADDRESSING | SINGLEBANKED); SETWRITEMODE(4); SETPIXELMASK(0xff); SETFOREGROUNDCOLOR(fg); /* Calculate masks and counts. */ /* Bit offset of leftmost pixel of area to be filled. */ bitoffset = destaddr & 7; destaddr >>= 3; /* Divide address by 8. */ leftmask = leftbitmask[bitoffset]; w -= 8 - bitoffset; bytealignment = (x >> 3) & 3; if (w < 0) { /* Just one byte. */ leftmask &= rightbitmask[w + 8]; leftbcount = 1; midlcount = 0; rightbcount = 0; goto masksdone; } leftbcount = 4 - bytealignment; if ((leftbcount - 1) * 8 > w) /* If the area falls within a 32-bit word, leftbcount does */ /* not indicate the byte alignment. */ leftbcount = w / 8 + 1; w -= (leftbcount - 1) * 8; midlcount = w / 32; w &= 31; rightbcount = (w + 7) / 8; if (rightbcount > 0) rightmask = rightbitmask[w - (rightbcount - 1) * 8]; masksdone: CIRRUSSETSINGLEB(destaddr, bank); syindex = (y - soy) % sh; /* y index into source bitmap. */ nspans = h; /* Number of spans to go. */ for (;;) { int n, minlines, oneextralimit, startsyindex; unsigned char *destp; /* Calculate how many scanlines fit in this banking region. */ n = CIRRUSSINGLEREGIONLINES(destaddr, destpitch >> 3); if (n > nspans) n = nspans; nspans -= n; destp = base + destaddr; startsyindex = syindex; minlines = n / sh; oneextralimit = n % sh; for (i = 0; i < sh && i < n; i++) { int linecount; int stippleleftmask, stipplerightmask; union { unsigned long dword; unsigned char byte[4]; } stipplebits; stipplebits.dword = new_bits[syindex]; if (leftbcount > 0) stippleleftmask = leftmask & stipplebits.byte[bytealignment]; if (rightbcount > 0) stipplerightmask = rightmask & stipplebits.byte[ (bytealignment + leftbcount + rightbcount - 1) & 3]; linecount = minlines; if (i < oneextralimit) linecount++; CirrusColorExpandWriteStippleSpans(destp, stippleleftmask, leftbcount, midlcount, rightbcount, stipplerightmask, linecount, (destpitch >> 3) * sh, stipplebits.dword); destp += (destpitch >> 3); syindex++; if (syindex >= sh) syindex = 0; } syindex = startsyindex + oneextralimit; if (syindex >= sh) syindex -= sh; if (nspans == 0) break; destaddr += n * (destpitch >> 3); CIRRUSCHECKSINGLEB(destaddr, bank); } /* Disable extended write modes and BY8 addressing. */ if (cirrusUseLinear) { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(SINGLEBANKED); } else { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(DOUBLEBANKED); } SETWRITEMODE(0); SETFOREGROUNDCOLOR(0x00); /* Disable set/reset. */ DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(new_bits); } /* * Optimized opaque stipple. * Within unbanked regions, first draws left edge, then middle, then right * edge. */ void CirrusColorExpandOpaqueStippleFill(x, y, w, h, bits_in, sh, sox, soy, bg, fg, destpitch) int x, y, w, h; unsigned long *bits_in; int sh, sox, soy, fg, destpitch; { int destaddr; int bank; unsigned char *base; /* Video window base address. */ int nspans, bitoffset; int leftmask, leftbcount, midlcount, rightbcount, rightmask; int bytealignment; unsigned long *new_bits; int i, syindex; int startsyindex; /* Reverse per-byte bit order of the stipple. */ new_bits = (unsigned long *)ALLOCATE_LOCAL(sh * 4); for (i = 0; i < sh; i++) { if (bits_in[i] == 0xffffffff) new_bits[i] = 0xffffffff; else { unsigned long bits; /* Rotate so that data is correctly aligned to */ /* origin for writing dwords to framebuffer. */ bits = rotateleft(32 - (sox & 