CONTENTS: shadow tar tcsh shadow: Shadow password suite (shadow-19990307) shadow: shadow: This set of login related programs utilizes an alternate, non-readable shadow: file to contain the actual encrypted passwords. This is presumed to shadow: increase system security by increasing the difficulty with which shadow: system crackers obtain encrypted passwords. It was written by shadow: Julianne Frances Haugh and the Linux port is maintained by Marek shadow: Michalkiewicz. shadow: shadow: shadow: tar: GNU tar 1.12 tar: tar: Tape ARchiver - adds and extracts files and directories to/from tape tar: or archive files. This version of tar also supports archive tar: compression using GNU zip or bzip2. tar: tar: tar: tar: tar: tar: tcsh: tcsh 6.07 tcsh: tcsh: tcsh is an enhanced but completely compatible version of the Berkeley tcsh: UNIX C shell, csh(1). It is a command language interpreter usable both tcsh: as an interactive login shell and a shell script command processor. It tcsh: includes a command-line editor, programmable word completion, spelling tcsh: correction, a history mechanism, job control, and a C-like syntax. tcsh: tcsh: tcsh: tcsh: