
Enter word:                 <return> or <linefeed> or <space>
Delete previous character:  <delete> or <backspace>
Delete line:                <^u> or <^w>
Redraw screen:              <^l> or <^r>
Pause game:                 <^s>
Resume game:                <^q> or <^s>
Suspend game (BSD only):    <^z>
Give up on current cube:    <^d>
Show remaining time:        <space> first thing on a line
Show help:                  ? (Suspends timer until done)
Exit game:                  <^c>

(^u means "control u", etc.)

[Note for users of versions of this program that do not display a timer:
The first word entered after the timer has run out causes a list of all the
words you found, the words you missed, and your running statistics to be

Any time you are prompted while the board is displayed you can type:
to see where "word" is on the board.

    bog [-b] [-d] [-s#] [-t#] [-w#] [+[+]] [boardspec]

    -b: batch mode (boardspec must be present); dictionary read from stdin
    -d: debug mode
    -s#: use # as the random number seed
    -t#: time limit is # seconds instead of default 180
    -w#: minimum word length is # letters instead of default 3
    +: can reuse a cube, but not twice in succession
    ++: can reuse cubes arbitrarily
    boardspec: the first board to use (use 'q' for 'qu'); e.g.:
          bog nolezeebnqieegei
                            Default Rules

A Boggle board is a four by four arrangement of Boggle cubes.
You have 3 minutes to find as many words as possible in the Boggle board.
Words are formed by finding a sequence of cubes (letters) that are in the
game's dictionary.  The (N+1)th cube in the word must be horizontally,
vertically, or diagonally adjacent to the Nth cube.  Cubes cannot be reused.
Words consist solely of lower case letters and must be at least 3 letters long.

Command line flags can be given to change the rules of the game.
The '+' flag allows a cube to be used multiple times, but not in succession.
The '++' flag allows the same cubes to be considered adjacent to itself.
The time limit can be changed from the default 3 minutes by using the flag
'-t#', where # is the duration (in seconds) of each game.
The minimum word length can be changed from 3 letters by specifying 'w#',
where # is the minimum number of letters to use.
                           Bugs and Limitations

The following bugs and problems are known to exist:

- If there are a great many words in the cube the final display of the words
  may scroll off of the screen.  (On a 25 line screen about 130 words can be

- Computing the complete word list can be too slow on small machines.

- No word can contain a 'q' that is not immediately followed by a 'u'.

- When using the '+' or '++' options the display of words found in the board
  doesn't indicate reused cubes.
                           About This Program

Permission is given to freely copy and distribute this software providing:

1) You do not sell it,
2) You do not use it for commercial advantage,
3) If you pass the program on you must make the source code available, and
4) This notice must accompany the distribution

Please notify the author of any bugs or if you have any suggestions.

Copyright (c) 1988:
Barry Brachman
Dept. of Computer Science
Univ. of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5

.. {ihnp4!alberta, uw-beaver, uunet}!ubc-vision!ubc-csgrads!brachman

Boggle is a trademark of Parker Brothers.