Dear MuPAD friend, here are some informations how to install MuPAD 1.2.2 from disk. First you must be root to install MuPAD 1.2.2. The packages for MuPAD have to be installed with setup or pkgtool coming with the Slackware distribution. If you haven't installed Slackware, please use the tools on this disk in order to install. Use pkgtool to install MuPAD from console. Use pkgtool.tty to install from a xterm. MuPAD will be installed in /usr/local/MuPAD. Please make sure that this directory doesn't exist. Please remove or rename any old installation. Choose the device to install from (fd0/fd1) and install the package MU, which consists of the following parts: Disk MU1: mubase.tgz: Basic parts of MuPAD examples, the library, info. about copyright etc. mudemo.tgz: Some MuPAD demo files mudocbas.tgz: Basic parts of the Manual: Helpfiles, fonts, examples, manpages Disk MU2: mubin.tgz: The binary files for MuPAD 1.2.2. The binaries are linked with and the X11R6 libraries. If you have an old installation (X11R5/libc <= 4.5.*) please get bin.linux.X11R5.tar.gz from our ftp site and install those binaries. !!! This is the last release for X11R5 !!! muhtml.tgz: There are some additional documentations and informations written in the HTML format. Use your favourate web brouser to read these. Disk MU3: The disk MU3 is available in two versions: MU3BIG and MU3SMALL Both contain the whole on-line documentation of MuPAD. Please consider the manual as a draft version. MU3BIG is formatted for large screens. MU3SMALL is formatted for smaller screens and notebooks. You may first try out MU3BIG. If it is unuseable for you, you can install MU3SMALL afterwards. They both contain the package mudoc.tgz: english online Manual and Tutorial Disk MU4: mugifman.tgz: Pictures, used by the Manual of MuPAD 1.2.2 mugiftut.tgz: Pictures, used by the Tutorial of MuPAD 1.2.2