(N)compress 4.2.4 (an improved version of compress 4.1) Binaries for Linux prepared by faith@cs.unc.edu, Tue Dec 22 16:07:14 1992 Compiled with gcc 2.2.2d7 (-O6) Linked with jump-4.1 libraries (-s), but tested with jump-4.2 libraries To install from Linux binary distribution: 1) Get binary distribution (ncmp424A.taz) from ftp.cs.unc.edu:/pub/faith/linux/utils or from tsx-11.mit.edu:/pub/linux/binaries/FSF 2) cd / 3) gtar zpxvf ncmp424A.taz Alternatively, the SLS sysinstall program can be used. To uninstall this binary distribution, do the following: cd /usr/src/ncompress-4.2.4 ./ncmp424A.Unins To install from source: 1) Get source from: nuri.inria.fr:/system/arch-compr/ncompress-4.2.4.tar.Z or from: ftp.cs.unc.edu:/pub/faith/linux/utils 2) Untar ncompress-4.2.4.tar.Z in /usr/src 3) cd ncompress-4.2.4 4) Edit build and delete the line which says: extern int exit(); 5) sh build Change the following: 1) Directory to install: /usr/bin 2) C compiler: gcc 3) Compiler Options: -O6 -s 6) Execute the "compile" option 7) Execute the "install" option 8) Execute the "quit" option