# Configuration file for svgalib. Default location is /etc/vga.
# Lines starting with '#' are ignored.

# Have a deep look at README.config to see what can do here (especially
# for mach32).

# Mouse type: m<digit>
# Use one of the following digits/ids:

# 0	Microsoft
# 1	MouseSystems
# 2	MM Series (MMSeries)
# 3	Logitech protocol (old, newer mice use Microsoft protocol)
# 4	Bus mouse (BusMouse)
# 5	PS/2 mouse (PS2)
# 6	MouseMan
# 9	None

mouse microsoft

# Monitor type: M<digit>
# Use one of the following digits:

# id	Max horizontal sync, typical modes that monitor can support
# 0	31.5 KHz (Standard VGA monitor, 640x480 @ 60 Hz)
# 1	35.1 KHz (Old SVGA monitor, 800x600 @ 56 Hz)
# 2	35.5 KHz (Low-end SVGA, 8514, 1024x768 @ 43 Hz interlaced)
# 3	37.9 KHz (SVGA monitor, 800x600 @ 60 Hz, 640x480 @ 72 Hz)
# 4	48.3 KHz (SVGA non-interlaced, 800x600 @ 72 Hz, 1024x768 @ 60 Hz)
# 5	56.0 KHz (high frequency, 1024x768 @ 70 Hz)
# 6		 (1024x768 @ 72 Hz)

monitor 35.5

# Chipset type: C<digit>
# Use one of the following digits to force chipset type.
# Don't force something unless the autodetection goes wrong.
# If a chipset driver gives trouble, try forcing VGA.

# 0	UNDEFINED (auto-detect)
# 1	VGA
# 2	ET4000
# 4	TVGA8900
# 5	OAK
# 6	EGA
# 7	S3
# 8	ET3000
# 9	MACH32
# 10	GVGA6400
# 11	ARK Logic


# Color/mono mode: c<digit>
# Required if chipset is EGA.
# Use one of the following digits to force color/mono:

# 0	Monochrome
# 1	Color


# Setup a 320x200 mode for the mach32:

define 320x200x32K 320x200x64K 320x200x16M 320x200x16M32
                     16 320 392 464 552 200 245 265 310