31), bits_in[i]); /* Reverse each of the four bytes. */ ((unsigned char *)new_bits)[i * 4] = byte_reversed[(unsigned char)bits]; ((unsigned char *)new_bits)[i * 4 + 1] = byte_reversed[(unsigned char)(bits >> 8)]; ((unsigned char *)new_bits)[i * 4 + 2] = byte_reversed[(unsigned char)(bits >> 16)]; ((unsigned char *)new_bits)[i * 4 + 3] = byte_reversed[(unsigned char)(bits >> 24)]; } } base = CIRRUSSINGLEBASE(); /* Read/write window. */ destaddr = y * destpitch + x; /* Enable extended write modes and BY8 addressing. */ /* Every addressing byte corresponds to 8 pixels. */ SETMODEEXTENSIONS(EXTENDEDWRITEMODES | BY8ADDRESSING | SINGLEBANKED); SETWRITEMODE(5); /* Opaque. */ SETPIXELMASK(0xff); SETFOREGROUNDCOLOR(fg); SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR(bg); /* Calculate masks and counts. */ /* Bit offset of leftmost pixel of area to be filled. */ bitoffset = destaddr & 7; destaddr >>= 3; /* Divide address by 8. */ leftmask = leftbitmask[bitoffset]; w -= 8 - bitoffset; bytealignment = (x >> 3) & 3; if (w < 0) { /* Just one byte. */ leftmask &= rightbitmask[w + 8]; leftbcount = 1; midlcount = 0; rightbcount = 0; goto masksdone; } leftbcount = 4 - bytealignment; if ((leftbcount - 1) * 8 > w) /* If the area falls within a 32-bit word, leftbcount does */ /* not indicate the byte alignment. */ leftbcount = w / 8 + 1; w -= (leftbcount - 1) * 8; midlcount = w / 32; w &= 31; rightbcount = (w + 7) / 8; if (rightbcount > 0) rightmask = rightbitmask[w - (rightbcount - 1) * 8]; masksdone: CIRRUSSETSINGLEB(destaddr, bank); syindex = (y - soy) % sh; /* y index into source bitmap. */ nspans = h; /* Number of spans to go. */ for (;;) { int n, minlines, oneextralimit; unsigned char *destp; /* Calculate how many scanlines fit in this banking region. */ n = CIRRUSSINGLEREGIONLINES(destaddr, destpitch >> 3); if (n > nspans) n = nspans; nspans -= n; minlines = n / sh; oneextralimit = n % sh; /* Left edge. */ SETPIXELMASK(leftmask); destp = base + destaddr; startsyindex = syindex; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int linecount; union { unsigned long dword; unsigned char byte[4]; } stipplebits; stipplebits.dword = new_bits[syindex]; *destp = stipplebits.byte[bytealignment]; destp += (destpitch >> 3); syindex++; if (syindex >= sh) syindex = 0; } /* Middle part */ if (midlcount == 0 && leftbcount <= 1 && rightbcount <= 1) goto skipmiddlepart; SETPIXELMASK(0xff); destp = base + destaddr + 1; syindex = startsyindex; for (i = 0; i < sh && i < n; i++) { int linecount; union { unsigned long dword; unsigned char byte[4]; } stipplebits; stipplebits.dword = new_bits[syindex]; linecount = minlines; if (i < oneextralimit) linecount++; CirrusColorExpandWriteStippleSpans(destp, stipplebits.byte[(bytealignment + 1) & 3], leftbcount - 1, midlcount, (rightbcount == 0 ? 0 : rightbcount - 1), stipplebits.byte[(bytealignment + leftbcount + rightbcount - 2) & 3], linecount, (destpitch >> 3) * sh, stipplebits.dword); destp += (destpitch >> 3); syindex++; if (syindex >= sh) syindex = 0; } skipmiddlepart: /* Right edge */ if (rightbcount == 0) goto skiprightpart; SETPIXELMASK(rightmask); destp = base + destaddr + leftbcount + midlcount * 4 + rightbcount - 1; syindex = startsyindex; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int linecount; union { unsigned long dword; unsigned char byte[4]; } stipplebits; stipplebits.dword = new_bits[syindex]; *destp = stipplebits.byte[(bytealignment + leftbcount + rightbcount - 1) & 3]; destp += (destpitch >> 3); syindex++; if (syindex >= sh) syindex = 0; } skiprightpart: syindex = startsyindex + oneextralimit; if (syindex >= sh) syindex -= sh; if (nspans == 0) break; destaddr += n * (destpitch >> 3); CIRRUSCHECKSINGLEB(destaddr, bank); } /* Disable extended write modes and BY8 addressing. */ if (cirrusUseLinear) { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(SINGLEBANKED); } else { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(DOUBLEBANKED); } SETWRITEMODE(0); SETFOREGROUNDCOLOR(0x00); /* Disable set/reset. */ SETPIXELMASK(0xff); DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(new_bits); } /* * This function uses the 8 data latches for fast multiple-of-8 pixel wide * tile fill. Divides into banking regions. * Supports tilewidths of 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 and 64. * * Arguments: * x, y Coordinates of the destination area. * w, h Size of the area. * vtileaddr Offset in video memory of tile. * tpitch Width of a tile line in bytes. * tbytes Width of tile / 8. * theight Height of tile. * toy Tile y-origin. * * w must be >= 32. * Tile must be aligned to start of scanline. */ #ifdef AVOID_ASM_ROUTINES static void CirrusLatchWriteTileSpans(destp, count, tbytes, linecount, vpitch) unsigned char *destp; int tbytes, count, linecount, vpitch; { int i; for (i = 0; i < linecount; i++) { int j; for (j = 0; j < count; j++) *(destp + j * tbytes) = 0; destp += vpitch; } } #endif void CirrusColorExpandFillTile8(x, y, w, h, vtileaddr, tpitch, tbytes, theight, toy, destpitch) int x, y, w, h; int vtileaddr; int tpitch; int tbytes; /* Width of the tile in units of 8 pixels. */ int theight, toy, destpitch; { int i; int destlineaddr; int writebank; int tyindex; unsigned char *vtilep; int tcount; int *chunk8_tcount; int nspans; int bitoffset; int wbytes; int oneextracount; int tbyteindexleft, tbyteindexright, tbyteindexmiddle; unsigned char *readbase; /* Video read window base address. */ unsigned char *writebase; /* Video write window */ readbase = CIRRUSREADBASE(); writebase = CIRRUSWRITEBASE(); chunk8_tcount = (int *)ALLOCATE_LOCAL(tbytes * sizeof(int)); /* Pointer to tile in read window in BY8 addressing mode. */ vtileaddr >>= 3; CIRRUSSETREAD(vtileaddr); vtilep = CIRRUSREADBASE() + vtileaddr; destlineaddr = y * destpitch; /* x added later. */ /* Enable extended write modes, BY8 addressing, and 8 byte data */ /* latches. Every addressing byte corresponds to 8 pixels. */ if (cirrusUseLinear) { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(EXTENDEDWRITEMODES | BY8ADDRESSING | EIGHTDATALATCHES); } else { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(EXTENDEDWRITEMODES | BY8ADDRESSING | EIGHTDATALATCHES | DOUBLEBANKED); } SETWRITEMODE(1); SETPIXELMASK(0xff); SETFOREGROUNDCOLOR(0); /* Disable set/reset. */ destlineaddr >>= 3; /* Divide address by 8. */ CIRRUSSETWRITEB(destlineaddr, writebank); /* Current tile line index. */ tyindex = (y - toy) % theight; bitoffset = x & 7; /* Calculate the number of full 8-pixel bytes in each scanline. */ wbytes = (w - (bitoffset == 0 ? 