/* * Microsoft busmouse driver based on Logitech driver (see busmouse.c) * * Microsoft BusMouse support by Teemu Rantanen (tvr@cs.hut.fi) (02AUG92) * * Microsoft Bus Mouse support modified by Derrick Cole (cole@concert.net) * 8/28/92 * * Microsoft Bus Mouse support folded into 0.97pl4 code * by Peter Cervasio (pete%q106fm.uucp@wupost.wustl.edu) (08SEP92) * Changes: Logitech and Microsoft support in the same kernel. * Defined new constants in busmouse.h for MS mice. * Added int mse_busmouse_type to distinguish busmouse types * Added a couple of new functions to handle differences in using * MS vs. Logitech (where the int variable wasn't appropriate). * * Modified by Peter Cervasio (address above) (26SEP92) * Changes: Included code to (properly?) detect when a Microsoft mouse is * really attached to the machine. Don't know what this does to * Logitech bus mice, but all it does is read ports. * * Modified by Christoph Niemann (niemann@rubdv15.etdv.ruhr-uni-bochum.de) * Changes: Better interrupt-handler (like in busmouse.c). * Some changes to reduce code-size. * Changed detection code to use inb_p() instead of doing empty * loops to delay i/o. * * version 0.3a */ #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/busmouse.h> #include <linux/signal.h> #include <linux/errno.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/segment.h> #include <asm/system.h> #include <asm/irq.h> static struct mouse_status mouse; static void ms_mouse_interrupt(int irq, struct pt_regs * regs) { char dx, dy; unsigned char buttons; outb(MS_MSE_COMMAND_MODE, MS_MSE_CONTROL_PORT); outb((inb(MS_MSE_DATA_PORT) | 0x20), MS_MSE_DATA_PORT); outb(MS_MSE_READ_X, MS_MSE_CONTROL_PORT); dx = inb(MS_MSE_DATA_PORT); outb(MS_MSE_READ_Y, MS_MSE_CONTROL_PORT); dy = inb(MS_MSE_DATA_PORT); outb(MS_MSE_READ_BUTTONS, MS_MSE_CONTROL_PORT); buttons = ~(inb(MS_MSE_DATA_PORT)) & 0x07; outb(MS_MSE_COMMAND_MODE, MS_MSE_CONTROL_PORT); outb((inb(MS_MSE_DATA_PORT) & 0xdf), MS_MSE_DATA_PORT); if (dx != 0 || dy != 0 || buttons != mouse.buttons || ((~buttons) & 0x07)) { mouse.buttons = buttons; mouse.dx += dx; mouse.dy += dy; mouse.ready = 1; wake_up_interruptible(&mouse.wait); } } static void release_mouse(struct inode * inode, struct file * file) { MS_MSE_INT_OFF(); mouse.active = mouse.ready = 0; free_irq(MOUSE_IRQ); } static int open_mouse(struct inode * inode, struct file * file) { if (!mouse.present) return -EINVAL; if (mouse.active) return -EBUSY; mouse.active = 1; mouse.ready = mouse.dx = mouse.dy = 0; mouse.buttons = 0x80; if (request_irq(MOUSE_IRQ, ms_mouse_interrupt, 0, "MS Busmouse")) { mouse.active = 0; return -EBUSY; } outb(MS_MSE_START, MS_MSE_CONTROL_PORT); MS_MSE_INT_ON(); return 0; } static int write_mouse(struct inode * inode, struct file * file, char * buffer, int count) { return -EINVAL; } static int read_mouse(struct inode * inode, struct file * file, char * buffer, int count) { int i, dx, dy; if (count < 3) return -EINVAL; if (!mouse.ready) return -EAGAIN; put_fs_byte(mouse.buttons | 0x80, buffer); dx = mouse.dx < -127 ? -127 : mouse.dx > 127 ? 127 : mouse.dx; dy = mouse.dy < -127 ? 127 : mouse.dy > 127 ? -127 : -mouse.dy; put_fs_byte((char)dx, buffer + 1); put_fs_byte((char)dy, buffer + 2); for (i = 3; i < count; i++) put_fs_byte(0x00, buffer + i); mouse.dx -= dx; mouse.dy += dy; mouse.ready = 0; return i; } static int mouse_select(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, int sel_type, select_table * wait) { if (sel_type != SEL_IN) return 0; if (mouse.ready) return 1; select_wait(&mouse.wait,wait); return 0; } struct file_operations ms_bus_mouse_fops = { NULL, /* mouse_seek */ read_mouse, write_mouse, NULL, /* mouse_readdir */ mouse_select, /* mouse_select */ NULL, /* mouse_ioctl */ NULL, /* mouse_mmap */ open_mouse, release_mouse, }; unsigned long ms_bus_mouse_init(unsigned long kmem_start) { int mse_byte, i; mouse.present = mouse.active = mouse.ready = 0; mouse.buttons = 0x80; mouse.dx = mouse.dy = 0; mouse.wait = NULL; if (inb_p(MS_MSE_SIGNATURE_PORT) == 0xde) { mse_byte = inb_p(MS_MSE_SIGNATURE_PORT); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (inb_p(MS_MSE_SIGNATURE_PORT) == 0xde) { if (inb_p(MS_MSE_SIGNATURE_PORT) == mse_byte) mouse.present = 1; else mouse.present = 0; } else mouse.present = 0; } } if (mouse.present == 0) { return kmem_start; } MS_MSE_INT_OFF(); printk("Microsoft BusMouse detected and installed.\n"); return kmem_start; }