0 : 8 - bitoffset)) / 8; /* Number of full tile 'widths'. */ tcount = wbytes / tbytes; oneextracount = wbytes % tbytes; /* Calculate how many full 8 pixels chunks we can write per */ /* scanline for each of the tbytes chunks in the tile line. */ for (i = 0; i < oneextracount; i++) chunk8_tcount[i] = tcount + 1; while (i < tbytes) { chunk8_tcount[i] = tcount; i++; } /* Precompute value used in left edge loop. */ if (bitoffset > 0) { tbyteindexleft = (x >> 3) % tbytes; tbyteindexmiddle = ((x + 7) >> 3) % tbytes; } else tbyteindexmiddle = (x >> 3) % tbytes; if (((x + w) & 7) > 0) tbyteindexright = ((x + w) >> 3) % tbytes; nspans = h; /* Number of spans to go. */ for (;;) { int n, minlines, oneextralimit, starttyindex; unsigned char *destp, *vtilelinep, *startvtilelinep; /* Calculate how many scanlines fit in this banking region. */ n = CIRRUSWRITEREGIONLINES(destlineaddr, destpitch >> 3); if (n > nspans) n = nspans; nspans -= n; minlines = n / theight; oneextralimit = n % theight; starttyindex = tyindex; startvtilelinep = vtilep + tyindex * tbytes; /* Left edge. */ if (bitoffset == 0) goto skipleftedge; SETPIXELMASK(leftbitmask[bitoffset]); /* Address in write window. */ destp = writebase + destlineaddr + (x >> 3); vtilelinep = startvtilelinep + tbyteindexleft; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { __volatile__ unsigned char tmp; tmp = *vtilelinep; *destp = 0; destp += destpitch >> 3; tyindex++; vtilelinep += tbytes; if (tyindex == theight) { tyindex = 0; vtilelinep = vtilep + tbyteindexleft; } } SETPIXELMASK(0xff); skipleftedge: /* Middle part. */ destp = writebase + destlineaddr + (x >> 3); if (bitoffset > 0) destp++; vtilelinep = startvtilelinep; tyindex = starttyindex; for (i = 0; i < theight && i < n; i++) { int linecount, k, tbyteindex; linecount = minlines; if (i < oneextralimit) linecount++; tbyteindex = tbyteindexmiddle; if (linecount > 0) for (k = 0; k < tbytes; k++) { /* Handle tile line pixels (k * 8) to */ /* ((k + 1) * 8 - 1). */ __volatile__ unsigned char tmp; /* Read 8 tile pixels into latches. */ tmp = vtilelinep[tbyteindex]; /* Now write them at every tbytes-th pixel */ /* offset in every theight-th scanline in */ /* the banking region. */ if (chunk8_tcount[k] > 0) CirrusLatchWriteTileSpans( destp + k, chunk8_tcount[k], tbytes, linecount, (destpitch >> 3) * theight ); tbyteindex++; if (tbyteindex >= tbytes) tbyteindex = 0; } destp += (destpitch >> 3); tyindex++; vtilelinep += tbytes; if (tyindex == theight) { tyindex = 0; vtilelinep = vtilep; } } /* Right part. */ if (((x + w) & 7) == 0) goto skiprightpart; SETPIXELMASK(rightbitmask[(x + w) & 7]); destp = writebase + destlineaddr + ((x + w) >> 3); vtilelinep = startvtilelinep + tbyteindexright; tyindex = starttyindex; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { __volatile__ unsigned char tmp; tmp = *vtilelinep; *destp = 0; destp += destpitch >> 3; tyindex++; vtilelinep += tbytes; if (tyindex == theight) { tyindex = 0; vtilelinep = vtilep + tbyteindexright; } } SETPIXELMASK(0xff); skiprightpart: if (nspans == 0) break; /* Calculate tile line index for next region. */ tyindex = starttyindex + oneextralimit; if (tyindex >= theight) tyindex -= theight; destlineaddr += n * (destpitch >> 3); CIRRUSCHECKWRITEB(destlineaddr, writebank); } /* Disable extended write modes and BY8 addressing. */ if (cirrusUseLinear) { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(SINGLEBANKED); } else { SETMODEEXTENSIONS(DOUBLEBANKED); } SETWRITEMODE(0); SETFOREGROUNDCOLOR(0x00); /* Disable set/reset. */ DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(chunk8_tcount); }